Thursday, May 20, 2010

Le structura contemporanee del partito communiste in China

(Languages of this post: Interlingua, English)

Le partito communiste in China ha facite effortios ingente pro proteger su potentia politic e celar lo del publico chinese e del resto del mundo. Su structura ha essite revelate in le libro “The Party: The Secret World of China’s Communist Rulers” (Le Partito, le mundo secrete del leaders del partito communiste de China), per Richard McGregor.

Un symbolo de su potentia es un parve rete de telephonos rubie que es distribuite al leaders elite del institutiones politic, social, e commercial de China. Cognoscite como le “machina rosse”, iste rete de telephonos permitte le communication instante e secrete que es protegite per encryption inter iste personas, e solmente un parve gruppo de unes 300 personas ha un de iste telephonos.

Post 1949 le partito communiste de China ha passate per diverse crises. Un esseva le excessos de Mao Zedong e su Revolution Cultural. Le secunde veniva post le collapso del Union Sovietic e su satellites in le est de Europa, eventos que resona in Beijing mesmo hodie. Ma post cata un de iste catastrophes, le partito chinese se ha reconstruite e preservate e augmentate su potentia politic.

Vladimir Lenin, qui designava le prototypo usate pro governar le paises communiste del mundo, recognoscerea e comprenderea le structura del partito communiste chinese immediatemente. Su controlo del pais ha tres componentes fundamental: controlo de su personal, controlo del propaganda national, e controlo del Armea de Liberation Popular del pais.

Membros del elite del partito se ha inserite in le direction de omne iste institutiones fundamental del pais, e omne le organisationes policial del pais ha un “departamento de securitate domestic”, cuje rolo es proteger le controlo del partito sur le societate chinese e eliminar voces politic dissidente ante que illos pote attraher significante numeros de adherentes.

Le fallimento del systema financiari occidental, con le evaporation del confidentia in le Statos Unite, Europa, e Japon, ha fortificate le position de China in le systema financiari mundial. In le spatio de unes pauc menses in le prime parte de 2009, le chineses prestava US$25 mille milliones a companias de petroleo in Russia, dedicava US$30 mil milliones a companias que extrahe minerales in Australia, e offereva decenas de mille milliones de dollars a diverse companias in le America del Sud e in le Asia sudest e central, assecurante se de accesso a lor minerales in le futuro. Le septembre passate, China extendeva lineas de credito de usque $60 a $70 mille milliones de dollars pro disveloppar le ressources natural de Nigeria, Ghana, e Kenya.

Le importantia del gigante mercato chinese anque ha crescite. Le taxa de vendita de automobiles in China in April, 2009, ultrapassava le numero de autos vendite in le Statos Unite.

In maio, Wang Qishan e un equipa de ministros chinese se reuniva con un gruppo de ministros e homines de affaires american e europee in Bruxelles pro audir lor planctos sur le difficultates de accesso que illes ha al mercato chinese.

“Io comprende vostre problemas”, diceva le senior Wang post audir lo planctos. “Io comprende que il ha irregularitates in le mercato chinese. Ma le mercato chinese ha un importantia in le mundo irresistibile, e vos debera acciper lo tal como illo es.”

Le ascension de China es un phenomeno con le capacitate de modificar considerabilemente le economia mundial, sector post sector. Que le pais es controllate per un partito communiste veni como un choc al mundo occidental, que ante unes pauc annos credeva que le fin del historia habeva arrivate con le triumpho del democratia liberal.

In le absentia de electiones democratic e debattos politic aperte, il es impossibile evaluar le appoio popular pro le partito commniste de China. Ma il es assatis obvie que appoio social pro le partito ha crescite con le reformas inaugurate post le morte de Mao. E ben que le leaders de China vole imitar le structura e methodos de controlo economic de Europa e America, illes obviemente non vole cambiar lor societate in directiones que imita le progresso democratic e social que ha facite Europa e le Statos Unite post le Secunde Guerra Mundial. E il pare probabile que illes va a continuar a controlar le destino del pais indefinitemente in le futuro.


The Contemporary Structure of the Communist Party in China

The Communisty party in China has made gigantic efforts to protect its political power and to hide it from the Chinese public and the rest of the world. Its structure has been revealed in the book “The Party: The Secret World of China’s Communist Party” by Richard McGregor.

A symbol of its power is a small network of red telephones that are distributed to the elite leaders of the political, social, and commercial institutions of China. Known as the “red machine,” this network of telephones allows instant and secret communication that is protected by encryption between these people, and only a small group of about 300 people has one of these telephones.

After 1949 th Communist party of China has gone through various crises. One was the excesses of Mao Zedong and his Cultural Revolution. The second came after the collapse of the Soviet Union and its satellites in Eastern Europe, events that resonate in Beijing even today. But after each one of these catastrophes, the Chinese party has rebuilt itself and preserved and increased its political power.

Vladimir Lenin, who designed the prototype used to govern the communist countries of the world, would immediately recognize and understand the structure of the Chinese communist party. Its control of the country has three fundamental components: control of its personnel, control of the national population, and control of the People’s Liberation Army of the country.

Members of the elite of the party have inserted themselves into the management of all these fundamental institutions of the country, and all police organizations of the country have a “department of domestic security,” whose role is to protect the control of the party over Chinese society and eliminate dissident political voices before they can attract significant numbers of adherents.

The failure of the western financial system, with the evaporation of confidence in the United States, Europe, and Japan, has strengthened the position of China in the world financial system. In the space of a few short months in the first part of 2009, the Chinese lent $25 billion to petroleum companies in Russia, dedicated $30 billion to mining companies in Australia, and offered tens of billions of dollars to various companies in South America and in southeast and Central Asia, assuring itself of access to their minerals in the future. Last September, China extended lines of credit of up to $60 to $70 billion dollars to develop the natural resources of Nigeria, Ghana, and Kenya.

The importance of the gigantic Chinese market has also grown. The number of automobile sales in China in April, 2009, has passed the number of cars sold in the United States.

In May, Wan Qishan and a team of Chinese ministers met with a group of ministers and American businessmen in Brussels to hear their complaints about the difficulties of access that they have with the Chinese market.

“I understand your problems,” said Mr. Wang after hearing their complaints. “I understand that there are irregularities in the Chinese market. But the Chinese market has an irresistible importance in the world, and you will have to accept it the way it is.”

The ascent of China is a phenomenon with the capacity to considerably modify the world economy, sector by sector. That the country is controlled by a communist party comes as a shock to the Western world, which a few short years ago believed that the end of history had arrived with the triumph of liberal democracy.

In the absence of democratic elections and open political debates, it is impossible to evaluate popular support for China’s communist party. But it is rather obvious that social support for the party has grown with the reforms inaugurated after the death of Mao. And though the leaders of China want to imitate the structure and methods of economic control of Europe and America, they obviously don’t want to change their society in directions that imitate the democratic and social progress that Europe and the United States have made after the Second World War. And it seems probable that they are going to continue to control the destiny of the country indefinitely in the future.

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