Sunday, February 8, 2009

Scientologia, un religion capitalistic

(Languages of this post: Interlingua, English)

Quando L. Ron Hubbard, le autor de fantascientia, scribeva "Le dianetica," e fundava le scientologia in 1954 (mille nove centos cinquanta e quatro), ille diceva publicamente que in le Statos Unite le maniera perfecte de ganiar multissime moneta esseva establir un nove religion.

Nunc il ha un gruppo de protestantes qui lucta contra le "religion" de Hubbard. Cognoscite collectivemente per le adjectivo anglese "anonymous", illes ha usate le Rete in lor lucta, e illes nunc orgnisa (sta a organisar) demonstrationes contra iste organisation. Un de lor slogans es "Le religion es libere. Le scientologia non lo es."

In le Statos Unite, il non es necesse que nostre religiones paga impostos al governamento federal. E post un lucta legal que durava annos, le scientologos poteva convincer nostre governamento federal que lor organisation esseva un ver religion.

Imagina que vos voleva converter vos al catholicismo e que vos debeva pagar milles de dollars ante que vos poteva apprender le historia del crucifixion proque vos non habeva attingite le Tertie Nivello Theologic, un processo de studiar multe cursos que costa milles de dollars individualmente.

Isto es, in essentia, lo que le scientologos face pro inseniar que Xenu--un guerrero galactic qui ante 75.000.000 (septanta e cinque milliones de) annos regnava sur 76 (septanta e sex) planetas surpopulate--portava trilliones del habitantes de iste planetas al terra (que tunc portava le nomine Teegeeack) in naves spatial simile in lor forma a nostre grande aviones de passageros.

Ille tunc les vaporisava con bombas thermonuclear e reimpleva le vulcanos del terra con lor animas, cognoscite al scientologos como thetans, le quales Xenu trappava electronicamente de maniera que ille poteva plenar los con multe tipos de ideas false.

Iste thetans corrumpite (attacca)/(sta a attaccar)/(face attaccos sur) humanos contemporanee, e lor influentia maligne nos duce al addiction a drogas, al depression, e a altere maladias psychologic e social que solmente classes per le scientologos pote curar in interviews conductite con un galvanometro (le e-meter) que mesura le resistentia al electricitate del superficie del pelle pro deteger responsas false durante le interviews.

Iste historia explica proque le actor Tom Cruise, un scientologo prominente, denuncia therapias psychiatric e le uso de drogas psychotropic, le quales offere un certe competition al tractamento de problemas psychologic basate sur le mythologia del scientologos.

Il ha multe suspiciones contra le scientologia in Europa, specialmente in Germania, a causa de su secretessa, su attaccos legal contra su criticas, e specialmente a causa de su hypocrisia de presentar se como un religion in un societate que es preparate a premiar le avaritia de su corporationes ma que es minus preparate a tolerar lo in su organisationes religiose.


Scientology, the perfect capitalistic "religion"

When L. Ron Hubbard, the science-fiction author, wrote "Dianetics" and founded scientology in 1954 (nineteen fifty-four), he said publicly that in the United States the perfect way of making a lot of money was to establish a new religion.

Now there is a group of protesters that are fighting against Hubbard's "religion." Known collectively by the English adjective "anonymous," they have used the internet in their fight, and they are now organizing demonstrations against this organization. One of their slogans is "Religion is free. Scientology is not."

In the United States, it is not necessary for our religions to pay taxes to the federal government. And after a legal fight that lasted for years, the scientologists were able to convince our federal government that their organization was a true religion.

Imagine that you wanted to convert to Catholicism and that you had to pay thousands of dollars before you could learn about the history of the crucifixion because you had not reached the Third Theological Level, a process of studying many courses that cost thousands of dollars each.

This is in essence what the scientologists are doing to teach that Xenu--a galactic warrier who 75,000,000 (seventy-five million) years ago ruled over seventy-six overpopulated planets--transported to earth (then known as Teegeeack) trillions of aliens living on these planets by using space ships similar in their shape to modern passenger airliners.

He then vaporized them with hydrogen bombs and filled the volcanos of the earth with their souls, known to scientologists as thetans, which Xenu trapped electronically so (that) he could fill them up with all kinds of false ideas.

These corrupted thetans are attacking people today, and their malign influence leads us to drug addiction, depression, and other psychological and social illnesses that only classes by scientologists can cure in interviews conducted with a galvanometer (the e-meter) that measures resistance to electricity by the surface of the skin to detect mendacious responses during the interviews.

This story explains why the actor Tom Cruise, a prominent scientologist, denounces psychiatric therapies and the use of psychotropic drugs, which offer a certain competition to the treatment of psychological problems based on the mythology of the scientologists.

There is a lot of suspicion against scientology in Europe, especially in Germany, because of its secrecy, its legal attacks against its critics, and especially because of its hypocrisy in presenting itself as a religion in a society that is prepared to reward the greediness of its corporations but which it is much less prepared to tolerate in its religious organizations.

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