Sunday, July 11, 2010

Lo que un certe soldato american diceva sur nostre guerra in Iraq

(Languages of this post: Interlingua, English)

Io luctava pro esser fer de mi servicio, ma io solmente poteva sentir vergonia. Le racismo non poteva continuar a occultar le realitate de nostre occupation de Iraq. Le gente que io trovava in Iraq esseva esseres human.

Post apprender isto io comenciava a sentir vergonia cata vice que io videva homines vetule, como ille qui non poteva ambular a pede e que nos portava sur un lectiera usque le tempore que le policia iraqi poteva portar le via. Io habeva un sentito de culpa in cata occasion quando io videva un matre con su filios durante que illa plorava hystericamente, critante que nos esseva pejor que Saddam Hussein durante que nos la obligava a abandonar su focar. On nos diceva que nos luctava contra terroristas. Io mesme esseva le ver terrorista, e le ver terrorismo es iste occupation de iste pais.

Pro multo tempore, le racismo intra nostre fortias militar ha essite un maniera importante de justificar le destruction o occupation de altere paises. Sovente on lo ha usate pro justificar le assassination, tortura, e subjugation de altere populos. Le racismo es un arma importantissime usate per nostre governamento. Illo es un arma plus potente que un fusil, un tank, un avion bombator, o un nave de battalia. Illo es plus destructive que un projectile de artilleria, un bomba o un missile Tomahawk.

Mesmo si nostre pais produce iste armas, illos es innocue sin personas disponite a usar los. Illes qui nos invia al guerra non debe lancear rochettas. Lor function es vender le guerra. Illes ha besonio de un auditorio qui se trova de accordo sur le necessitate de inviar nostre truppas a esser ferite o occidite in le guerra. Illes ha besonio de soldatos qui es preste a occider e esser occidite sin questionar.

Illes pote despender milliones pro facer un sol bomba, ma ille bomba solmente deveni un arma quando nostre soldatos es preste a usar lo. Illes pote inviar nostre soldatos a ulle parte del Terra, ma il solmente habera un guerra si iste soldatos vole luctar.

E le membros de nostre classe regente, billionarios qui gania moneta del suffrimento human, se preoccupa solmente con augmentar lor richessas e lor controlo del economia mundial. Illes comprende que lor potentia consiste solmente de lor capacitate de convencer nos que le guerra, le oppression, e le exploitation es in le interesse de omne nos. Illes sape que lor richessas depende de lor capacitate de persuader le classe operari a morir de maniera que illes pote controlar le mercato de un altere pais.

E pro convencer nos a occider e a morir illes debe facer nos creder que nos es de alicun maniera superior. Le membros de nostre fortias militar non ha ullo a ganiar de iste occupation. Le sol cosa que nos sta a facer a causa de iste guerra es suffrer. Nos ha perdite brachios, gambas, e vitas durante que nos ha luctate in su battalias. Nostre familias es obligate a vider nostre sarcophagos coperite con vexillos ante que illes finalmente nos interra.

Milliones in nostre pais es sin servicios medic, impleos, e accesso al education, e nos contempla nostre governamento durante que illo dispende $450 milliones cata die sur iste occupation. On invia le povres e le classe operari de nostre pais a occider le povres e obreros de un altere pais pro augmentar le richessa de gente que jam es obscenamente ric.

Sin racismo, nostre soldatos comprenderea que illes ha multo plus in commun con le populo de Iraq que illes ha con le billionarios qui nos invia a in iste guerra. Io jectava familias a in le stratas de Iraq solmente pro retornar al Statos Unite e trovar familias jectate a in le stratas a causa del avaritia de nostre classe regente.

Nos debe eveliar nos pro discoperir que le ver inimico non es in un alicun pais distante con gente cuje nomines nos non cognose o cuje culturas nos non comprende. Nostre inimico es un systema que delcara le guerra quando le ricos de nostre pais lo trova profitabile. Nostre inimico es le corporationes que nos dimitte de nostre travalios quando illos pote ganiar economicamente in le processo.

Nostre inimico es nostre companias de assecurantia que nos nega assistentia quando nos ha besonio de illo e nostre bancas que nos jecta de nostre focares quando illos lo trova profitabile. Nostre inimico non se trova a un distantia de cinque mille milias. Illo pote trovar se in nostre pais intra nostre population.


I struggled to be proud of my service, but all I could feel was shame. Racism could not continue to mask the reality of our occupation of Iraq. The people I encountered in Iraq were human beings.

After learning this I started to feel guilty every time I saw old men, like the one who could not walk and that we carried in a stretcher until the Iraqi police could take him. I felt guilty every time I saw a mother with her children as she wept hysterically, screaming that we were worse than Saddam Hussein as we forced her to abandon her home. We were told that we were fighting against terrorists. I myself was the real terrorist, and the real terrorism is this occupation of this country.

For a long time, racism within the military has been an important tool to justify the destruction or occupation of other countries. It has often been used to justify killing, torture, and the subjugation of other peoples. Racism is a vital weapon used by our government. It is a weapon more powerful than a rifle, a tank, a bomber or a battleship. It is more destructive than an artillery shell, a bomb, or a Tomahawk missile.

Even though our country produces these weapons, they are harmless without people willing to use them. Those who send us to war do not have to fire rockets. They do not need to fight the war. Their function is to sell the war. They need an audience who agrees to send its troops to be injured or killed in war. They need soldiers willing to kill and be killed without question. They can spend millions to make a single bomb, but that bomb only becomes a weapon when our soldiers are willing to use it. They can send our soldiers anywhere on earth, but there will be a war only if these soldiers want to fight.

And the members of our ruling class, billionaires who make money from human suffering, are concerned only with increasing their wealth and their control over the world economy. They understand that their power consists only of their ability to convince us that war, oppression, and exploitation are in the interest of all of us. They know that their wealth depends on their ability to convince the working class to die to control the market of another country.

And to convince us to kill and to die they have to make us think that we are somehow superior. The members of our military forces have nothing to gain from this occupation. All we do is suffer because of this war. We have lost our arms, legs and lives as we have fought in its battles. Our families are forced to see our coffins covered with flags before they finally bury us.

Millions in our country are without health care, employment, and access to education, and we see the government spending $450 million per day on this occupation. The poor and working people of our country are sent to kill poor people and workers from in another country only to further enrich people who are already obscenely rich.

Without racism, our soldiers would realize that they have much more in common with the people of Iraq than they do with the billionaires who send us into this war. I threw families into the streets of Iraq, only to return to the United States and find families thrown onto the streets of this country because of the greed of our ruling class.

We must wake up and realize that our real enemy is not in some distant land with people whose names we do not know, or whose culture we do not understand. Our enemy is people we know very well and can easily identify. Our enemy is a system that declares war when the rich of our country find it profitable. Our enemy is our corporations that lay us off when they can win economically in the process.

Our enemy is our insurance companies that deny us assistance when we need it and our banks that throw us out of our homes when they find it profitable. Our enemy is not five thousand miles away. It can be found in our country itself among our own population.

1 comment:

René said...

Nos debe distinguer sempre le populo e le potentatos, le matres e le dictatores, le patres e le soldatos. Numquam in historia le matres e le patres voleva guerrear. Ma le guerra face le odio, e le odio rode le pueros. Vide