Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Que nos dice que vos vole trovar articulos in italiano e francese in “Interlingua multilingue”.

(Languages of this post: Interlingua, English)

Le version de “Interlingua multilingue” a nunc ha un motor de cercas, que pote esser multo utile pro su lectores qui studia le linguas fonte de interlingua.

Que nos dice, pro exemplo, que tu vole vider messages in “Interlingua multilingue” que ha versiones in francese. Como cata articulo comencia con un lista in anglese de omne le linguas de su diverse traductiones, vos pote trovar articulos in francese si vos clavia le parola “French” in le motor, e instantemente vos potera trovar omne le textos in francese que appare in “Interlingua multilingue”. Vos anque pote trovar omne le textos in italiano si vos clavia le parola “Italian” in le motor.

Naturalmente vos anque pote usar le motor de cercas pro trovar textos con certe parolas, como “politica”, “grammatica”, o “linguistica”. Io spera que le addition de iste motor de cercas a “Interlingua multilingue” facera plus utile e interessante le studio del textos de iste blog.


Let’s say that you want to find articles in Italian or French in “Interlingua multilingue.”

The version of “Interlingua multilingue at now has a search engine, which can be very useful for its readers who are studying the source languages of Interlingua.

Let’s say, for example, that you want to see messages in “Interlingua multilingue” that have versions in French. Since each article begins with a list in English of all the languages of its various translations, you can find articles in French if you key the word “French” into the engine, and instantly you will be able to find all the texts in French that appear in “Interlingua multilingue.” You can also find all the texts in Italian if you key the word “Italian” into the engine.

Naturally, you can also use the search engine to find texts with certain words such as “politics,” “grammar,” or “linguistics.” I hope that the addition of this search engine to “Interlingua multilingue” will make the study of the texts in this blog more useful and interesting.

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