Monday, April 19, 2010

Le evolution social e economic in le Mexico contemporanee

(Languages of this post: Interlingua, English)

Desde 2006 le Districto Federal del Citate de Mexico, le capital mexican, ha essite governate pro le burgomaestro Marcel Ebrard e su governamento del sinistre moderate e socialmente liberal. In martio, 2010, su governamento recognosceva officialmente 88 maritages gay, le primes in le America latin, e preparationes sta a preparar se in le capital Mexican pro le prime adoptiones per copulas gay. Le administration de Ebrard anque ha simplificate le processo de divorcio e nunc permitte que personas con maladias terminal pote refusar tractamento medic extreme e dolorose.

In 2007 su governamento comenciava a permitter abortamentos in le prime 12 septimanas de graviditate, alique que nunquam ha essite possibile in le America latin foras de Cuba. Su governamento anque ha planificate le legalisation del prostition in le anno proxime.

Ma durante que le capital de Mexico se liberalisa, multe altere partes del pais sta a mover in directions conservative. Post le reforma de abortamentos per le governamento de Ebrard in 2007, altere statos de Mexico ha emendate lor constitutiones pro establir legalmente que le vita human comencia al momento de conception. E le anno passate quatro statos mexican ha inaugurate leges que duplica le penaltate legal in le caso de mulieres de “mala reputation”. Mulieres condemnate pro tal “crimines” pote passar annos in prision. Alicun statos legalmente considera le abortion como le equivalente de homicidio premeditate.

Alicunes se demanda si un simile reaction occurrera in Mexico in le caso de derectos pro homosexuales. Le Corte Supreme de Mexico, que approbava le leges sur le abortamento del capital de Mexico, nunc sta a considerar la question si le maritage gay es contra le constitution federal de Mexico. Human Rights Watch, un gruppo que survelia le stato de derectos human in le mundo, spera que le corte eventualmente arrivara a un decision que establira un derecto constitutional pro le maritage gay in omne le pais.

Le reaction conservative contra le innovationes social e legal del governmento de Ebrard in le capital de Mexico es, in parte, le resultato del reduction del monopolio politic del Partito Revolutionari Institutional, que esseva fundate per Plutarco Elías Calles in 1929 e governava Mexico pro septe decadas usque 1990. Iste partito imponeva le secularismo post un historia de abusos religiose e social del Ecclesia Catholic durante le guerra del cristeros, que habeva comenciate in 1917, e rigorosemente limitava le derectos religiose e secular del Ecclesia, imponente un governamento secular.

Ma in le anno 2000 le Partito Revolutionari Institutional (PRI) perdeva le presidentia al Partito de Action National (PAN), que ha un philosophia politic economica- e socialmente conservative. Vincente Fox Quesada deveniva le presidente de Mexico, e gradualmente ha emergite in Mexico un movimento plus conservative in le partes de Mexico foras del capital.

Le conservativos nunc sta a essayar a eliminar le prohibition de instruction religiose in le scholas public de Mexico, ma le opposition contra iste movimento ha augmentate post le scandalos de prestres pedophilic in Mexico, specialmente in le caso del Patre Marcial Maciel, le prestre qui fundava le Legionarios pro Christo, un movimento catholic ultraconservative, e le movimento conservative in Mexico sta a perder su momento. Le Commission National de Derectos Human, un organization que opponeva le leges plus liberal sur le abortamento del governamento de Ebrard, ha un nove director que non es contra le maritage gay.

Le migration inter le Statos Unite e Mexico anque es un fortia pro le liberalisation social in Mexico. Migrantes Mexican qui sta a retornar a Mexico a causa del crise economic in le Statos Unite ha accipite multe ideas socialmente liberal durante lor annos in le Statos Unite e sta a comenciar a appoiar le liberalisation social del pais.

Totevia, le conservativos es multo potente in multe partes de Mexico, como in le Statos Unite, e il es difficile predicer in iste momento le evolution eventual del conflictos economic e social del fortias liberal e conservative in le duo paises. Il esserea un idea excellente si ambe paises, le Statos Unite e Mexico, studiava e imitava le progresso social que on ha facite in Espania in le annos post le morte de Franco.


Social and Economic Evolution in Contemporary Mexico

Since 2006 the federal district of Mexico City, the capital of Mexico, has been governed by Mayor Marcel Ebrard and his moderately left and socially liberal government. In March, 2010, his government officially recognized eighty-eight gay marriages, the first ones in Latin America, and preparations are underway in the Mexican capital for the first adoptions by gay couples. Ebrard’s administration has also simplified the process of divorce and now allows people with terminal illness to refuse heroic and painful medical treatment.

In 2007 his government began to allow abortions in the first twelve weeks of pregnancy, something that has never been possible in Latin America outside of Cuba. His government has also planned to legalize prostitution next year.

But as the capital of Mexico is becoming more liberal, many other parts of the country are starting to move in conservative directions. After the abortion reforms by Ebard’s government in 2007, other states of Mexico have amended their constitutions to legally establish that human life begins at the moment of conception. And last year four Mexican states have passed laws doubling the legal penalty in the case of women of “ill repute.” Women condemned for such “crimes” can spend years in prison. Some states legally consider abortion as the equivalent of premeditated murder.

Some people are wondering if a similar reaction will occur in Mexico in the case of gay rights. The Supreme Court of Mexico, which approved Mexico City’s abortion laws, is now beginning to consideration the question of whether gay marriage is against the federal constitution of Mexico. Human Rights Watch, a group that surveys the state of human rights in the world, hopes that the court will eventually arrive at a decision that will establish a constitutional right for gay marriage in the entire country.

The conservative reaction against the social and legal innovations of Ebrard’s government in the capital of Mexico is, in part, the result of the reduction of the political monopoly of the Revolutionary Instituional Party (PRI in its Spanish acronym), which was founded by Plutarco Elias Callias in 1929 and governed Mexico for seven decades up to 1990. This party imposed secularism after a history of social and religious abuses by the Catholic Church during the Cristero war, which had begun in 1917, and rigorously limited the religious and secular rights of the Church, imposing a secular government.

But in the year 2000 the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) lost the presidency to the National Action Parthy (PAN), which has an economically and socially conservative political philosophy. Vincente Fox Quesada became the president of Mexico, and gradually a more conservative movement has emerged in the parts of Mexico outside the capital.

The conservatives are now trying to eliminate the prohibition on religious instruction in the public schools of Mexico, but the opposition against this movement has increased after the pedopriest scandals in Mexico, especially in the case of Father Marcial Maciel, the priest who founded the Legionaries for Christ, an ultraconservative Catholic movement, and the conservative movement of Mexico is starting to lose momentum. The National Human Rights Commission, an organization that opposed the more liberal laws on abortion by Ebrard’s government, has a new director who is not against gay marriage.

Migration between the United States and Mexico also is a force for social liberalization in Mexico. Mexican migrants who are returning to Mexico because of the economic crisis in the United States have accepted many socially liberal ideas during their years in the United States and are beginning to support the social liberalization of the country.

Still, the conservatives are very strong in many parts of Mexico, as in the United States, and it is difficult to predict at this moment the eventual evolution of economic and social conflict between the liberal and conservative forces in the two countries. It would be an excellent idea if both the United States and Mexico were to study and imitate the social progress that has been made in Spain in the years since Franco’s death.

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