Sunday, March 15, 2009

Le studio de interlingua e slovio como un introduction al linguas del familias romanic e slavic, respectivemente

(Languages of this post: Interlingua, English)

Peter Gopsill, un interlinguista qui ha providite multe servicios pro incoragiar le uso del lingua, includente le production de grammaticas, duo magazines publicate per le Societate Britannic de Interlingua, e un dictionario, le “Concise English-Interlingua Dictionary”, que io usa principalmente como como un guia orthographic, esseva un professor de linguas in gymnasios in Anglaterra.

Un vice Ille habeva un studente de Sud Africa, cuje lingua native esseva le afrikaans, al qual ille voleva inseniar le germano. Ma ante presentar le germano a iste studente, ille dava a ille lectiones de hollandese. Post apprender le hollandese, iste studente poteva attaccar le germano multo facilemente.

Le doctor Gopsill anque preparava su studentes pro apprender le russo con un breve curso de interlingua, que augmentava lor confidentia como studentes de linguas. Ma nunc il ha un altere lingua planificate, le slovio, que esserea plus efficace pro iste scopo proque su linguas fonte es linguas del familia slavic in vice de esser le latino, le linguas romanic, e le anglese, le quales produceva interlingua. Le slovio esserea un melior option que interlingua pro preparar un studente pro studiar le linguas del familia slavic.

Un excellente maniera de facer isto esserea preparar un grammatica de slovio con breve textos de lectura simile a illos del curso de “Interlingua in interlingua”, un publication mie que pote esser discargate de, ubi io presentava, inter altere cosas, un serie de notas sur le historia del seculo vinti.

Un simile serie de notas, possibilemente sur le historia del linguas e del populo slavic presentate in un formato bilingue in slovio e, que nos dice, le russo (o mesme omne le linguas Slavic principal), con breve notas grammatic sur iste linguas, esserea un excellente maniera de preparar nove studentes pro le studio del linguas de iste familia, e io spera que tosto un curso de slovio essera preparate pro servir como un introduction directe al linguas principal del familia slavic. Isto esserea un optime maniera de introducer se al linguas de iste branca importante del familia indo-europee.


The study Interlingua and Slovio as a way of being introduced to the languages of the Romance and Slavic families, respectively.

Peter Gopsill, an interlinguist who has provided many services to encourage the use of the language, including the production of grammars, two magazines published by the British Interlingua Society, and a dictionary, the “Concise English-Interlingua Dictionary,” which I use principally as a spelling guide, was a language teacher in high schools in England. He once had a student from South Africa, whose native language was Afrikaans, that he wanted to teach German to. But before presenting German to this student, he gave him some Dutch lessons. After learning Dutch, this student was able to attack German very easily.

Dr. Gopsill also prepared his students to learn Russian with a brief Interlingua course, which increased their confidence as language students. But now there is another planned language, Slovio, that would be more effective for this purpose because its source languages are from the Slavic family instead of being Latin, the Romance languages, and English, which produced Interlingua. Slovio would be a better option than Interlingua for preparing a student to study the languages of the Slavic family.

An excellent way of doing this would be to prepare a grammar of Slovio with brief reading texts similar to the ones in the course of “Interlingua in interlingua,” a publication of mine that can be downloaded from, where I present, among other things, a series of notes on the history of the twentieth century.

A similar series of notes, possibly on the history of the Slavic languages and peoples, presented in a bilingual format in Slovio and, let’s say, Russian (or even all the principal slavic languages), with brief grammar notes on these languages, would be an excellent way of preparing new students for the languages of this family, and I hope that soon a Slovio course will be prepared to serve as a direct introduction to the principal languages of the Slavic family. This would be an excellent way of being introduced to the principal languages of this important branch of the Indo-European family.

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