Sunday, April 3, 2011

Notas sur le relationes inter interlingua e su linguas fonte

(Languages of this post: Interlingua, English)

Le interlinguista german que parlava in mi previe articulo sur le utilitate que ille recipeva de interlingua recognosce que interlingua, in vice de esser un lingua paneuropee, es vermente un lingua panromanic multo simile al espaniol, al portugese, e al italiano.

Ille anque diceva que ille comenciava le studio de interlingua post studiar iste linguas ma non con multe successo e que interlingua tunc facilitava su studios ulterior de iste linguas.

Slovio e sloviano es linguas planificate panslavic, e ante unes menses io legeva de un americana qui comenciava le studio del russo ma qui esseva frustrate con su complicationes grammatic. Illa tunc comenciava a studiar slovio, que, il pare, es assatis simile a esperanto in su grammatica, e illa poteva apprender lo multo rapidemente. Illa tunc retornava al studio del russo e trovava su grammatica plus facile a attaccar.

On ha usate e esperanto e interlingua pro introducer studentes al studio de altere linguas. Le plus grande simplicitate grammatic de iste linguas facilitava lor progresso a un certe functionalite assatis rapide in iste linguas e fortificava lor confidentia como studentes de altere linguas national plus complicate durante que illes continuava lor studios.

Con le ressources de internet, un persona qui vole comenciar su studios de linguas comenciante con esperanto o interlingua pote facer lo multo plus facilemente que in le dies quando on esseva restringite a libros e registrationes pro studiar los proque il ha communitates de usatores de iste linguas qui communica inter se assatis activemente in internet, ben que le communitate de esperantistas es multo plus grande que le communitate de interlinguistas.

Le similaritate de interlingua al espaniol, portugese, e italiano parlate offere a interlingua un certe avantage que esperanto non ha proque con illo on pote communicar directemente con nativos de iste linguas, e il ha multissime personas qui los parla.

Le germano qui scribeva le articulo sur le qual io face iste commentarios notava que ille habeva difficultates con le uso del interlingua parlate con italianos meridional (e anque probabilemente con franceses) e anque notava que ille non ha essayate le uso de interlingua con catalanos. Como multe catalanos anque parla espaniol, il me pare que su experientia con illes haberea essite simile a su experientia con espanioles. Le catalanos probabilemente poterea comprender le assatis facilemente, ma ille les comprenderea multo plus facilemente si illes parlava a ille in espaniol in vice del catalano.

Il es importante notar que quando interlingua esseva publicate, on non prestava multe attention a su pronunciation proque illo esseva usate principalmente in su forma scribite in le scientias, specialmente in le publication de “Spectroscopia molecular”, que multe scientistas in omne le partes del mundo poteva leger sin studio special proque illes cognosceva le vocabulario international del scientias derivate de fontes latin e grec. Le systema de pronunciation de interlingua es alique que se disveloppava plus tarde e es simile al systema usate pro pronunciar le latino in le nord del Europa continental durante le Etate Medie.

In “Interlingua multilingue” io ha essayate a facilitar le studio simultanee de interlingua e/o su linguas fonte, specialmente pro personas qui studia le espaniol, le portugese, e le anglese. Mi lectores facilemente notara le similaritates inter interlingua e iste linguas romanic. Le anglese, como un lingua germanic con un grande component lexic de vocabulario latin e romanic, es assatis differente de interlingua, como on pote vider in parolas como “of” o “from” in vice de “de”, pro exemplo, o le parola “the” in vice de “le”.

Ma como le anglese totevia es multo importante in le communication international, forsan le utilitate plus grande de “Interlingua multilingue” essera como un utensilio utile pro romanophonos qui vole apprender a exprimer se clar e simplemente in anglese per le methodo comparative de studiar textos parallel. Il nunc ha plus que 1.500 articulos in “Interlingua multilingue”, alicunes multo breve, alteres plus longe, sur un varietate de themas, le quales offere un richissime ressource pro tal studentes que va a continuar a crescer.


Notes on the relationship between Interlingua and its source languages

The German interlinguist who spoke in my previous article on the usefulness that he received from Interlingua recognizes that Interlingua, instead of being a pan-European language, is really a pan-Romance language that is very similar to Spanish, Portuguese, and Italian.

He also said that he started studying Interlingua after studying these languages without much success and that Interlingua then made further studies of these languages easier for him.

Slovio and Sloviano are planned pan-Slavic languages, and a few months ago I read of an American woman who started the study of Russian but who was frustrated with its grammatical complications. She then started to study Slovio, which, it seems, is rather similar to Esperanto, and she was able to learn it quite rapidly. She then returned to the study of Russian and found its grammar much easier to attack.

Both Esperanto and Interlingua have been used to introduce students to the study of other languages. The greater grammatical simplicity of these languages makes it easy for them to quickly attain a certain fluency in these languages and fortified their confidence as students of other more complicated national languages as they continued their studies.

With the resources of the internet, someone who wants to start his language studies by starting with Esperanto or Interlingua can do so much more easily than in the days when people were restricted to books and recordings in studying them because there are communities of users of these languages who communicate among themselves rather actively through the internet, though the community of Esperantists is much larger than the community of Interlinguists.

The similarity of Interlingua to spoken Spanish, Portuguese, and Italian gives Interlingua a certain advantage that Esperanto does not offer because with it a person can communicate directly with native speakers of these languages, and there are a lot of people who speak them.

The German who wrote the article that I am commenting on here also that he had difficulties with the use of spoken Interlingua with southern Italians (and also, most likely, with Frenchmen) and also noted that he had not tried using Interlingua with Catalans. Since many Catalans also speak Spanish, it seems to me that his experience with them would have been similar to his experience with Spaniards. Catalans could probably understand him rather easily, but he would understand them much more easily if they spoke to him in Spanish instead of Catalan.

It is important to note that when Interlingua was published, not much attention was paid to its pronunciation because it was used principally in its written form in the sciences, especially in the publication of “Spectroscopia molecular,” which many scientists everywhere in the world could read without special study because they were familiar with the international vocabulary of the sciences derived from Latin and Greek sources. Interlingua’s system of pronunciation is something that was developed later on and is similar to the system used to pronounce Latin in the north of the European continent during the Middle Ages.

In “Interlingua multilingue” I have tried to facilitate the simultaneous study of interlingua and/or its source languages, especially for people who study Spanish, Portuguese, and English. My readers will easily note the similarities between Interlingua and these Romance languages. English, since it is a Germanic language with a large lexical component from Latin and Romance, is rather different from Interligua, as can be seen in words like “of” or “from” instead of “de,” for example, or the word “the” instead of “le.”

But since English still is very important in international communication, perhaps the greatest usefulness of “Interlingua multilingue” will be as a helpful tool for Romance speakers who want to learn to express themselves clearly and simply in English through the comparative method of studying parallel texts. There are now are more than 1,500 articles in “Interlingua multilingue,” some quite short, others that are longer, on a variety of subjects, which offer a very rich resource for such students that is going to continue to grow.

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