Friday, April 16, 2010

Electiones in Iraq

(Languages of this post: Interlingua, English)

Hodie la population de Irak eligera su prime governamento desde le invasion american in 2003. Alicun incidentes violente esseva reportate quando le centros electoral aperiva iste matino, sed le participation pare esser substantial.

Le presidente iraki, Jalal Talabani, ha demandate que iste die deveni un celebration. Circa 15 milliones de citatanos es exigite a votar, e on expecta anque que le population sunni participara massivemente. Alicun gruppos insurgente ha appoiate iste election, sed Al-Qaeda lo considera un “opera satanic”.

Le fortias de occupation ha adoptate forte mensuras de securitate: le population mesme debera ir votar a pede proque le automobiles non pote approximar se al centros electoral pro evitar possibile attentatos terroriste. Circa 150.000 soldatos e agentes de policia iraqi sta a patruliar hodie per omne le pais. Plus que 300 partitos e 19 coalitiones concurre in iste election, cuje resultatos definitive non se cognoscera usque le fin de iste mense.


Today the people of Iraq will elect their first government since the American invasion in 2003. Some violent incidents were reported when the polling places were opened this morning, but participation seems to be substantial.

The Iraqi president, Jalal Talabani, has asked that this be a day of celebration. Around 15 million citizens have been asked to vote, and it is expected that the Sunni population will also participate massively. Some insurgent groups have supported this election, but Al-Qaeda considers it a “Satanic operation.”

The occupation forces have adopted strong security measures: the population itself will have to go vote on foot because automobiles cannot approach the polling places to avoid possible terrorist attempts. Around 150,000 soldiers and Iraqi police are patrolling the entire country today. More than 300 parties and nineteen coalitions are running in this election, whose definitive results will not be known until the end of this month.

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