Monday, October 19, 2009

Pyramide recoperite per ancian briccas

(Languages of this post: Interlingua, English)

Egypto: Le pyramide le plus parve sur le plateau de Giza, extra Cairo, debe esser re-inveloppate per briccas de rubie granite, como illo esseva in le antiquitate.

Le plano pro recoperir le pyrimide comprehende 2.000 briccas e es expectate durar dece annos. Le briccas ha essite trovate in tote le plateau. Certes de illos pesa usque a 1,5 tonnas.

Le pyramide que va esser re-inveloppate con iste briccas es illo de Mycerinos, rege inter 2490 e 2427 ante Christo. Illo esseva reaperite in martio post plure annos de restauration e es le plus parve del tres pyramides sur le plateau, ubi anque le Sphinge se situa. Le anno passate archeologos e expertos sur le pyramides comenciava mesurar e registrar le briccas trovate. Le granite esseva originalmente transportate in barcas per le Nilo ab Aswan.

On expecta que le re-copertura del pyramide costara circa cinque milliones de dollars.

(Per Thomas Breinstrup, publicate in “Panorama”, maio-junio 1998 e republicate in “Interlingua in interlingua”)


Egypt: The smallest pyramid on the Giza plateau, outside of Cairo, is to be covered once again by red granite bricks the way it was in antiquity.

The plan to restore the brick cover to the pyramid includes 2,000 bricks and is expected to take ten years. The bricks have been found in the entire plateau. Some of them weigh up to 1.5 tons.

The pyramid to be covered with these bricks is Mycerinos’, who ruled between 2490 and 2427 B.C. It was reopened in March after several years of restoration and is the smallest of the three pyramids on the plateau, where the Sphynx is located. Last year archeologists and experts on the pyramids started to measure and register the bricks they found. The granite was originally transported in barges on the Nile from Aswan.

It is expected that covering the pyramid once again will cost about five million dollars.

(By Thomas Breinstrup, published in “Panorama”, May-June, 1998 and republished in “Interlingua in interlingua”)

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