Saturday, August 28, 2010

Il nunc ha 1.200 textos in “Interlingua multilingue”.

(Languages of this post: Interlingua, English)

Il nunc ha 1.200 messages in “Interlingua multilingue”.

Recentemente, io ha comenciate a cargar a iste sito un collection de aphorismos in omne le linguas fonte de interlingua con le exception del latino e con le addition del catalan e del galiciano, duo linguas includite in le traductor electronic de Google.

Iste aphorismos veni de un varietate de fontes. Io sempre debe reformular los in linguage que pote esser processate per le traductor de Google.

Como le textos de “interlingua multilingue” es destinate a studentes de interlingua e su linguas fonte, iste aphorismos ha un valor pedagogic significante proque illos illustra de un maniera clar e dramatic le relationes inter interlingua e su linguas fonte e permitte lor comparation rapide e facile. E a causa de lor brevitate, io pote producer versiones de illos in omne iste linguas con un minimo de labor.

Il es difficile producer articulos de plus que duo o tres paragraphos in plus que tres del linguas fonte de interlingua proque le coordination de lor textos deveni progressivemente plus difficile e complicate con le addition de altere linguas.

In le caso de aphorismos, le labor es multo reducite. Le aphorismos anque ha le avantage de esser semanticamente multo ric, que los face plus interessante que exercitios del tipo “la pluma de mi amita se trova sur le tabula, ma su libro se trova sur le sede al latere del tabula”.

Naturalmente, omne vos es benvenite a copiar le textos de “Interlingua multilingue” a altere sitos e a modificar los secundo vostre proprie preferentias in le uso de interlingua e de su linguas fonte, forsan addente a illos altere textos pro studentes qui volera studiar iste linguas in le futuro.

Omne iste textos es redigite in un stilo breve, directe, e clar. Pro attraher lectores in un ambiente de communication electronic, il es importante saper scriber de iste maniera. Le majoritate de internautas es personas qui lege in haste, e tal personas ha pauc patientia con textos longe, complicate, e obscur. E sovente tal textos solmente cela le povressa de ideas e le manco de claritate in le pensamento de lor autores.


There are now 1,200 texts in “Interlingua multilingue”.

Recently, I have started to upload to this site a collection of aphorisms in all the source languages of Interlingua with the exception of Latin and with the addition of Catalan and Galician, two languages that are included in Google’s electronic translator.

Since the texts of “Interlingua multilingue” are meant for students of Interlingua and its source languages, these aphorisms have a significant pedagogical advantage because they illustrate in a clear and dramatic way the relations between Interlingua and its source languages and permit their rapid and easy comparison. And because of their brevity, I can produce versions of them in all these languages with a minimum of work.

It is difficult to produce articles of more than two or three paragraphs in more than three of the source languages of Interlingua because the coordination of their texts becomes progressively more difficult and complicated with the addition of other languages.

In the case of aphorisms, this labor is greatly reduced. Aphorisms also have the advantage of being semantically very rich, which makes them more interesting than exercises such as “My aunt’s pen is on the table, but her book is on the chair next to the table.”

Naturally, all of you are welcome to copy the texts of “Interlingua multilingue” to other sites and to modify them according to your own preferences in the use of Interlingua and its source languages, perhaps adding to them other texts for students that will want to study these languages in the future.

All these texts are edited in a style that is direct, brief, and clear. To attract readers in an electronic-communications environment, it is important to know how to write like this. Most internauts are people who read quickly, and such persons have little patience with long, complicated, and obscure texts. And often such texts only hide the poverty of ideas and the lack of clarity in the thinking of their authors.

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