Monday, October 12, 2009

Le cerebro human esseva designate pro solmente un singule lingua.

(Languages of this post: Interlingua, English)

Canada: Omnes qui in van lucta pro apprender un secunde o tertie lingua pote nunc relaxar. Un nove studio monstra que le cerebro non esseva construite pro accommodar facilemente un o duo linguas estranier.

Homines qui quotidianmente parla duo linguas effortia plus le cerebro quando illes parla le secunde o tertie lingua. Brenda Milner apud le universitate McGill in Montreal ha studiate le activitate del cerebro apud un gruppo de canadianos qui ha anglese como lingua materne ma qui ha apprendite a parlar fluentemente le francese ante que illes habeva septe annos. Le homines studiate esseva exhortate a parlar alternativemente anglese e francese durante que le activitate de lor cerebros esseva observate con scandente PET.

Quando le participantes parlava lor secunde lingua, francese, occurreva activitate intense in certe partes del gangliones basal, que non esseva activate quando illes parlava lor lingua materne, anglese.

Le gangliones basal, que es locate sub le anterior parte del cerebro, es normalmente non activate in le processo de parlar un lingua native, ma pro parlar un secunde lingua le cerebro debe demandar assistentia ab un centro que alteremente non es involvite in le processo de parlar.

(Publicate in “Panorama”, novembre-decembre, 1996 e republicate in “Interlingua in interlingua”)


The human brain was designed for only a single language.

Canada: All those who struggle in vain to learn a second or third language can now relax. A new study shows that the brain was not built to accommodate one or two foreign languages.

People who speak two languages on a daily basis make their brains work harder when they speak the second or third language. Brenda Milner of McGill University in Montreal has studied the brain activity of a group of Canadians who are native speakers of English but who learned to speak French fluently before they were seven years old. The men studied were told to speak English and French in succession while their brains were studied by PET scans.

When the participants spoke their second language, French, intense activity occurred in certain parts of their basal ganglia, which were not activated when they spoke their native language, English.

The basal ganglia, which are located below the front part of the brain, are normally not activated in the process of speaking a native language, but to speak a second language the brain has to ask for assistance from a center that otherwise is not used in the process of speaking.

(Published in “Panorama”, November-December, 1996, and republished in “Interlingua in interlingua”)

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