Friday, April 16, 2010

Grippe aviari: crise sanitari in Turchia

(Languages of this post: Interlingua, English)

Turchia se evelia omne dies con un nove caso de grippe aviari. Il ha jam dece e cinque personas infectate per le virus H5N1, e le autoritates sta a investigar circa sexanta possibile nove casos. Hieri le ministro de sanitate turchese admitteva que le pais nunquam habeva affrontate un crise tan serie como iste.

Le majoritate del casos in Turchia se trova in le parte oriental del pais in un region de majoritate kurde. Le personas infectate nunc se tracta con Tamiflu. Ma le governamento turchese ha recipite serie accusationes de negligentia, e le paises vicin e del Union Europee ha interdicte importationes aviari.

Le Organisation del Nationes Unite pro le Alimentation e le Agricultura (FAO in su acronym in anglese) ha advertite que le grippe aviari poterea devenir endemic in Turchia e menaciar le paises vicin. Secundo Juan Lubroth, experto in sanitate animal del FAO, le virus poterea propagar se in despecto del mensuras de controlo applicate usque nunc.

Intertanto, in China duo personas infectate per le virus H5N1 moriva iste ultime dies secundo le governamento chinese.


Turkey awakens every day with a new case of bird flu. It already has fifteen people infected by the H5N1 virus, and authorities are investigating around sixty possible new cases. Yesterday the Turkish health minister admitted that the country had never confronted a crisis as serious as this one.

The majority of the cases in Turkey are in the eastern part of the country in a region with a Kurdish majority. The people infected are now being treated with Tamiflu. But the Turkish government has received serious accusations of negligence, and neighboring and European Union countries have blocked importations of birds.

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has warned that bird flue could become endemic in Turkey and threaten neighboring countries. According to John Lubroth, an FAO expert in animal health, the virus could spread out despite the control measures that have been taken up to now.

In the meantime, in China, two people infected with the H5N1 virus died in recent days according to the Chinese government.

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