Friday, March 27, 2009

Le Servicio de Libros de UMI e Google

(Languages of this post: Interlingua, English)

Josu Lavin ha dicite isto:

“On dice que tote le libros in interlingua deberea esser in le rete. E mesmo dictionarios, etc. Si, forsan. Ma que face le Servicio de libros del UMI con tote le quantitate de libros imprimite que illo ha? Comburer los?”

Le libros imprimite del Servicio de libros del UMI es completemente inutile si illos solmente collige pulvere in le loco ubi illos es immagasinate. Iste es quasi le equivalentia de comburer los. Le sol differentia es que il es possibile que eventualmente on los distribuera pro esser legite. Si on los combure, naturalmente, isto non essera possibile.

Io crede que nos debe dar un copia de omne illos a Google pro scanation e distribution libere per le Rete. Io non pote esser completemente confidente que Google volerea facer isto, ma io crede que isto es ben possibile.


Josu Lavin has said this:

“It has been said that all books in Interlingua should be on the Net. Even dictionaries, etc. Yes, perhaps. But what will UMI’s books service do with all the books that it has? Burn them?”

The printed books of UMI’s book service are completely useless if they only collect dust in the place where they are stored. This is almost the equivalent of burning them. The only difference is that it is possible that eventually they will be distributed to be read. If they are burned, naturally, this will not be possible.

I believe that we should give a copy of all of them to Google for scanning and free distribution throughout the Net. I can’t be completely confident that Google would want to do this, but I believe that it is quite possible.

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