Friday, December 31, 2010
Es possibile que le structura de nostre cerebro determina nostre credentias politic?
(Languages of this post: Interlingua, Spanish, English)
Scientistas britannic discoperiva que il pare haber un “forte correlation” inter le credentias politic de un persona e su structura cerebral.
Iste investigation identificava duo areas del cerebro cuje grandor, il pare, se trova associate con le ideas e le valores politic del individuo.
Le studio, dirigite in le Instituto de Neuroscientia Cognitive del Universitate de London, analysava le imagines de scannatores de resonantia magnetic de 90 studentes.
Le participantes anque respondeva a un questionario sur lor credentias politic.
Post comparar le resultatos, le scientistas trovava que le studentes qui se describeva como plus liberal e con un ideologia del leve monstrava un plus grande densitate de material gris in un region del cerebro appellate le cingulo anterior.
E le juvenes qui se describeva como conservative e con ideologia del derecto habeva un amigdala (le structura cerebral associate al processamento emotional) plus grande.
Le investigatores non sape, nonobstante, si le structura de nostre cerebro determina nostre credentias politic o si nostre credentias politic se disveloppava primo e plus tarde habeva un certe influentia in le structura de nostre cerebros.
¿Es posible que la estructura de nuestro cerebro determina nuestras creencias políticas?
Científicos británicos descubrieron que parece haber una “fuerte correlación” entre las creencias políticas de una persona y su estructura cerebral.
Esta investigación identificó dos áreas del cerebro cuyo tamaño aparentemente está asociado con las ideas y los valores políticos del individuo.
El estudio, llevado a cabo en el Instituto de Neurociencia Cognitiva de la Universidad de Londres, analizó los escáneres de imágenes de resonancia magnética (IRM) de 90 estudiantes.
Los participantes también respondieron a un cuestionario sobre sus creencias políticas.
Tras comparar los resultados, los científicos encontraron que los estudiantes que se describieron a sí mismos como más liberales y con una ideología de izquierda mostraron una mayor densidad de materia gris en una región del cerebro llamada el cíngulo anterior.
Y los jóvenes que se calificaron como conservadores y con ideología de derecha tenían una amígdala (la estructura cerebral asociada al procesamiento emocional) más grande.
Los investigadores no saben, sin embargo, si la estructura de nuestro cerebro determina nuestras creencias políticas o si nuestras creencias políticas se desarrollaron primero y más tarde influyeron en la estructura de nuestros cerebros.
Is it possible that the structure of our brains determines our political beliefs?
British scientists discovered that there seems to be a “strong correlation” between a person’s political beliefs and his or her brain structure.
This investigation identified two brain areas whose size is apparently associated with the ideas and political values of the individual.
The study, conducted at the Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience at the University of London, analyzed the MRI scans of ninety students.
Participants also answered a questionnaire on their political beliefs.
After comparing the results, the scientists found that students who described themselves as having a more liberal and leftist ideology had a greater density of gray matter in a brain region called the anterior cingulate.
And young people who described themselves as conservative and having a right-wing ideology had an amygdala (the brain structure associated with emotional processing) that was larger.
The researchers do not know, however, whether the structure of our brains determines our political beliefs or whether our political beliefs were developed first and later on influenced the structure of our brains.
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Le population del Statos Unite ha opiniones dividite sur le fundator de Wikileaks.
(Languages of this post: Interlingua, Portuguese, Spanish)
Le fundator del sito Wikileaks, Julian Assange, ha provocate reactiones diverse in le opinion public american.
Le governamento American jam ha accusate Assange de esser irresponsibile de colocar vitas in risco con le publication de presso 250 mille messages secrete inviate per diplomatos del Statos Unite initiate le fin de novembre.
Ma non omnes possede ille opinion. Multes considera que Assange es un specie de heroe, disponite a currer riscos pro exponer le veritate.
Nunc, in un sondage facite per le magazin “Time” con su lectores, Assange appare como le plus votate pro le titulo “Personalitate del Anno”, concedite annualmente per le magazin.
Secundo un sondage facite per le rete de television ABC News e le “Washington Post”, nonobstante, plus que duo tertios del americanos affirma que Wikileaks prejudicava le interesse public al publicar documentos secrete del governamento.
Secundo le sondage, sex in cata dece americanos crede que Assange deberea confrontar accusationes criminal pro haber publicate le documentos.
A população dos Estados Unidos tem opiniões divididas sobre o fundador do Wikileaks.
O fundador do site Wikileaks, Julian Assange, tem provocado reações diversas na opinião pública americana.
O governo americano já acusou Assange de ser irresponsável e colocar vidas em risco com a divulgação de cerca de 250 mil mensagens secretas enviadas por diplomatas dos Estados Unidos, iniciada no fim de novembro.
Mas nem todos compartilham dessa opinião. Muitos consideram Assange uma espécie de herói, disposto a correr riscos para expor a verdade.
Agora, em uma enquete feita pela revista “Time” com seus leitores, Assange aparece como o mais votado para o título de “Personalidade do Ano”, concedido anualmente pela revista.
De acordo com uma pesquisa encomendada pela rede de elevisão ABC News e do “Washington Post”, no entanto, mais de dois terços dos americanos afirmam que o Wikileaks prejudicou o interesse público ao divulgar documentos secretos do governo.
De acordo com a pesquisa, seis em cada dez americanos acham que Assange deveria enfrentar acusações criminais por ter publicado os documentos.
The population of the United States has divided opinions about the founder of Wikileaks.
The founder of the website Wikileaks, Julian Assange, has provoked mixed reactions in American public opinion.
The U.S. government has accused Assange of being irresponsible and putting lives at risk by disclosing some 250,000 secret messages sent by diplomats from the United States, starting in late November.
But not everyone shares that view. Many consider Assange a hero, willing to take risks to expose the truth.
Now, in a poll done by Time magazine with its readers, Assange emerged as the one most worthy of selection as “Person of the Year”, awarded annually by the magazine.
According to a survey commissioned by television network ABC News and the “Washington Post,” however, more than two-thirds of Americans say that Wikileaks harmed the public interest by disclosing secret government documents.
According to the poll, six in ten Americans think Assange should face criminal charges for having published the documents.
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Lula critica Obama e su politica pro le America latin.
(Languages of this post: Interlingua, Portuguese, English)
Le presidente del Brasil, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, criticava, durante un conferentia de pressa, le position del Statos Unite verso le America latin e diceva que le leader American, Barack Obama, non ha monstrate ulle capacitate pro haber relationes constructive con le region.
“Il me pare que le americanos senti que illes pote dominar le America latin proque il sempre ha habite relationes imperialiste inter le Statos Unite e le paises povre”, dice Lula durante un conferentia de pressa in le Palatio Presidential. “Ille relation debe cambiar se. Io ha dicite a Obama que le nationes del America del Sud sta a organisar lor relationes economic de un maniera extrememente democratic, que es simile al principios de organisation del Union Europee e que le Statos Unite debe comenciar a tractar le nationes del America latin con le respecto que es debite a illes como paises soveran.”
Lula diceva que ille spera que Obama venira al Brasil in 2011, criticante le facto de que le administrationes del Statos Unite quasi nunquam usa lor alte functionarios e diplomatos plus importante pro gerer su relationes con le America latin.
Lula anque diceva que ille non ha ambitiones de esser le presidente del Brasil un altere vice. “In 2014 io vole Dilma pro continuar a esser le presidente del Brasil. Il es juste e legitime que un presidente qui sta a gerer le governamento effectivemente debe continuar a governar.”
Lula critica Obama e sua política para a América Latina
O presidente do Brasil, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, criticou, durante uma conferência de imprensa a posição dos Estados Unidos para a América Latina e disse que o líder americano, Barack Obama, não tem mostrado qualquer capacidade de de ter relações construtivas com a região.
“Parece-me que os americanos sentem que podem dominar a América Latina, porque sempre houve relações imperialistas entre os Estados Unidos e os países pobres”, disse Lula durante uma conferência de imprensa no Palácio Presidencial. “Essa relação tem que mudar. Eu disse a Obama que as nações da América do Sul estão organizando as suas relações econômicas de uma maneira extremamente democrática, que é semelhante aos princípios de organização da União Europeia e que os Estados Unidos devem começar a tratar as nações da América Latina com o respeito que lhes é devido como países soberanos.”
Lula disse esperar que Obama venha ao Brasil em 2011, criticando o fato de que as administrações dos Estados Unidos quase nunca usam seus altos funcionários e diplomatas mais importantes para gerir as suas relações com a América Latina.
Lula também disse que não tem ambições de ser presidente do Brasil mais uma vez. “Em 2014 eu quero Dilma para continuar a ser presidente do Brasil. É justo e legítimo que um presidente que está gerenciando o governo efetivamente deve continuar governando.”
Lula criticizes Obama and his policy for Latin America.
Brazil’s President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva criticized during a press conference the position of the United States toward Latin America and said the American leader, Barack Obama, has not shown any capacity to have constructive relations with the region.
“It seems to me that Americans feel they can dominate Latin America because there have always been imperialistic relationships between the United States and poor countries”, Lula said during a press conference at the Presidential Palace. “This relationship has to change. I told Obama that the nations of South America are organizing their economic relationships in a supremely democratic way that is similar to the principles of organization of the European Union and that the United States must start treating the nations of Latin America with the respect that is due them as sovereign countries.”
Lula said he hoped Obama would come to Brazil in 2011, criticizing the fact that administrations of the United States almost never use their senior officials and most important diplomats to manage their relations with Latin America.
Lula also said that he had no ambitions to be the president of Brazil once again. “In 2014 I want Dilma to continue to be the president of Brazil. It is just and legitimate that a president who is managing the government effectively should continue governing.”
Lula evalua e summarisa omne su complimentos in le presidentia brasilian in un discurso de television pro le populo de su pais.
(Languages of this post: Interlingua, Portuguese, English)
In su ultime discurso al populo brasilian como presidente del republica, Lula diceva que durante su duo mandatos, su governamento creava 15 milliones de empleos, augmentava le salario minime per 67%, augmentava le offerta de credito a 48% del Producto Interne Brute (PIB), e elevava le reservas national a un total de quasi US$300 billiones, dece vices plus que quando ele deveniva le presidente del pais. Ille anque produceva “le major advantiamento social in le historia del pais”.
Le presidente diceva que ille esseva confidente que le nove governamento de Dilma Rousseff, que se instalara in Brasilia le prime die de januario, va a continuar a facer le progressos realisate durante su propria administration.
“Mi felicitate le plus grande es saper que nos va a ampliar omne iste conquestas. Mi fide se basa in tres fundamentos: le richessas del Brasil, le fortia de su populo, e le competentia del presidente Dilma. Illa cognosce como nemo lo que esseva facite e como expander le disveloppamento economic, social, e cultural del pais.”
Lula terminava le pronunciamento evitante revelar lo que ille facera post su presidentia.
“Non me demanda sur mi futuro, proque vos jam me ha date un grande dono. Demanda me alternativemente sur le futuro del Brasil, e crede in illo”, diceva ille. “Mi felicitate se trovara sempre attaccate al felicitate de mi populo!”
Personalmente, io crede que le historicos eventualmente concludera que Lula ha essite un del presidentes le plus importante in le historia del Brasil. Ille ha demonstrate que le expression “ordine e progresso”, que appare in le vexillo brasilian, non es parolas vacue, ma un description exacte de lo que ille ha complite durante su administration. Lula eventualmente deveniva un statista de un importantia international, e io spera que eventualmente ille devenira le secretario general del Nationes Unite!
Lula avalia e resume suas realizações na presidência do Brasil em um discurso televisionado final para o povo de seu país.
Em seu último discurso ao povo brasileiro como presidente da república, Lula disse que durante seus dois mandatos, seu governo criou 15 milhões de empregos, aumentou o salário mínimo em 67%, aumentou a oferta de crédito para 48% do Produto Interno Bruto (PIB), e elevou as reservas nacionais a um total de quase US$300 bilhões, dez vezes mais do que quando ele assumiu o cargo. Ele também acrescentou que seu governo também produziu “o maior avanço social na históia do país”.
O presidente disse estar confiante que o novo governo de Dilma Rousseff, que irá se instalar em Brasília, no dia primeiro de janeiro, vai continuar a fazer os progressos realizados durante sua própria administração.
“A minha maior felicidade é saber que vamos ampliar todas estas conquistas. Minha fé se alicerça em três fundamentos: as riquezas do Brasil, a força do seu povo e a competência da presidenta Dilma. Ela conhece, como ninguém, o que foi feito e como expandir o desenvolvimento econômico, social e cultural do país.
Lula encerrou o pronunciamento evitando revelar o que fará após a sua presidência.
“Não me perguntem sobre o meu futuro, porque vocês já me deram um grande presente. Perguntem, sim, pelo futuro do Brasil e acreditem nele”, disse ele. “Minha felicidade estará sempre ligada à felicidade do meu povo!”
Pessoalmente acredito que os historiadores irão eventualmente concluir que Lula tem sido um dos presidentes mais importantes na história do Brasil. Ele mostrou que a expressão “ordem e progresso”, que aparecem na bandeira brasileira, não é composta de palavras vazias, mas uma descrição exata do que ele realizou durante sua administração. Lula conseguiu tornar-se um estadista de porte internacional, e espero que finalmente ele vá se tornar o secretário-geral das Nações Unidas!
Lula evaluates and summarizes his accomplishments in the Brazilian presidency in a final television address to the people of his country.
In his last address to the Brazilian people as president of the republic, Lula said that during his two terms, his administration created 15 million jobs, raised the minimum wage by 67%, increased the supply of credit to 48% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP), and raised national reserves up to a total of almost $300 billion, ten times more than when he took office. He also added that his administration has also produced “the biggest social advance in the history of the country.”
The president said he was confident that Dilma Rousseff’s new government, which will take over the country in Brasília, on January 1, will give continuity to the progress made during his own administration.
“My greatest joy is knowing that we will continue to expand these achievements. My faith is grounded on three pillars: the riches of Brazil, the strength of its people and the powers of president Dilma. She knows, like nobody else, what has been done and and how to expand upon the overall economic, social, and cultural development of the country.
Lula ended the statement without revealing what he will do after his presidency.
“Do not ask me about my future, because you already gave me a great gift. Ask instead about Brazil’s future and believe in it,” he said. “My happiness will always always be linked to the happiness of my people!”
Personally I believe that historians will eventually conconclude that Lula was one of the most important presidents of in the history Brazil. He has shown that the expression “order and progress,” which appears on the Brazilian flag, are not empty words but an accurate description of what he has accomplished during his administration. Lula succeeded in becoming a statesman of international stature, and I hope that eventually he will become the secretary general of the United Nations!
Monday, December 27, 2010
Io ha retornate a mi apartamento.
(Languages of this post: Interlingua, English)
Io ha retornate a mi apartamento post mi intervention chirurgic cardiac.
I have returned to my apartment after my heart operation.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Mi hospitalisation
(Languages of this post: Interlingua, English)
Plus tarde hodie io vadera al hospital pro un tertie intervention chirurgic cardiac, e durante el periodo de mi hospitalisation, naturalmente, io non potera continuar a publicar iste blog. Si vos vole informar vos sur mi condition medic, vos pote scriber a (Harleigh Kyson Jr.)
Later on today I will be going to the hospital for a third heart operation, and during the period of my hospitalization, naturally, I will not be able to continue publishing this blog. If you want to inform yourselves about my medical condition, you can write (Harleigh Kyson Jr.)
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Le discoperta de un nove charactistica de anticorpores poterea eventualmente producer un cura pro le rheuma commun.
(Languages of this post: Interlingua, Portuguese, English)
Scientistas Britannic dice que un cambio fundamental in le comprehension de como le corpore combatte infectiones viral pote adjuvar in le combatto de maladias causate per viruses--inter illos le rheuma commun.
Usque nunc, specialistas pensava que le anticorpores producite per le organismo combatteva infectiones viral blocante o attacante le viruses foras del cellulas. Nonobstante, recercatores del Consilio de Recercas Medic (MRC, in su acronymo anglese), in Grande Britannia, concludeva que le anticorpores pote penetrar le cellulas e luctar contra le viruses un vice que illos se trova in le interior de illos.
Secundo un articulo publicate in le magazine “Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences”, le discoperta potera eventualmente resultar in le creation de nove drogas antiviral.
Scientistas del Laboratorio de Biologia Molecular del MRC, in Cambrige, Anglaterra, accentuava que experimentos essera necesse ante le disveloppamento de nove therapias.
“Le viruses es le grande occiditores del humanitate in omne le mundo; illos occide due vices plus personas per anno que le cancer”, diceva le chef del equipa, Leo James.
Ille explicava que quando un patiente suffrente de un infection viral, como un rheuma, va a un medico, il non ha multo que le medico pote facer. Antibioticos es efficace in le combatto de bacterios--non viruses.
“Ille dicoperta nos da un strategia completemente nove pro le creation de nove tipos de antivirales contra un grande gruppo de viruses, como le rheuma commun e illo del gastroenterite”, diceva James. “Ma naturalmente nos es solmente in le phase initial de nostre recercas, e nos non habera un cura deman.”
Ben que le rheuma commun non ha un cura hodie, su symptomas generalmente disappare spontaneemente intra dece dies.
Il jam ha alicun drogas antiviral disponibile pro adjuvar le tractamento de certe maladias. Inter illos se trova medicamentos usate per portatores del virus HIV.
Ma le revelationes facite per le equipa del MRC ha transformate le pensamento scientific anterior con respecto al immunitate del homine contra maladias provocate per viruses.
Le studio monstrava que le anticorpores pote entrar in le cellulas, e, un vice in lor interior, illos pote provocar un responsa con le adjuta de un proteina con le nomine TRIM21.
Ille proteina pulsa le virus a in un systema de excretion usate per le cellula pro liberar se de materiales non-desirate.
Le recercatores verificava que ille processo occurreva rapidemente, normalmente ante que le majoritate del viruses ha le opportunitate de damnificar le cellula.
Illes anque discoperiva que augmentar le quantitate de proteina TRIM21 in le cellulas augmenta le efficacia del processo, lo que indica un linea de investigation utile pro le creation de melior medicamentos antiviral.
Secundo le vice-director del Laboratorio de Biologia Molecular del MRC, Greg Winter, iste investigation non representa un avantiamento solmente in nostre comprehension de como e ubi le anticorpores actua, ma anque le comprehension general del immunitate e del infectiones.
A descoberta de uma nova característica de anticorpos poderia eventualmente produzir uma cura para o resfriado comum.
Cientistas britânicos dizem que uma mudança fundamental no entendimento de como o corpo combate infecções virais pode auxiliar o combate a doenças causadas por virus--entre elas, o resfriado comum.
Até hoje, especialistas pensavam que os anticorpos produzidos pelo organismo combatiam infecções virais bloqueando ou atacando os vírus fora das células. No entanto, pesquisadores do Conselho de Pesquisa Médica (MRC, na sigla em inglês), na Grã-Bretanha, concluíram que os anticorpos podem penetrar nas células e lutar contra os vírus uma vez lá dentro.
Segundo um artigo publicado na revista “Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences”, a descoberta poderá eventualmente resultar na criação de novas drogas antivirais.
Os cientistas do Laboratório de Biologia Molecular do MRC, em Cambridge, Inglaterra, enfatizaram que anos de experiências serão necessários antes do desenvolvimento de novas terapias.
“Os vírus são os grandes matadores da humanidade em todo o mundo, matam duas vezes mais pessoas por ano do que o cancer”, disse o chefe da equipe, Leo James.
Ele explicou que quando um paciente sofrendo de uma infecção viral, como um resfriado, vai a um médico, não há muito o que o médico possa fazer. Antibióticos só são efetivos no combate a bactérias--não vírus.
“Essa descoberta nos dá uma estratégia completamente nova para a criação de novos tipos de antivirais contra un grande grupo de vírus, como o do resfriado comum e o da gastroenterite”, disse James. “Mas estamos apenas na fase inicial de nossas pesquisas, e não vamos ter uma cura amanhã.”
Embora o resfriado comum não tenha cura hoje, seus sintomas costumam desaparecer espontaneamente em até dez dias.
Já há algumas drogas antivirais disponíveis para auxiliar o tratamento de certas doenças. Entre elas estão os medicamentos usados por portadores do vírus HIV.
Mas as revelações feitas pela equipe do MRC transformam o pensamento científico anterior a respeito da imunidade do homem contra doenças provocadas por vírus.
O estudo mostrou que os anticorpos podem entrar nas células e, uma vez lá dentro, provocar uma resposta, auxiliada por uma proteína chamada TRIM21.
Essa proteína empurra o vírus para dentro de um sistema de excreção usado pela célula para se livrar de materiais indesejados.
Os pesquisadores verificaram que esse processo acontece rapidamente, normalmente antes de que a maioria dos vírus tenha oportunidade de prejudicar a célula.
Eles também descobriram que aumentar a quantidade de proteína TRIM21 nas células aumenta a eficácia do processo, o que indica claramente uma linha de investigação útil para a criação de melhores medicamentos antivirais.
Secundo o vice-diretor do Laboratório de Biologia Molecular do MRC, Greg Winter, essa pesquisa não representa um avanço apenas na nossa compreensão de como e onde os anticorpos atuam, mas também no entendimento geral da imunidade e das infecções.
The discovery of a new characteristic of antibodies could eventually produce a cure for the common cold.
British scientists say that a fundamental shift in understanding how the body fights viral infections could help combat the diseases caused by viruses--among them the common cold.
Up to now, experts thought that the antibodies produced by the body fight viral infections by blocking or attacking the virus outside of cells. However, researchers from the Medical Research Council (MRC) in Britain found that antibodies can penetrate cells and fight the virus once inside.
According to an article published in the journal “Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences,” the discovery could eventually result in the creation of new antiviral drugs.
Scientists at the MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology in Cambridge, England, emphasized that years of new experiments will be necessary before the development of new therapies.
“Viruses are the major killers of humanity throughout the world. They kill twice as many people each year AS cancer,” said the team leader, Leo James.
He explained that when a patient suffering from a viral infection such as a cold goes to a doctor, there’s not much that doctors can do. Antibiotics are only effective in fighting bacteria--not viruses.
“This discovery gives us a completely new strategy for creating new types of antiviral drugs against a large group of viruses like the common cold and gastroenteritis,” said James. “But we are only at the initial phase of our research, and we will not have a cure tomorrow.”
Although the common cold has no cure today, its symptoms usually disappear spontaneously within ten days.
Already there are some antiviral drugs available to assist in the treatment of certain diseases. Among them are drugs used by HIV carriers.
But the revelations made by the MRC team have transformed scientific thinking about people’s immunity against diseases caused by viruses.
The study showed that antibodies can enter cells and, once inside, provoke a response, aided by a protein called TRIM21.
This protein pushes the virus into an excretion system used by the cell to get rid of unwanted materials.
The researchers found that this process happens quickly, usually before most viruses have a chance to damage the cell.
They also found that increasing the amount of TRIM21 protein in the cells increases the effectiveness of the process--which clearly indicates a useful line of research for the creation of better antiviral drugs.
According to the deputy director of MRC’s Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Greg Winter, this research represents not only an advance in our understanding of how and where antibodies act, but also in the general understanding of immunity and infections.
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Un judice de Espania applica un mulcta a un professor universitari qui diceva que le parapsychologos es charlatanes.
(Languages of this post: Interlingua, Portuguese, English)
Le Tribunal de Justitia de Albacete, in Espania, condemnava pro defamation Fernando Cuartero, del Universitate de Castilia La Mancha, qui diceva que le participantes in un seminario de mediums, videntes, e parapsychologos esseva charlatanes.
Quartero essayava a impedir le seminario, dicente que su participantes esseva “fraudatores vulgar”, e postea ille esseva processate per le personas qui organisava le evento.
Secundo le judice del caso, Otília Martínez Palácios, le critica de Cuartero habeva un characteristica de injuria e defamation.
“Dicer que le parapsychologia es un pseudoscientia es un critica social acceptate, ma illo non vole dicer que le parapsychologos es vulgar fraudatores”, diceva illa al annunciar le sententia.
“Iste expressiones non es necesse pro criticar un seminario”, addeva le judice, qui condemnava le professor a pagar un mulcta de 104 euros, con le costos del processo, e a facer un retraction public.
Le organisator del seminario qui portava le professor al tribunal, Rafael Campillo, diceva que le decision judicial es un victoria pro omnes qui defende le libertate religiose.
Io esseva surprendite con iste decision judicial. In le Statos Unite, le prime emendamento de nostre Constitution protege iste tipo de libertate de expression. Le personas religiose es libere a insultar le atheos de ulle maniera que illes vole. E le atheos es libere a retornar lor insultos. Io mesme pote dicer “Que se futue le religion”, pro exemplo, sin timor de ulle consequentia juridic!
Um juiz de Espanha aplica uma multa a um professor universitário que disse que os parapsicólogos são charlatães.
O Tribunal de Justiça de Albacete, na Espanha, condenou por difamação Fernando Cuartero, da Universidade de Castilla La Mancha, que disse que os participantes em um seminário de médiuns, videntes e parapsicólogos eram charlatães.
Cuartero tentou impedir o seminário, dizente que seus participantes eram “enganadores vulgares”, e então ele foi processado pelas pessoas que organizaram o evento.
Segundo a juíza do caso, Otília Martínez Palácios, a crítica de Cuartero teve caráter de injúria e difamação.
“Dizer que a parapsicologia é uma pseudociência é uma crítica social aceita, mas isso não quer dizer que os parapsicólogos sejam vulgares enganadores”, disse ela ao anunciar a sentença.
“Estas expressões são desnecessárias para criticar um seminário”, completou a juíza, que condenou o catedrático a pagar uma multa de 204 euros (R$ 483), com os custos do processo, e a fazer uma retratação pública.
O organizador do seminário que levou o catedrático aos tribunais, Rafael Campillo, disse que a decisão judicial é uma vitória de todos os que defendem a liberdade religiosa.
Fiquei surpreso com esta decisão judicial. Nos Estados Unidos, a Primeira Emenda da nossa Constituição protege esse tipo de liberdade de expressão. As pessoas religiosas são livres para insultar os ateus de qualquer forma que eles queram. E os ateus estão livres para retornar seus insultos. Eu mesmo posso dizer “Foda-se a religião”, por exemplo, sem receio de qualquer consequência jurídica!
A judge in Spain levies a fine on a college professor who said that parapsychologists are charlatans.
The Court of Justice in Albacete, Spain, found that Fernando Cuartero, of the University of Castilla La Mancha, who said that participants in a seminar of mediums, psychics, parapsychologists were charlatans, was guilty of slander.
Cuartero tried to keep the seminar from being held, saying that its participants were “vulgar swindlers,” and he was then sued by the people who organized the event.
According to the judge of the case, Otilia Martínez Palacios, Cuartero’s criticism had characteristics of slander and defamation.
“Calling of parapsychology a pseudoscience is an accepted social criticism, but that does not mean that parapsychologists are vulgar swindlers,” she said in announcing the sentence.
“These expressions are unnecessary for criticizing a seminar,” added the judge, who sentenced the professor to pay a fine of 204 euros ($286), along with court costs, and to make a public retraction.
The seminar organizer who took the professor to court, Rafael Campillo, said the ruling is a victory for all those who defend religious liberty.
I was surprised by this judicial decision. In the United States, the first amendment of our constituion protects this kind of freedom of expression. Religious people are free to insult atheists in any way they want. And atheists are free to return their insults. I myself can say “Fuck religion,” for example, without fear of any legal consequences!
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Superbacterios resistente a omne le antibioticos pote causar un epidemia global.
(Languages of this post: Interlingua, Portuguese, English)
Un nove tipo de bacterios resistente al antibioticos le plus potente pote producer un epidemia mundial, secundo un studio publicate in le magazine “Lancet”.
Iste bacterios contine un gene con le nomine NDM-1, que los face resistente a antibioticos, includente illos con le nomine carbapenemas. Illo es preoccupante proque le carbopenemas es generalmente usate pro combatter infectiones grave, causate per altere bacterios que es resistente a omne le altere antibioticos.
Le scientistas crede que ille gene, trovate hodie principalmente in le bacterio E. coli (que causa infectiones urinari), pote esser rapidemente reproducite in altere bacterios.
Si illo occure, alicun infectiones periculose poterea diffunder se trans omne le mundo, con pauc possibilitates de tractamento.
Scientistas in Grande Britannia crede que ille “superbacterios”, que ha infectate solmente 50 personas in le pais usque nunc, arrivava al Regno Unite a causa de personas qui habeva viagiate a India e Pakistan.
Iste bacterios pote propagar se trans omne le mundo e causar infectiones generalisate que non pote esser tractate con ulle drogas o antibioticos nunc disponibile.
Le studio esseva facite per scientistas del universitate de Cardiff, in Galles, e del Agentia de Protection al Sanitate in Grande Britannia (HPA in su acronymo in anglese), in collaboration con recercatores international.
Illes analysava casos de NDM-1 usque le anno 2009 in diverse hospitales Britannic. Al minus 17 de 37 patientes habeva viagiate a India o Pakistan in le anno passate.
Le Ministerio de Sanitate Britannic jam ha emittite un advertimento al hospitales del pais de maniera que illos sia attente a casos de infection con ille bacterios.
Usque nunc le plus grande parte del infectiones con microbios con le gene NDM-1 es susceptibile a tractamento. Intertanto, al minus un tipo de infection NDM-1 studiate per scientistas usque nunc es resistente a omne le antibioticos actualmente disponibile.
Infectiones de iste tipo jam esseva registrate in le Statos Unite, in Canada, In Australia, e in Hollanda.
Pro evitar le propagation de NDM-1, le scientistas recommenda le rapide identification e isolation de patientes con iste tipo de infection.
Mensuras normal pro le tractamento de infectiones--como le disinfection de utensilios hospitalar e le practica de bon hygiene per parte de medicos e infirmeras--pote adjuvar a impedir lel dissemination de iste bacterios.
Superbactérias resistentes a todos os antibióticos podem causar uma epidemia global.
Um novo tipo de bactéria resistente aos antibióticos mais poderosos pode produzir uma epidemia mundial, segundo um estudo divulgado na publicação científica “Lancet”.
Essas bactérias contêm um gene chamado NDM-1, que as torna resistentes a antibióticos, entre eles os que são chamados carbapenemas. Isso é preocupante porque os carbapenemas são geralmente usados para combater infecções graves causadas por bactérias que são resistentes a todos os outros antibióticos.
Os cientistas acreditam que esse gene, encontrado hoje principalmente na bactéria E. coli (que causa infecções urinárias), possa ser rapidamente reproduzido em outras bactérias.
Se isso acontecer, algumas infecções perigosas poderiam se espalhar por todo o mundo, com poucas possibilidades de tratamento.
Os cientistas na Grã-Bretanha acreditam que essas “superbactérias”, que infectaram apenas 50 pessoas no país até agora, chegaram ao Reino Unido através de pessoas que tinham viajado para a Índia e Paquistão.
Estas bactérias podem se espalhar por todo o mundo e causar infecções generalizadas, que não podem ser tratadas com drogas ou antibióticos que estão actualmente disponíveis.
A pesquisa foi feita por cientistas da universidade de Cardiff, no País de Gales, e da Agência de Proteção à Saúde da Grã-Bretanha (HPA, na sigla em inglês), em colaboração com pesquisadores internacionais.
Eles analisaram casos do NDM-1 até o ano de 2009 em diversos hospitais britânicos. Pelo menos 17 de 37 pacientes tinham viajado para Índia ou Paquistão no ano passado.
O Ministério da Saúde britânico já emitiu um alerta para que hospitais do país fiquem atentos a casos de infecção com essas bactérias.
Até agora, a maior parte das infecções com micróbios com o gene NDM-1 são passíveis de tratamento. No entanto, pelo menos um tipo de infecção NDM-1 estudado por cientistas até agora é resistente a todos os antibióticos que estão actualmente disponíveis.
Infecções deste tipo já foram registradas nos Estados Unidos, no Canadá, na Austrália e na Holanda.
Para evitar a propagação de NDM-1, os cientistas recomendam a rápida identificação e isolamento de pacientes com este tipo de infecção.
Medidas usuais para o tratamento de infecções--como a desinfecção de equipamentos hospitalares, e a prática da boa higiene por parte de médicos e enfermeiras--podem ajudar a impedir a disseminação destas bactérias.
Superbacteria resistant to all antibiotics may cause a global epidemic.
A new type of antibiotic-resistant bacterium could produce a powerful global epidemic, according to a study published in the journal “Lancet.”
These bacteria contain a gene called NDM-1, which makes them resistant to antibiotics, including the the ones called carbapenems. This is worrisome because the carbapenems are often used to combat severe infections caused by bacteria that are resistant to all other antibiotics.
Scientists believe that this gene, found today primarily in the bacterium E. coli (which causes urinary tract infections), can be quickly replicated in other bacteria.
If this happens, some dangerous infections could spread throughout the world, with few treatment options.
Scientists in Britain believe that these “superbugs,” which have infected only fifty people in the country up to now, entered the United Kingdom through people who had traveled to India and Pakistan.
These bacteria could spread throughout the world and cause widespread infections that cannot be treated with any drugs or antibiotics that are presently available.
The survey was conducted by scientists at Cardiff University, Wales, and the Agency for Health Protection of Great Britain (HPA), in collaboration with international researchers.
They analyzed the cases of NDM-1 by the year 2009 in various British hospitals. At least 17 out of 37 patients had traveled to India or Pakistan last year.
The British Ministry of Health has already issued a warning to hospitals in the country to remain alert to cases of infection with these bacteria.
Up to now, most infections caused by microbes with the NDM-1 gene are susceptible to treatment. However, at least one type of NDM-1 infection studied by scientists up to now is resistant all the antibiotics that are currently available.
Infections of this type have already been recorded in the United States, Canada, Australia and the Netherlands.
To prevent the spread of NDM-1, scientists recommend the quick identification and isolation of patients with this kind of infection.
Normal measures for the treatment of infections--such as disinfecting hospital equipment, and the practice of good hygiene by doctors and nurses--may help limit the spread of these bacteria.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Guru de logiciel qui sta a abandonar Microsoft previde un mundo post-PC.
(Languages of this post: Interlingua, Portuguese, English)
Le vice-presidente de logiciel de Microsoft, qui sta a abandonar le compania, incoragiava Microsoft a abandonar su radices in Windows e Office pro imaginar un mundo “post-PC”, con dispositivos simple de multe tipos differente e con multe functiones differente que ha un cosa in commun: lor ligamines con le World Wide Web.
Cinque annos post que Ray Ozzie establiva su presentia con un memorandum sur logiciel como servicio via Internet, vidite como le manifesto in favor del “computation in nube” e del software como servicio, ille retornava a incoragiar le gigante de logiciel a conciper le futuro como un epocha in le qual le simplicitate essera essential.
Secundo Ozzie, le proxime cinque annos va a presentar un nove puncto de inflexion, un transformation que va a resultar in opportunitates sin precedentes pro le industria informatic. Iste mundo va a haber un grande varietate de apparatos que essera capace de communicar inter se e que va a esser economic e facilemente disponibile pro omnes. Isto representa un cambio in le infrastructura que solmente sta a comenciar a evenir in iste momento.
Illo essera un mundo in le qual le usuarios habera accesso permanente a servicios de logiciel per medio de apparatos que essera in grande mensura concepite como electrodomesticos. Illos va a poter esser utilisate immediatemente e essera intercambiabile e economic, e illes va a communicar directemente inter se sin problemas de conflictos de codification.
“In iste mundo”, diceva Ozzie, “le personas qui es capace de conciper un futuro viabile que es plus brillante que le presente habera le opportunitate de esser le leader de iste industria. In le curso de alicun decadas de innovation, iste tipo de innovation producera omne le tipos de dispositivos que essera in nostre vestimentos, tabulas, e parietes. Vermente, illos se trovara in omne le ambiente in le qual nos vive”.
Guru de software que está deixando Microsoft prevê um mundo pós-PC.
O vice-presidente de softwares da Microsoft, que está deixando a empresa, incentivou Microsoft a abandonar suas raízes no Windows e Office para imaginar um mundo “pós-PC”, com dispositivos simples de muitos tipos diferentes e com muitos propósitos diferentes que têm uma coisa em comum: suas ligações com o World Wide Web.
Cinco anos depois que Ray Ozzie estabeleceu sua presença com um memorando sobre software como serviço via Internet, encarado como o manifesto em favor da “computação em nuvem” e do software como serviço, ele voltou a encorajar a gigante do software a conceber o futuro como um tempo em que a simplicidade será essencial.
Segundo Ozzie, os próximos cinco anos vão trazer um novo ponto de inflexão, uma transformação que vai resultar em oportunidades sem precedentes para o setor de informática. Este mundo vai ter uma grande variedade de aparelhos que serão capazes de se comunicar facilmente entre si e que vão ser baratos e facilmente disponíveis para todos. Isto representa uma mudança na infra-estrutura que está apenas começando a acontecer neste momento.
Será um mundo no qual os usuários terão acesso permanente a serviços de software por meio de aparelhos que serão em grande medida concebidos como eletrodomésticos. Eles vão poder ser utilizados imediatamente e serão intercambiáveis e baratos, e eles vão se comunicar diretamente entre si sem problemas de conflitos de codificação.
“Neste mundo”, disse Ozzie, “quem for capaz de divisar um futuro viável que é mais brilhante do que o presente terá a oportunidade de ser o líder desta indústria . No decurso de algumas décadas, este tipo de inovação irá produzir todos os tipos de dispositivos que estarão em nossas roupas e em nossas mesas e paredes, Na verdade, eles estarão em todo o ambiente em que vivemos”.
Software guru who is leaving Microsoft foresees a post-PC world.
Microsoft’s vice president of software, who is leaving the company, encouraged Microsoft to abandon its roots in Windows and Office to imagine a “post-PC” world with simple devices of many different kinds and with many different purposes that have one thing in common: their connections with the World Wide Web.
Five years after Ray Ozzie has established his presence with a memorandum on software as a service via the Internet, seen as a manifesto in favor of “cloud computing” and software as a service, he returned to encourage the software giant to think of the future as a time when simplicity will be essential.
According to Ozzie, the next five years will bring a new tipping point, a transformation that will result in unprecedented opportunities for the computer industry. This world will have a large variety of appliances that will be able to communicate easily with one another and that will be cheap and easily available to everyone. This represents a change in infrastructure that is only beginning to happen at this moment.
It will be a world in which users will have permanent access to software services through devices to be largely designed as appliances. They will be able to be used instantly and will be interchangeable and cheap, and they will communicate directly with one another without problems of coding conflicts.
“In this world,” Ozzie said, “whoever is able to discern a viable future that is brighter than the present will have the opportunity to be the leader of this industry. In the course of a few decades, this kind of innovation will produce all sorts of devices that will be in our clothing and on our tables and walls, Indeed, they will be everywhere in the environment we live in.”
Monday, November 1, 2010
Dilma Rousseff ganiava le election e essera le prime mulier a esser le presidente del Brasil.
(Languages of this post: Interlingua, Portuguese, English)
Dilma Rousseff, le candidata selegite per Lula pro succeder le in le presidentia del Brasil, ganiava un majoritate de 56% in le secunde de duo electiones presidential in ille pais e devenira le presidente del Brasil in januario, 2011.
Formate in economia, Dilma Rousseff va a gerer un pais con un economia stabile in un periodo de forte expansion. Ma le pais totevia se trova affligite con vetule problemas como le inequalitate social, corruption, e un systema de education que es pejor que le systemas de 50% del altere paises emergente.
Le problemas politic del pais anque es grande. Electe con le appoio de dece partitos, Dilma debera accommodar le interesses de un amplie base de appoio de partitos que sovente ha confligente philosophias politic.
Selegite ante circa tres annos per Lula como le melior persona pro succeeder le, Dilma habeva como su principal strategia de campania convincer le electorato a approbar le actual governamento.
Le filia de un patre bulgare e un matre brasilian, Rousseff nasceva in Belo Horizonte in un ambiente de classe medie alte. Su education primari esseva in le Colegio Sion, un institution catholic que esseva le centro de apprentissage del stato.
A dece septe annos de etate, illa matriculava a in le Colégio Estadual Central, considerate un del principal citadellas del militantia del epocha. Le anno esseva 1964, e un pauco postea le Brasil starea a viver in un colpo militar.
Attrahite per le thema e per le clima de activismo politic, Dilma se affiliava con le Commando de Liberation National, un gruppo que defendeva le lucta armate pro combatter le regime militar.
In 1970, Rousseff, a 23 annos de etate, esseva detenite pro subversion e torturate. Tres annos postea illa obeneva su libertate in un tribunal e decideva recomenciar su vita in Porto Alegre.
In april, 2009, Dilma esseva diagnosticate con un cancer lymphatic. Illa confessava publicamente que illa habeva le maladia e parlava sur le effectos de su tractamento.
Ben que Rousseff non ha le charisma de Lula, illa ha un solide formation in le economica e multo ben succedite experientia administrative in le passato. Con iste fundo, il ha un excellente possibilitate que illa essera un presidente efficace pro le Brasil, ben que forsan illa non habera le tipo de presentia dramatic in le corridores de poter international que esseva exhibite per Lula.
Dilma Rousseff ganhou a eleição e será a primeira mulher a ser o presidente do Brasil.
Dilma Rousseff, a candidata escolhida por Lula para sucedê-lo na presidência do Brasil, ganhou uma maioria de 56% na segunda de duas eleições presidenciais nesse país e se tornará o presidente do Brasil em janeiro de 2011.
Formada em economia, Dilma Rousseff vai assumir um país com uma economia estável em um período de forte expansão. Mas o país ainda está aflito com velhos problemas como a desigualdade social, corrupção e um sistema de educação que é pior do que os sistemas de 50% dos outros países emergentes.
Os problemas políticos do país também são grandes. Eleita com o apoio de dez partidos, Dilma terá de acomodar os interesses de uma ampla base de apoio de partidos que têm muitas vezes conflitantes filosofias políticas.
Apontada há cerca de três anos por Lula como a a melhor pessoa para sucedê-lo, Dilma tinha como sua principal estratégia de campanha convencer o eleitorado a aprovar o atual governo.
Filha de pai búlgaro e mãe brasileira, Rousseff nasceu em Belo Horizonte em um ambiente de classe média alta. Sua educação primária foi no Colégio Sion, uma instituição católica que era o centro de aprendizagem da capital do estado.
Aos 17 anos ingressou no Colégio Estadual Central, considerado um dos principais redutos da militância de esquerda na época. O ano era 1964 e logo o Brasil estaria vivendo um golpe militar.
Atraída pelo tema e pelo clima de ativismo político, Dilma passou a integrar o Comando de Libertação Nacional, grupo que defendia a luta armada para combater o regime militar.
Em 1970, Rousseff, então com 23 anos, foi presa por subversão e torturada. Três anos depois conseguiu sua liberdade na Justiça e decidiu recomeçar a vida em Porto Alegre.
Em abril de 2009, Dilma foi diagnosticada com um câncer linfático. Ela admitiu publicamente que tinha a doença e falou sobre os efeitos do seu tratamento.
Embora Dilma não tiver a carisma de Lula, ela tem uma sólida formação em economia e uma grande dose de experiência administrativa bem sucedida no passado. Com este tipo de fundo, ela tem uma excelente chance de ser um presidente eficaz para o Brasil, embora talvez ela não terá o tipo de presença dramática nos corredores do poder internacional que foi exibida por Lula.
Dilma Rousseff won the election and will be the first woman to be president of Brazil.
Dilma Rouseff, the candidate chosen by Lula to succeed him in the presidency of Brazil, won by a majority of 56% in the second of two presidential elections in that country and will become the president of Brazil in January, 2011.
An economics graduate, the new president of Brazil will take over a country with a stable economy in a period of strong expansion. But the country is still afflicted with old problems like social inequality, corruption, and an education system that is worse than the systems in 50% of the other emerging countries.
The political problems of the country are also large. Elected with the support of ten parties, Dilma will have to accommodate the interests of a broad base of support of parties that often have conflicting political philosophies.
Appointed about three years ago by ago by Lula as the best person to succeed him, Dilma had as her main campaign strategy persuading the electorate to approve the current government.
The daughter of Bulgarian father and Brazilian mother, Rousseff was born in Belo Horizonte in an upper-middle-class environment. Her primary education was at Zion College, a Catholic institution that was the center of learning in the state capital.
At age seventeen she matriculated into the Central State College, considered one of the main strongholds of the militant left at that time. The year was 1964, and soon Brazil would be living under the conditions of a military coup.
Attracted by the theme and the mood of political activism, Dilma joined the National Liberation Command, a group that advocated armed struggle to fight the military regime.
In 1970, Rousseff, then aged 23, was arrested for subversion and tortured. Three years later she obtained her freedom in court and decided to resume her life in Porto Alegre.
In April, 2009, Dilma was diagnosed with lymphatic cancer. She publicly acknowledged that she had the disease and spoke about the effects of her treatment.
Though Rousseff does not have Lula's charisma, she has a solid education in economics and a great deal of successful administrative experience in the past. With this kind of background, there is an excellent chance that she will be an effective president for Brazil, though perhaps she will not have the kind of dramatic presence in the international corridors of power that was exhibited by Lula.
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Brasil sin Lula
(Languages of this post: Interlingua, Spanish, English)
Il ha solmente un parve numero de presidentes qui pote dicer que illes ha un ligamine directe a Barack Obama e Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, o qui frue de excellente relationes con le Venezuelan Hugo Chavez e con le francese Nicholas Sarkozy.
Celebrate per le pressa international e recognoscite per le leaders del leve e del derecto, Lula pote asserer que ille ha portate su pais a un presentia in le institutiones international sin precedente.
Durante le presidentia de Lula, le Brasil deveniva un agente active in le grande centros del poter politic international, monstrante se como rigorose e independente. Al mesme tempore, a causa del fortia del personalitate de Lula, le Brasil esseva capace de mantener bon relationes con omnes.
Lula ha demonstrate incredibile habilitate politic in le scena mundial, e multes spera que ille eventualmente devenira un figura importante in le politica international. Alicun personas crede que ille esserea un excellente secretario general del Nationes Unite.
Le tres grande characteristics del politica international de Lula ha essite su promotion potente del integration regional del paises del America del Sud, le influentia que ille ha habite in le foros international solmente per le fortia de su personalitate, e le progresso que ille ha facite pro le Brasil per le formation de aliantias preliminar con China e India, cuje influentia es destinate a crescer con le movimento del poter economic mundial verso le paises de Asia.
Lula anque establiva excellente relationes con Bolivia. E, in despecto del objectiones del Statos Unite, ille appoiava le derecto de Iran a disveloppar energia nuclear con fines pacific. E a causa de su incredibile habilitate diplomatic, Lula faceva omne isto sin alienar le Statos Unite, e ille ha mantenite excellente relationes con le presidente Obama. Como nos dice in anglese, “he will be an incredibly hard act to follow!”
Multe observatores politic es multo triste proque le prime die de januario, 2011, Lula jam non essera un actor in le scena politic, e sin “Lula Superstar” le politica international jam non habera un presentia charismatic con le fortia personal de Lula.
Su sol competitor possibile, Barack Obama, ha perdite multo del prestigio que ille habeva quando ille ganiava le Premio Nobel del Pace proque ille ha essite incapace de terminar le guerras statounitese in Iraq e Afghanistan e non ha facite grande progresso in su effortios pro promover le pace inter le Israelis e le arabes.
Iste problemas es multo delicate, nonobstante, e nos non debe oblidar que le Brasil ha habite multe sorte proque le mundo spera un resolution de iste problemas per le Statos Unite e non per le brasilianos.
Brasil sin Lula
Son pocos los presidentes que puedan decir que tienen hilo directo con Barack Obama y Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, o que gocen de excelentes relaciones con el venezolano Hugo Chávez y con el francés Nicolás Sarkozy.
Aclamado por la prensa internacional y reconocido por los líderes de izquierda y derecha, Lula puede presumir de haber llevado a su país a una presencia en las instituciones internacionales sin precedente.
Durante la presidencia de Lula, Brasil se convirtió en un agente activo en los grandes centros de poder político internacional, mostrándose fuerte e independiente. Al mismo tiempo, debido a la fuerza de la personalidad de Lula, Brasil fue capaz de mantener buenas relaciones con todo el mundo.
Lula ha demostrado increíbles habilidades políticas en el escenario mundial, y muchos esperan que eventualmente él llegue a ser una figura significativa en la política internacional. Algunas personas sienten que sería un excelente secretario general de las Naciones Unidas.
Las tres grandes características de la política internacional de Lula han sido su promoción de gran alcance de la integración regional de los países de América del Sur, la influencia que ha tenido en los foros internacionales por la pura fuerza de su personalidad y el progreso que ha hecho para Brasil mediante la formación de alianzas preliminares con China y la India, cuya influencia está destinada a crecer con el movimiento del poder económico mundial hacia los países de Asia.
Lula también estableció excelentes relaciones con Bolivia. Y, a pesar de las objeciones de los Estados Unidos, él pudo apoyar el derecho de Irán a desarrollar energía nuclear con fines pacíficos. Por otra parte, debido a su increíble habilidad diplomática, Lula hizo todo esto sin alienar a los Estados Unidos y ha conseguido mantener excelentes relaciones con el presidente Obama. Como decimos en inglés, “he will be an incredibly hard act to follow!”
Muchos observadores políticos son muy tristes porque el primero de enero de 2011 Lula ya no será un actor en la escena política, y sin “Lula superstar” la política internacional ya no tendrá una presencia carismática con la fuerza personal de Lula.
Su único competidor posible, Barack Obama, ha perdido mucho del prestigio que tenía cuando ganó el Premio Nobel de la Paz porque él ha sido incapaz de acabar con las guerras estadounidenses en Irak y Afganistán y no ha hecho grandes progresos en sus esfuerzos por promover la la paz entre los israelíes y los árabes.
Estos problemas son muy delicados, sin embargo, y no debemos olvidar que el Brasil ha tenido mucha suerte porque el mundo espera una resolución de estos problemas por los Estados Unidos y no por los brasileños.
Brazil without Lula
Few presidents can say they have a direct line to Barack Obama and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad or enjoy excellent relations with Venezuela’s Hugo Chávez and his French counterpart, Nicholas Sarkozy.
Hailed by the international press and acknowledged by leaders of left and right, Lula can claim to have taken his country to an unprecedented presence in international institutions.
During Lula’s presidency, Brazil became an active agent in the great centers of international political power, showing himself to be forceful and independent. At the same time, because of the sheer force of Lula’s personality, Brazil was able to maintain good relations with everyone.
Lula has demonstrated incredible political skills on the world stage, and many hope that he will eventually become a significant figure in international politics. Some people feel that he would be an excellent secretary general for the United Nations.
The three principal features of Lula’s foreign policy have been his powerful promotion of regional integration of the countries of South America, the influence he has had in international forums because of the sheer force of his personality, and the progress he has made for Brazil by forming preliminary alliances with China and India, whose influence is destined to grow with the movement of global economic power toward the countries of Asia.
Lula also established excellent relations with Bolivia. And despite objections by the United States, he supported the right of Iran to develop nuclear power for peaceful purposes. Moreover, because of his incredible diplomatic skills, Lula did all this without alienating the United States, and he has succeeded in maintaining excellent relations with President Obama. As the old saying goes, “he will be an incredibly hard act to follow!”
Many political observers are very sad that on January 1, 2011, Lula will no longer be an actor on the political stage. And without “Lula the Superstar” international politics will no longer have a charismatic presence with Lula’s personal strength.
His only possible rival, Barack Obama has lost much of the prestige he had when he won the Nobel Peace Prize because he has been unable to end the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and has has not made much progress in his efforts to promote peace between Israelis and Arabs.
These problems are very sensitive, however. And we must not forget that Brazil has been very lucky because the world expects a resolution of these problems by the United States and not by the Brazilians.
The ten most important ways of manipulating the public, as catalogued by Noam Chomsky
This post started out with my restatement of Noam Chomsky's list. I noticed that it drew a lot of hits, so I have been supplementing it with videos.
In the tradition of annotated bibliographies, I have written brief notes before all these videos to give you an idea of their contents. This, I hope, will help you decide whether they are worth taking the time to watch. You will note that these YouTube videos can lead to other videos. I invite you to explore them.
I intend to keep on appending new videos to this post as I discover really good ones that are reasonably well structured and clearly express some solid information, so you may want to come back to it from time to time to see what I have added to it.
Introduction to Chomsky's ten points:
Noam Chomsky, a fearless critic of the wealthy elite that governs the United States, has compiled a list of the ten most common strategies for using the media to manipulate the people of America.
In the past our communications media have created or destroyed social movements, justified wars, tempered financial crises, and encouraged or destroyed some other ideological currents.
Chomsky has compiled a list of the ten most important tools for manipulating our media. Basically, they encourage stupidity, promote a sense of guilt, create distractions, or construct artificial problems and then magically solve them. Their principal goal is to determine what are legitimate topics and what are illegitimate ones in our public conversations about political policy.
Here are the ten most important techniques:
(1) The strategy of distraction:
The primary element of social control is the strategy of distraction diverting public attention from important issues and changes controlled by our political and economic elites using the techniques of overwhelming the public with continuous distractions and insignificant information.
Distraction strategy is also essential to kill off public interest in the essential knowledge of science, economics, psychology, neurobiology, and cybernetics.
This technique also diverts public attention away from our real social problems by emphasizing matters of no real importance. The idea is to keep the public very busy, with no time to think about the most important principles and the core facts behind our social problems.
(2) The creation of problems, followed by the offer of solutions:
This method essentially emphasizes symptons while hiding underlying causes. For example, it emphasizes urban violence or the details of bloody attacks without investigating the causes of these problems. It also creates and manipulates crises that involve economics or violence to encourage the public to accept as a necessary evil the reduction of social rights or the dismantling of public services.
(3) The gradual strategy:
This basically involves gradually implementing destructive social policies which would be unacceptable if imposed suddenly on the public. That is how the the radical right’s new socioeconomic conditions were imposed during the 1980s and 1990s. They include the minimal state, privatization, precariousness, flexibility, massive unemployment, reductions in the purchasing power of wages and guarantees of a decent income. All these changes would provoke a generalized revolt if they had been applied all at once.
(4) The strategy of deferring:
Another way gain public acceptance of unpopular decisions is to present them as “painful but necessary” to gain public acceptance for their future application. This is similar to the gradual strategy. It is easier to accept future sacrifices instead of immediate slaughter--first, because the effect is not felt right away.
Later on, the public is encouraged to believe that “everything will be better tomorrow” and that future sacrifice will be unnecessary. This gives the public more time to get used to the idea of changes to their disadvantage and and their acceptance of them with resignation when the time comes. This strategy was very popular in the Soviet Union in its five-year plans, for example.
(5) Treating the public like little children:
A lot of advertising and propaganda uses childlike speech and children’s intonation, as if the viewer or listener were a little child or mentally deficient. The principle is that if people are treated as if they are twelve years old or younger, they tend to react without a critical sense the way children do.
(6) The encouragement of emotional responses over reflective ones:
This is a classical technique for short-circuiting rational analysis and encouraging critical reflection. It also opens the door to the unconscious for implanting ideas, desires, fears, anxieties, compulsions, and desired irrational behavior.
(7) Bombarding the public with trivia to keep them ignorant:
It is important to make people incapable of understanding the technologies and methods used to enslave them. The quality of education given to the lower social classes is deliberately kept as poor and mediocre as possible so that they can be manipulated like sheep.
(8) Encouraging the public to be happy with mediocrity:
This involves encouraging the public to believe that it is is fashionable to be stupid, vulgar and uneducated while encouraging everyone to believe that these characteristics are the essence of the wisdom of the ages.
(9) Encouraging guilt and self blame:
This is an exceptionally perverse strategy. It involves constantly scolding people for their own misfortune because of the failure of their intelligence, their abilities, or their efforts so that they will not examine the structural defects of a social and economic system that enslaves them.
One of the most perverse controlling myths of American society is that if you work conscientiously and long enough, then you will be successful and grow rich. This does happen occasionally to some people, and their success is widely publicized in the media. The few times that this happens, all of us are constantly reminded that if these people can do this, then we can too.
Of course, if you work hard and don't grow rich, then the problem, of course, is that you didn't work hard enough or weren't smart enough and ended up a loser. So no matter what happens to you, the myth remains intact, and America remains a land of opportunity and the greatest country in the world.
(10) Getting to know individual people better than they know themselves:
Over the past fifty years, scientific advances have generated a growing gap between public what the public knows and the knowledge of dominant elites. Thanks to biology, neurobiology and applied psychology, the “system” has gained a sophisticated understanding the physical and psychololgical nature of people. This knowledge is cynically used to manipulate the public as if they were sheep.
Below is an excellent video in which Noam Chomsky briefly explains the structure of the U.S. political system and how it works:
In this video Chomsky discusses how meaningless slogans such as “Support our troops in Iraq” work to prevent any real thought at all about why we are fighting there, and then he explains related ways of keeping our population from thinking about our national policies in general.
Here is a video that explains how the Republican and Democratic parties prop each other up like an upside down “V” controlled by the rich in our country, enabling them to determine what are “legitimate” issues and what are not, excluding vital concerns of importance to the general public.
This video is an excellent example of how conservatives and progressives prop each other up. Both would be very boring if they didn’t have antagonists.
Scaring the people you rule: an old trick of statecraft:
It is an old trick of statecraft to scare people you rule and to divert their attention from their domestic problems by starting small foreign wars abroad that you can easily win.
An example of this is the Falkland Islands war started by the ruling Junta in Argentina in the early eighties. Here is a brief description of this war from Wikipedia:
“The Falklands War started on Friday, 2 April 1982, with the Argentine invasion and occupation of the Falkland Islands and South Georgia. Britain launched a naval task force to engage the Argentine Navy and Argentine Air Force and retake the islands by amphibious assault. The conflict ended with the Argentine surrender on 14 June 1982, and the islands remained under British control.”
One of our local newspapers in Los Angeles published a brief satirical poem in the style of a song from a Gilbert and Sullivan musical. I found it hilariously funny and impossible to forget. Here it is:
We are the lads from Argentine;
We lead the junta that’s so very mean.
We stormed the islands to seize the crude,
And diverted folks’ attention from the cost of food.
We stormed the islands so cleverly
That soon we will be fighting with the Queen’s Navy!
Anyhow, below is a video in which Noam Chomsky explains similar tactics that we used to bomb Granada, conjure up ridiculous scenarios about Nicaragua and Saddam Hussein being imminent threats to the United States, and other similar scare tactics to bamboozle the American public and take their minds off of pressing domestic issues of economic oppression:
How eleven corporations control our new media, and how news stories are scripted just like commercials. Does this make you want to kick the TV habit?
The following video exposes the myth of the liberal media. Basically, this myth is an instance of the big-lie technique. First you assert that the media have a liberal bias. Then you debate about the extent of that liberal bias. This keeps people from examining the companies that own the media and how they control the content produced by the media they own and hence control.
Our war crimes versus others’ war crimes:
Whenever a group of people fights to overthrow an established government, if you like them, you call them freedom fighters. If you don’t like them, you call them terrorists. If you aren’t sure, then you call them guerrillas.
In the following video, Chomsky shows how our war crimes are good war crimes merely because we commit them. If they are committed by others, however, then they are bad war crimes. The very worst war crimes, of course, are the ones committed against US, no matter what we did in the past to provoke these retaliatory responses.
In this video Noam Chomsky discusses the vacuity of Barack Obama’s presidential campaign.
Basically, Obama gave us slogans like “hope,” “change,” and “unity” on which we could write whatever we wanted. As events have turned out, Obama has shown himself to be as greatly obligated to the polyarchy that governs our country as his Republican opponent and has disappointed many people who hoped for significant change in his administration. I myself feel sorry for Obama. I think he is much like someone selected to be captain of the Titanic after the ship hit the iceberg that sank it.
In this video Chomsky discusses why Obama bailed out the banks (they gave even MORE money to his campaign than they gave to the Republican one). This illustrates the futility of our national elections. He then discusses other matters relating to our destructive foreign policies:
In this video Chomsky comments on how campaign donations can be used to predict policy. The banking industry, as I noted previously, gave more money to Obama’s campaign than they did to McCain’s. That is why Obama has thrown so much money at the banking industry.
Chomsky also correctly predicted that the Supreme Court would give our corporations the right to buy elections directly instead of indirectly. He also discussed the absurdity of the way our legal system considers corporations to be persons but not undocumented aliens.
He also goes into the how this status of undocumented aliens as non-persons enables Democrats and Republicans to fight over who could be more severe in denying rights such as education and medical care to these people.
In this video Chomsky discusses why people in the Middle East hate the United States. It involves our wanting to control oil extraction there and how we keep brutal dictatorships in power if they support us in these policies.
He notes that President Eisenhower discussed this hatred with a group of people in an effort to improve our image there. (As is typical, we considered this a public-relations problem.) At least some in the group concluded that improving our image there would be hard to do because the Arabs had valid reasons for hating us.
In this Video Chomsky discusses Iran. He notes that we invaded Iraq, and that Iran is helping Iraq out. But this is no different from the help we gave the Afghanis when the Russians invaded their country.
He notes that many Americans forget that we overthrew a democratically elected government in Iran during the Eisenhower administration and installed the Shah in power. The Shah was a son of a bitch, but (as Franklin Roosevelt said about Anastasio Somoza, the brutal dictator of Nicaragua) he was OUR son of a bitch.
Chomsky notes that Americans feel that THEY own the world. So when we help kick the Russians out of Afghanistan, that’s okay. But when the Iranians help the Iraqis to kick US out of THEIR country, that is not okay.
Chomsky also notes that for us it is not okay for Iran to have the bomb. But it is okay for our ally, Israel, to have 200 of them. He also discusses other problems throughout the world involving atomic weapons.
I said earlier that I feel sorry for President Obama because he is like a person elected to be captain of the Titanic after the ship hit the iceberg that sank it. Right now, we are spending our way into bankruptcy in a way the Soviet Union did before its own collapse. Dmitri Orlov, the author of “Reinventing Collapse, The Soviet Example and American Prospects” discusses this possibility/probability in this interview.
(If you want more information on Orlov, his thinking, and his publications, there is a Wikipedia article about him at
In this video Dmitri Orlov compares the U.S. economy to a sinking ship with the crew diving into the engine room to try to get its diesel engines to run on seawater. The basic tasks of society will be to supply the basics, such as food, shelter, and transportation to an impoverished society. It is hard to know exactly how we will do this, but there will probably be wrenching changes as there were in Russia after the breakup of the Soviet Union.
PFC Bradley Manning called a great deal of unexpected attention to himself when he decided, on his own, to release to Wikileaks documents that should have been kept in the eyes/ears of those governmental officials who were sworn to, and privy to that information.
The psychological torture of Pvt. Manning, who has now been imprisoned for seven months without being convicted of any crime, mirrors the breaking of the dissident Winston Smith at the end of “1984.”
Manning is being held as a “maximum custody detainee” in the brig at Marine Corps Base Quantico, in Virginia. He spends 23 of every 24 hours alone. He is denied exercise. He cannot have a pillow or sheets for his bed. Army doctors have been plying him with antidepressants.
The cruder forms of torture of the Gestapo have been replaced with refined Orwellian techniques, largely developed by government psychologists, to turn dissidents like Manning into vegetables.
We break souls instead of bodies. This method is more effective, and it leaves no marks the way physical torture does. Now we can all be taken to Orwell’s dreaded Room 101 to become compliant and harmless. These “special administrative measures” are regularly imposed on our dissidents, including Syed Fahad Hashmi, who was imprisoned under similar conditions for three years before going to trial.
The techniques have psychologically maimed thousands of detainees in our black sites around the globe. They are the staple form of control in our maximum security prisons where the corporate state makes war on our most politically astute underclass: African-Americans.
Below is a video with a brief description of the conditions of Manning’s confinement:
PFC Bradley Manning called a great deal of unexpected attention to himself when he decided, on his own, to release to Wikileaks documents that should have been kept in the eyes/ears of those governmental officials who were sworn to, and privy to that information.
The psychological torture of Pvt. Manning, who has now been imprisoned for seven months without being convicted of any crime, mirrors the breaking of the dissident Winston Smith at the end of “1984.”
Manning is being held as a “maximum custody detainee” in the brig at Marine Corps Base Quantico, in Virginia. He spends 23 of every 24 hours alone. He is denied exercise. He cannot have a pillow or sheets for his bed. Army doctors have been plying him with antidepressants.
The cruder forms of torture of the Gestapo have been replaced with refined Orwellian techniques, largely developed by government psychologists, to turn dissidents like Manning into vegetables.
We break souls instead of bodies. This method is more effective, and it leaves no marks the way physical torture does. Now we can all be taken to Orwell’s dreaded Room 101 to become compliant and harmless. These “special administrative measures” are regularly imposed on our dissidents, including Syed Fahad Hashmi, who was imprisoned under similar conditions for three years before going to trial.
The techniques have psychologically maimed thousands of detainees in our black sites around the globe. They are the staple form of control in our maximum security prisons where the corporate state makes war on our most politically astute underclass: African-Americans.
Below is a video with a brief description of the conditions of Manning’s confinement:
Un copula suisse es insultate in le lingua Dhivehi durante un cerimonia de maritage in le insulas Maldive.
(Languages of this post: Interlingua, Portuguese, English)
Un hotel de luxe in le insulas Maldive in le Oceano Indic faceva su excusas post que un video publicate in YouTube monstrava un de su empleatos offendente hospites in un lingua que illes non comprendeva durante un cerimonia de renovation de votos de maritage.
Le duo personas del copula credeva que illes stava a reciper un benediction, ma in vice de benedicer les, le functionario del hotel diceva que illes esseva “infideles” e “porcos” e les insultava severemente de altere manieras in le lingua local, dhiveni.
Le administration del Vilu Reef Resort and Spa diceva in un communicato que il es impardonabile que un de su empleatos insultava le copula durante le ceremonia con linguage offensive sur le religion e sexo.
Le video del cerimonia, publicate in YouTube, monstra le mulier, vestite in blanc e portante un bouquet de flores, e su marito, qui também estava vestido formalmente para uma cerimônia de casamento, ante un tabula decorate sombremente como si illo stava a esser usate in un ceremonia religiose.
Al fin del ceremonia de 15 minutas, que costava US1,3 mille, le copula cambiava anellos e vadeva a un belle plagia, ubi illes plantava un coco in le arena.
Le insulas Maldive es un destination popular pro ceremonias de renovation de votos e pro viages de luna de melle.
Le ministro del exterior del Maldives, Ahmed Shaheed, condemnava le episodio, dicente que ille se trovava “horrorisate” con le video, e ille lanceava un investigation sur le caso.
Le economia del pais es altemente dependente del tourismo.
Um casal suíço é insultado na língua Dhivehi durante uma cerimônia de casamento nas ilhas Maldivas.
Um hotel de luxo nas Ilhas Maldivas, no Oceano Índico, pediu desculpas depois que um vídeo publicado no YouTube mostrou um de seus funcionários ofendendo os hóspedes em uma língua que eles não entendiam durante uma cerimônia de renovação de votos de casamento.
As duas pessoas do casal acreditavam que eles estavam recebendo uma bênção, mas ao invés de abençoá-los, o funcionário do hotel disse que eram “infiéis” e “porcos” e insultou-os severamente em outras formas na língua local, Dhivehi.
A direção do Vilu Reef Resort and Spa, disse em um comunicado que é imperdoável que um de seus empregados tenha insultado o casal durante a cerimônia com linguagem ofensiva sobre religião e sexo.
O vídeo da cerimônia, publicado no YouTube, mostra a mulher, vestida de branco e carregando um buquê de flores, e seu marido, que também estava vestido formalmente para uma cerimônia de casamento, em frente a uma uma mesa decorada sobriamente, como se estivesse sendo usado em uma cerimônia religiosa.
No fim da cerimônia de 15 minutos de duração, que custou US$ 1,3 mil, o casal trocou alianças e foi para uma bela praia, onde plantou um coqueiro na areia.
As ilhas Maldivas são um destino popular para cerimônias de renovação de votos e para viagens de lua de mel.
O ministro do exterior das Maldivas, Ahmed Shaheed, condenou o episódio, dizendo estar “horrorizado” com o vídeo, e lançou uma investigação sobre o caso.
A economia do país é altamente dependente do turismo.
A Swiss couple is insulted in Dhiveni during a marriage ceremony in the Maldives.
A luxury hotel in the Maldives in the Indian Ocean has apologized after a video posted on YouTube showed one of its employees offending guests in a language they didn’t understand during a ceremony to renew their marriage vows.
The two people in the couple believed that they were receiving a blessing; but instead of blessing them, the employee of the hotel said that they were “infidels” and “pigs” and insulted them severely in other ways in the local language, Dhivehi.
The management of the Vilu Reef Resort and Spa said in a statement that it is inexcusable that one of its employees insulted the couple during the ceremony with offensive language about religion and sex.
The video of the ceremony, which was uploaded to YouTube, showed a woman dressed in white and carrying a bouquet of flowers, and her husband, who was also dressed formally for a marriage ceremony, in front of a a table decorated somberly as if it were being used in a religious ceremony.
At the end of the fifteen-minute ceremony, which cost $1,300, the couple exchanged rings and went to a beautiful beach, where they planted a coconut in the sand.
The Maldives are a popular destination for ceremonies for renewing marriage vows and honeymoon trips.
The foreign minister of the Maldives, Ahmed Shaheed, condemned the incident, saying he was “appalled” by the video, and launched an investigation into the case.
The country’s economy is heavily dependent on tourism.
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