Thursday, October 1, 2009

Nos es descendentes de hominides qui viveva ante 170.000 annos.

(Languages of this post: Interlingua, English)

Nos es descendentes de hominides qui viveva ante 170.000 annos.

Post un studio del chromosomas Y de 38 homines de ubique in le mundo, un gruppo de recercatores al Universitate Yale, SUA, ha publicate in le jornal “Science” un articulo dicente que omne nos es descendentes de un parve gruppo de hominides qui viveva ante 170.000 annos.

Lor discoperimentos es consonante al theoria inter anthropologos que le origine de nostre specie esseva un evento recente e que le differentias racial se ha disveloppate post que le descendentes de iste hominides migrava a altere partes del mundo.

Le hypothese rival manteneva que le origines human datava de quasi ante un million de annos in plure partes del mundo e que le homines contemporanee veniva de un ancestre hominide mesmo plus primitive.

Iste nove studios monstra que nostre ancestres esseva un parve gruppo de personas, forsan un tribo isolate ab alteres qui non se intersposava, resultante al cambios evolutionari que gradualmente les differentiava ab lor ancestre protohuman.

Walter Gilbert del Universitate Harvard, un collaborator in le studio, diceva que si le specie human habeva disveloppate plus ancianmente, il haberea habite differentias major inter homines contemporanee.

(Adaptate de un articulo publicate in “Panorama”, julio-augusto, 1995 e republicate in “Interlingua in interlingua”)


We are descendants of hominids that lived 170,000 years ago.

After a study of the Y chromosomes of thirty-eight men from everywhere in the world, a group of researchers at Yale University has published in the journal “Science” an article saying that all of us are descendants of a small group of hominids that lived 170,000 years ago.

Their discoveries agree with a theory among anthropologists that the origin of our species was a recent event and that racial differences developed after the descendants of these hominids migrated to other parts of the world.

The rival hypothesis maintained that human origins go back almost a million years in various parts of the world and that contemporary man came from a hominid ancestor that was even more primitive.

These new studies show that our ancestors were a small group of people, perhaps a tribe isolated from others that did not intermarry, resulting in the evolutionary changes that gradually differentiated them from their protohuman ancestor.

Walter Gilbert of Harvard University, a collaborator in the study, said that if the human species had developed earlier, there would have been greater differences among contemporary men.

(Adapted from an article published in “Panorama”, July-August, 1995 and republished in “Interlingua in interlingua”)

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