Wednesday, December 16, 2009


(Languages of this post: Interlingua, English)

Le assalto recente sur Silvio Berlusconi ha accentuate le divisiones profunde in le politica de Italia durante que le amicos e inimicos del prime ministro italian ha advocate plus stridentemente lor positiones respective sur su governamento.

Su criticos denunciava le violentia contra Berlusconi ma insisteva que ille es un clown con un vita private scandalose e que su tentativas pro manipular le derecto del pais pro nullificar su proprie problemas legal es inexcusabile.

Le alliatos del prime ministro tamen sta a usar le attacco contra ille pro augmentar le appoio pro su coalition del centro dextre, que ha habite multissime difficultates in su tentativas pro governar le pais a causa del personalitate de Berlusconi.

Berlusconi, de septanta e tres annos de etate, remaneva in un hospital lunedi con un fractura in su naso e duo dentes rompite. Le hospital diceva que su condition esseva bon ma que ille habeva perdite un quantitate assatis serie de sanguine e que ille suffriva dolores constante.

Massime Tartaglia, le homine qui attaccava Berlusconi, ha un historia de problemas psychologic. On crede que ille esseva le sol autor del assalto, e usque nunc ille non ha dicite que ille attaccava Berlusconi a causa de differentias politic con su coalition.

Le photos e videos del attacco ha scandalisate non solmente omne Italia ma omne le mundo. “Il es un die triste pro Italia, e omne nostre partitos poltic ha le deber de assecurar que le pais non repete le annos de violentia in le annos septanta”, diceva Gianfranco Fini, un membro del coalition de Berlusconi. “Le attacco contra le prime ministro es un acto de violentia que non pote justificar se.”

Ma altere italianos vide le attacco como un resultato natural del grande divisiones politic que ha emergite durante le administration de Berlusconi. “Berlusconi non es un victima in iste incidente ma es un del creatores principal del nove clima politic in Italia”, diceva Rosy Bindi, un membro de su opposition in le parlamento italian. “Tal violentia sempre debe esser condemnate e nunquam debe esser justificate. Ma totevia on pote comprender le causas de illo.”

Le criticos del prime ministro ha essite inragiate e embarrassate per Berlusconi tanto pro su politicas exterior como interior. Plus que un vice ille ha facite referentias quasi-raciste al color del pelle del Presidente Obama. In Italia ille ha essite comparate con alicun imperatores roman a causa de su soirées que includeva prostitutas juvene e sexy e su tentativas de manipular le leges del pais pro nullificar possibile actos de criminalitate sue. Ille es involvite in plus que un processo legal que essaya a determinar si ille e su governamento ha essite implicate in diverse actos de corruption.

Totevia, Berlusconi ha su defensores fervente qui insiste que le humor de Berlusconi, ben que un pauco forte a vices, es completemente normal. Illes admira su successo in su affaires commercial e insista que su politicas domestic, includente forte opposition al immigration, es completemente necesse pro le ben-esser e prosperitate de Italia in iste momento.

“Italia ha essite vermente dividite per illes qui odia Berlusconi e qui anque crede que ille es le fonte de omne le problemas del pais e illes qui crede que ille es le fonte de importante solutiones practic del problemas que afflige Italia in iste momento”, diceva le analysta politic Franco Pavoncello. “Le situation nunc es tan radicalisate que le atmosphera, le ar que on respira in iste pais, es invenenate.”

Evidentia de isto rapidemente deveniva obvie in Internet in le horas post le attacco contra Berlusconi le dominica passate con un statua del famose cathedral Duomo de Milano. Milles de internautas se affiliava con gruppos de Facebook que fortemente laudava le attacco contra ille. Un gruppo declarava, “Nos condemna omne formas de violentia, ma le photos e videos del facie sanguinose de Berlusconi non ha pretio!”

Ma multe gruppos con plus grande appoio public defendeva le prime ministro italian, e analystas pro e contra Berlusconi diceva que le vita politic de Italia curre le risco de deterioration serie a causa del extremismo de alicun factiones del dextre e del leve italian.

“Le libertate mesme es in periculo in Italia”, diceva Ezio Mauro in “La Repubblica”, un jornal que ha essite un forte critic del prime ministro. “Le libertate de Berlusconi pro advocar su politicas corresponde con nostre libertate de criticar le. Tal libertate se trova al centro del processo democratic, e nos omnes debe defender lo.”


The recent attack on Silvio Berlusconi has emphasized the deep divisions in Italian politics as the friends and enemies of the Italian prime minister have advocated more stridently their respective positions on his government.

His critics denounced the violence against Berlusconi but insisted that he is a clown with a scandalous private life and that his attempts to manipulate the laws of the country to nullify his own legal problems are inexcusable.

The allies of the prime minister, however, are using the attack against him to increase the support for his center-right coalition, which has had a lot of difficulties in its attempts to govern the country because of Berlusconi’s personality.

Berlusconi, who is seventy-three years old, remained in the hospital Monday with a fractured nose and two broken teeth. The hospital said that his condition was good but that he had lost a rather serious amount of blood and that he was in constant pain.

Massime Tartaglia, the man who attacked Berlusconi, has a history of psychological problems. He alone is believed to be responsible for the attack, and up to now he has not said that he attacked Berlusconi because of political differences with his coalition.

The photos and videos of the attack have scandalized not only all of Italy but the entire world. “It is a sad day for Italy, and all our political parties have the duty to make sure that the country does not repeat the years of violence of the 1970s,” said Gianfranco Fini, a member of Berlusconi’s coalition. “The attack against the prime minister is an act of violence that cannot be justified.”

But other Italians see the attack as a natural result of the great political division that has emerged during Berlusconi’s administration. “Berlusconi is not a victim in this incident but is one of the principal creators of the new political climate in Italy,” said Rosy Bindi, a member of his opposition in the Italian parliament. “Such violence must always be condemned and never should be justified. But still it is possible to understand what caused it.”

The prime minister’s critics have been enraged and embarrassed by Berlusconi because of both his foreign and domestic policies. More than once he has made quasi-racist references to President Obama’s skin color. In Italy he has been compared with some Roman emperors because of his wild parties that include young and sexy prostitutes and his attempts to manipulate the laws of the country to nullify some of his possibly criminal acts. He is involved in more than one trial attempting to determine if he and his government have been involved in various corrupt acts.

Still, Berlusconi has his fervent defenders who insist that his sense of humor, though a little strong at times, is completely normal. They admire his success in business and insist that his domestic policies, including strong oppostition to immigration, are completely necessary for the welfare and prosperity of Italy at this moment.

“Italy has truly been divided by those who hate Berlusconi and who also believe that he is the source of all the problems of the country and those who believe that he is the source of important practical solutions that afflict Italy at this moment,” said the political analyst Franco Pavoncello. “The situation right now is so radicalized that the atmosphere, the air that we breathe in this country, is poisoned.”

Evidence of this rapidly became obvious on the Internet in the hours after the attack on Berlusconi last Sunday with a statue of the famous Duomo cathedral of Milan. Thousands of internet surfers joined Facebook groups that strongly praised the attack against him. One group declared, “We condemn all forms of violence, but the photos and videos of Berlusconi’s bloody face are priceless!”

But many groups with greater public support defended the Italian prime minister, and analysts for and against Berlusconi said that the political life of Italy is running the risk of serious deterioration because of the extremism of some of the factions of Italy’s left and right.

“Liberty itself is in danger in Italy,” said Ezio Mauro in “La Repubblica,” a newpaper that has been a strong critic of the prime minister. “Berlulsconi’s liberty to advocate for his policies corresponds with our own liberty to criticize him. Such liberty is at the center of the democratic process, and all of us must defend it.”

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