Sunday, August 1, 2010

Un nota breve sur le traductor de Google e le studio de linguas

(Languages of this post: Interlingua, English)

Le breve articulo anterior con le titulo “Nos es le sol fonte de nostre salvation” illustra le capabilitates del traductor de Google como utensilio pro rediger textos in linguas que le traductor cognosce assatis ben. Illo anque illustra fortemente que interlingua, in vice de esser un lingua pan-europee, es vermente un lingua pan-romanic.

Ben que multo del vocabulario del version in interlingua de iste articulo breve es immediatemente recognoscible a un anglophono, personas cuje linguas native se trova in le familia germanic debe dedicar un certe quantitate de studio pro apprender le vocabulario de interlingua. Pro tal personas, le studio de interlingua pote esser un excellente introduction a omne le linguas romanic e le anglese, specialmente si illes ha disponibile un certe quantitate de textos bi- e multilingue in iste linguas.

Le scopo de “Interlingua multilingue” es provider tal textos. Il nunc ha un gruppo grandissime de tal textos in iste publication, specialmente pro personas qui vole apprender le espaniol, le portugese, e le anglese, ben que iste blog anque contine un numero considerabile de textos in francese e italiano.

Io vos invita a cercar e copiar los pro formar un anthologia de tal textos pro studentes qui vole usar interlingua como un ponte al studio de su linguas fonte--le latino e le linguas anglo-romanic. In le studio de linguas, il sempre es assatis facile studiar gruppos de linguas simile con le adjuta de textos bilingue. E pro me mesme, le production de iste textos ha essite un excellente maniera de studiar iste linguas.


The brief article below with the title “We are the only source of our salvation” illustrates the capabilities of the Google translator as a tool for editing texts in languages that the translator knows rather well. It also strongly illustrates that Intelringua, instead of being a pan-European language, is really a pan-Romance language.

Though much of the vocabulary in the Interlingua version of this brief article is immediately recognizable to an English speaker, people whose native languages are in the Germanic family have to dedicate a certain amount of study to learn the vocabulary of Interlingua. For such people, the study of Interlingua can be an excellent introduction to all the Romance languages and English, especially if they have available a certain amount of bi- and multilingual texts in these languages.

The purpose of “Interlingua multilingue” is to provide such texts. There now is a very large group of such textos in this publication, especially for people who want to learn Spanish, Portuguese, and English, though this blog also contains a considerable number of texts in French and Italian.

I invite you to look for and copy them to compile an anthology of such texts for students who want to use Interlingua as a bridge to the study of its source languages--Latin and the Anglo-Romance languages. In the study of language, it always is rather easy to study groups of similar languages with the help of bilingual texts. As for me, the production of these texts has been an excellent way of studying these languages.

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