Friday, August 20, 2010 nunc provide traductiones in contexto inter anglese e germano, francese, espaniol, e portugese.

(Languages of this post: Interlingua, English)

Le 11 de martio de 2010 io scribeva un articulo pro “Interlingua multilingue” sur, que esseva un excellente ressource pro trovar parolas e expressiones in anglese e germano usate in differente contextos de communication. Le uso de dictionarios traditional pote esser assatis limitante proque quando on traduce inter linguas, generalmente on vole trovar equivalentes de phrases in vice de parolas individual.

Ma usa omne le Rete como un dictionario. Illo esseva un motor de cerca que antea provideva traductiones equivalente pro parolas e phrases in anglese e germano. Ma illo nunc nunc ha addite le espaniol, le portugese, e le francese a su systema.

Studentes del lingua anglese e de iste altere linguas pote usar pro discoperir equivalentes de multe vocabulario moderne que usque nunc non ha essite registrate in dictionarios. Illes anque pote usar lo pro construer exercitios de traduction inter iste linguas durante que illes los studia.

Il es importante notar tamen que le direction de iste traductor es del anglese al altere quatro linguas. On non pote trovar traductiones, pro exemplo, inter le francese e le germano o inter le germano e le portugese.

Ma in despecto de iste limitation,, como le traductor electronic de Google, pote usar se como un potente utensilio pro studentes de iste linguas. Iste servicio es specialmente utile pro trovar equivalentes inter le anglese e le germano, le espaniol, le portugese, e le francese pro vocabulario nove in le scientias e le technologia, que sta a cambiar rapidissimente. Ecce unes exemplos de traductiones equivalente inter le anglese e iste quatro linguas que usa le phrase anglese “hard drive”:

Anglese a germano:

If your hard drive is more than 1024 cylinders (and your system was manufactured more than two years ago), you may need to create a boot partition if you want the root partition to use all of the remaining space on your hard drive. --> Ist Ihre Festplatte größer als 1024 Zylinder (und Ihr System älter als zwei Jahre), müssen Sie eventuell eine boot Partition erstellen, wenn Sie möchten, dass die root Partition den gesamten restlichen Platz auf der Festplatte verwenden soll.

If you choose to create a boot diskette, you must also create the appropriate driver diskette if you are installing over a network or from a hard drive. --> Wenn Sie eine Bootdiskette erstellen, müssen Sie auch eine entsprechende Treiberdiskette erstellen, wenn Sie die Installation übers Netzwerk oder von einer Festplatte aus ausführen.

Storage devices can be placed in read-only mode or fully disabled, while the endpoint hard drive and all network drives remain accessible and operational. --> Speichergeräte können mit Schreibschutz versehen oder ganz deaktiviert werden, während die Festplatte des Endgerätes und alle Netzlaufwerke zugänglich und betriebsbereit bleiben.

Anglese a espaniol:

As you save files to your hard drive, they are broken down into smaller pieces, and stored in any open spot available on the disk. --> Cuando se guardan archivos en el disco duro, se dividen en partes más pequeñas y se almacenan en cualquier lugar disponible del disco.

Corel defines installation as the process in which the product installation program is extracted from a CD, diskette, downloaded executable or network drive onto a single computer's hard drive, and the setup program is run to completion in accordance with the authorized installation instructions. --> Corel define la instalación como el proceso en que se extrae el programa de instalación del producto de un CD, disco, archivo ejecutable descargado o unidad de red en la unidad de disco duro de un solo equipo y se ejecuta hasta completarse el programa de instalación siguiendo las instrucciones de instalación autorizadas.

If you choose not to be recognized, please refer to your Internet browser to erase Cookies from your computer hard drive, block all Cookies or receive a warning before a Cookie is stored. --> Si usted prefiere no ser reconocido, por favor remítase a vuestro navegador Internet con el fin de borrar los Cookies del disco duro de su computadora, de bloquear todos los Cookies, o de recibir un aviso antes de que un Cookie sea archivado en la memoria.

Anglese a portugese:

Whenever you are authorized to use the WD corporate logo or the HARD DRIVE BY WD logo, you can obtain the logo files from and you must comply with the Corporate Identity Standards and the Hard Drive By WD Logo Print Usage Guide. --> Uma vez autorizado a usar o logotipo corporativo da WD ou o logotipo HARD DRIVE BY WD, você poderá obter os arquivos de logotipos em e deverá seguir as normas do guia Padrões de identidade corporativa e do Guia para uso impresso do logotipo Drive By WD.

Active-X programs and JAVA applets are executable programs transferred to your computer's hard drive that cause your computer to perform functions in connection with your visit to a Web site. --> Os programas Active-X e applets JAVA são programas executáveis transferidos ao disco rígido do seu computador que fazem com que seu computador execute funções em conexão com a sua visita a um Site na web.

I would write it down and leave it hidden in my room or somewhere on my hard drive, but last year my hard drive crashed and all my other old paper work was gone. --> Eu escrevia e os deixei escondidos no meu quarto ou em algum lugar do meu, mas o ano passado meu HD pifou e todos os meus meus outros velhos papéis desapareceram.

Anglese a francese:

Since it is not the publisher of this computer software, the Organizing Body the Participant accepts that it is not responsible for any manufacturing defect, malfunction, incompatibility with other computer software installed on the hard drive of the Participant's computer, nor in the case of loss or alteration of any data belonging to the Participant. --> N'étant pas éditrice de ce programme informatique, la Société Organisatrice n'est pas responsable, ce que le Participant accepte, de tout défaut de développement, mauvais fonctionnement, incompatibilité avec d'autres programmes informatiques installés dans le disque dur du micro-ordinateur du Participant, ni en cas de perte ou d'altération des données du Participant.

So by making a managed image file first, you actually copy all data to a special file on the hard drive and next work from there. --> Ainsi, en créant d'abord un fichier image géré, vous copiez toutes les données dans un fichier spécial sur le disque dur et vous travaillerez ensuite à partir de ce stade.

Other than subversive information/data allegedly found on the hard drive, there was very little indication that Mr. Abu Adas had subversive or violent tendencies. --> Mis à part les informations et données subversives qui auraient été trouvées sur le disque dur, il y a très peu d'éléments indiquant que M. Abu Adas avaient des tendances subversives ou violentes.

--- now provides translations in context between English and German, French, Spanish, and Portuguese.

On March 11, 2010 I wrote an article for “Interligua multilingue” about, which was an excellent resource for finding words and expressions in English and German used in different contexts of communication. The use of traditional dictionaries can be rather limiting because when people translate between languages, generally they want to find equivalents of phrases instead of individual words.

But uses the entire Net as a dictionary. It used to be a search engine that provided equivalent translations for words and phrases in English and German. But it now has added Spanish, Portuguese, and French to its system.

Students of English and these other languages can use to discover equivalents of a lot of modern vocabulary that up to now has not been registered in dictionaries. They also can use it to construct translation exercises between these languages as they study them.

It is important to note, however, that the direction of this translator is from English to the other four languages. It is not possible to find translations, for example, between French and German or between German and Portuguese.

But despite this limitation,, like Google’s electronic translator, can be used as a powerful tool for students of these languages. This service is especially useful for finding equivalents between English and German, Spanish, Portuguese, and French for new vocabulary in sciences and technology, which is changing very rapidly. Here are some examples of equivalent translations between English and these four languages that use the English phrase “hard drive”:

English to German:

If your hard drive is more than 1024 cylinders (and your system was manufactured more than two years ago), you may need to create a boot partition if you want the root partition to use all of the remaining space on your hard drive. --> Ist Ihre Festplatte größer als 1024 Zylinder (und Ihr System älter als zwei Jahre), müssen Sie eventuell eine boot Partition erstellen, wenn Sie möchten, dass die root Partition den gesamten restlichen Platz auf der Festplatte verwenden soll.

If you choose to create a boot diskette, you must also create the appropriate driver diskette if you are installing over a network or from a hard drive. --> Wenn Sie eine Bootdiskette erstellen, müssen Sie auch eine entsprechende Treiberdiskette erstellen, wenn Sie die Installation übers Netzwerk oder von einer Festplatte aus ausführen.

Storage devices can be placed in read-only mode or fully disabled, while the endpoint hard drive and all network drives remain accessible and operational. --> Speichergeräte können mit Schreibschutz versehen oder ganz deaktiviert werden, während die Festplatte des Endgerätes und alle Netzlaufwerke zugänglich und betriebsbereit bleiben.

English to Spanish:

As you save files to your hard drive, they are broken down into smaller pieces, and stored in any open spot available on the disk. --> Cuando se guardan archivos en el disco duro, se dividen en partes más pequeñas y se almacenan en cualquier lugar disponible del disco.

Corel defines installation as the process in which the product installation program is extracted from a CD, diskette, downloaded executable or network drive onto a single computer's hard drive, and the setup program is run to completion in accordance with the authorized installation instructions. --> Corel define la instalación como el proceso en que se extrae el programa de instalación del producto de un CD, disco, archivo ejecutable descargado o unidad de red en la unidad de disco duro de un solo equipo y se ejecuta hasta completarse el programa de instalación siguiendo las instrucciones de instalación autorizadas.

If you choose not to be recognized, please refer to your Internet browser to erase Cookies from your computer hard drive, block all Cookies or receive a warning before a Cookie is stored. --> Si usted prefiere no ser reconocido, por favor remítase a vuestro navegador Internet con el fin de borrar los Cookies del disco duro de su computadora, de bloquear todos los Cookies, o de recibir un aviso antes de que un Cookie sea archivado en la memoria.

English to Portuguese:

Whenever you are authorized to use the WD corporate logo or the HARD DRIVE BY WD logo, you can obtain the logo files from and you must comply with the Corporate Identity Standards and the Hard Drive By WD Logo Print Usage Guide. --> Uma vez autorizado a usar o logotipo corporativo da WD ou o logotipo HARD DRIVE BY WD, você poderá obter os arquivos de logotipos em e deverá seguir as normas do guia Padrões de identidade corporativa e do Guia para uso impresso do logotipo Drive By WD.

Active-X programs and JAVA applets are executable programs transferred to your computer's hard drive that cause your computer to perform functions in connection with your visit to a Web site. --> Os programas Active-X e applets JAVA são programas executáveis transferidos ao disco rígido do seu computador que fazem com que seu computador execute funções em conexão com a sua visita a um Site na web.

I would write it down and leave it hidden in my room or somewhere on my hard drive, but last year my hard drive crashed and all my other old paper work was gone. --> Eu escrevia e os deixei escondidos no meu quarto ou em algum lugar do meu, mas o ano passado meu HD pifou e todos os meus meus outros velhos papéis desapareceram.

English to French:

Since it is not the publisher of this computer software, the Organizing Body the Participant accepts that it is not responsible for any manufacturing defect, malfunction, incompatibility with other computer software installed on the hard drive of the Participant's computer, nor in the case of loss or alteration of any data belonging to the Participant. --> N'étant pas éditrice de ce programme informatique, la Société Organisatrice n'est pas responsable, ce que le Participant accepte, de tout défaut de développement, mauvais fonctionnement, incompatibilité avec d'autres programmes informatiques installés dans le disque dur du micro-ordinateur du Participant, ni en cas de perte ou d'altération des données du Participant.

So by making a managed image file first, you actually copy all data to a special file on the hard drive and next work from there. --> Ainsi, en créant d'abord un fichier image géré, vous copiez toutes les données dans un fichier spécial sur le disque dur et vous travaillerez ensuite à partir de ce stade.

Other than subversive information/data allegedly found on the hard drive, there was very little indication that Mr. Abu Adas had subversive or violent tendencies. --> Mis à part les informations et données subversives qui auraient été trouvées sur le disque dur, il y a très peu d'éléments indiquant que M. Abu Adas avaient des tendances subversives ou violentes.

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