Sunday, July 4, 2010

Nos debe eliminar le barrieras electronic e economic al litteratura de interlingua.

(Languages of this post: Interlingua, English)

A differentia de esperanto, interlingua ha un gruppo de usatores active multo parve; e si nos vole attraher nove studentes al lingua, il es essential eliminar barrieras electronic e economic e a nostre litteratura e a cursos pro nove interlinguistas.

Multe litteratura disponibile al sito del Union Mundial pro Interlingua ha barrieras e economic e electronic. Omne nostre litteratura debe esser tan facilemente accessibile como, pro exemplo, le textos de “Interlingua in interlingua”, le quales omnes pote facilemente copiar electronicamente e republicar alibi, con o sin redactiones electronic ulterior.

In iste momento io sta a pensar al “Almanac de interlingua”, un admirabile publication redigite in le Brasil, que, secundo su blog,, “es un publication mensual independente e gratuite cuje scopo es fornir material de lectura a tote persona interessate in apprender o practicar Interlingua. Qui ha interesse in reciper lo debe inviar un sollicitation al editor, Cláudio Rinaldi, per e-posta: Iste blog ha como function esser un supporto del Almanac de Interlingua”.

Il non debe esser necesse inviar un solicitation a Cláudio Rinaldi pro discargar le textos de iste publication. Omne su textos, como le textos de “Interlingua multilingue” debe esser publicate directemente in de maniera que su lectores pote arrivar a su articulos directemente e sin complicationes ulterior!


We should eliminate electronic and economic barriers to the literature of Intelringua.

Unlike Esperanto, Interlingua has a very small group of active users; and if we want to attract new students to the language, it is essential to eliminate electronic and economic barriers both to our literature and to courses for new interlinguists.

A lot of the literature available on the Union Mundial pro Interlingua’s site has economic and electronic barriers. All our literature should be as easily accessible as, for example, the texts of “Interlingua in interlingua,” which can be easily copied electronically and published elsewhere, with or without further electronic editing.

At this moment I am thinking about an admirable publication from Brazil which, according to its blog,, “is an independent and cost-free publication whose purpose is to furnish reading material to everyone interested in learning or practicing Interlingua. Those who have interest in receiving it should send a request to its editor, Claudio Rinaldi, by e-mail to The function of this blog is to be a support for the Almanac de Interlingua.”

It should not be necessary to send a request to Claudio Rinaldi to download the texts of this publication. All its texts, like the texts of “Interlingua multilingue” should be published directly in so that its readers can arrive at its articles directly without further complications!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

----- Interlingua -----

Bon die,

Io concorda. Io es nove studente de interlingua. Io vole apprender interlingua, sin barrieras!

----- English -----


I agree. I'm a new student of Interlingua. I want to learn Interlingua, without barriers!


Rather than trying to tightly control everything, those who are promoting Interlingua should make all information about the language as freely available as possible. The copying and distribution of electronic documents such as grammars and dictionaries should be encouraged, not restricted. Suitable licences can be used to prevent modification if desired, such as variations of the Creative Commons licence. This model has proven extremely successful for open-source software. It would also work well for languages. More distribution is better, not less; let's remove the barriers!

At the same time, of course it is perfectly fine to have some copyrighted works of literature which must be purchased. I'm happy to support and financially encourage authors who create works in Interlingua.

But common sense applies: one must first promote the language with free materials before a market is created for commercial literature. One must first learn the language to a reasonable degree of proficiency before one is interested in paying money, or jumping over various electronic barriers, to obtain Interlingua books.

Interlingua should copy the model of open-source software, aiming for rapid spread free of charge and free of barriers. If it does, it could rapidly succeed as companies adopt it to do international business. This is exactly how open-source software became successful. Companies used it and contributed to it. So too they might use a language which could quickly and easily be used for simple communication. However, they will only do so if the language is freely and widely available, without barriers.

It's frustrating...

Kind regards,