Monday, October 5, 2009

Le jornales anglese e le personas qui los lege (Per Brian Sexton)

(Languages of this post: Interlingua, English)

Le “Times” es legite per le personas qui governa le pais, le “Financial Times” per illes qui possede le pais, le “Guardian” per illes qui governava le pais in le passato, le “Daily Mail” per le maritas de illes qui governava le pais, le “Morning Star” per illes qui vole que le pais sia governate per un altere pais, e le “Sun” per illes qui non se interessa a qui governa le pais, a condition que il ha un pin-up provocante al pagina tres.


The “Times” is read by people who govern the country, the “Financial Times” by the ones who own the country, the “Guardian” by those who governed the country in the past, the “Daily Mail” by the wives of those who governed the country, the “Morning Star” by those who want the country to be governed by another country, and the “Sun” by those who are not interested in who governs the country as long as there is a provocative pin-up on page three.

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