Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Questiones sur Internet (4)

(Languages of this post: Interlingua, English)

Quarte Question: Como ha cambiate nostre vitas le retes social?

Le retes social que ha emergite con le evolution de Internet ha producite un explosion de creativitate e sociabilitate. Illo nos ha permittite communicar nos con alteres con interesses cultural e social identic con le nostres, e illos anque facilita conflictos inter nos e alteres qui ha convictiones social, politic, e religiose que es inimic al nostres.

Internet pote considerar se como un rete de rete de retes social. Le prime applicationes in massa que se disveloppava pro Internet post le emergentia del posta electronic esseva duo listas multo popular inter scientistas e studentes, le prime concernente le fantascientia e le secunde sur le usos possible del marihuana.

Le retes social nunc es utile pro toto, desde le mobilisation politic usque le intercambio de ideas e contacto plus intime inter le culturas del mundo. Iste retes ha augmentate grandemente le potential de communication e de sociabilitate que existe in nostre mundo, que esseva multo difficile de practicar quando omnes viveva in blocos de tempore e spatio in le quales il esseva multo difficile communicar se con altere blocos simile.


The social networks that have emerged with the evolution of the Internet have produced an explosion of creativity and sociability. They have allowed us to get in touch with others with cultural and social interests that are identical to our own, and they have also facilitated contacts between us and others who have social, political, and religious convictions that are inimical to our own.

The Intenet can be considered to be a network of social networks. The first mass applications that were developed for the Net after the emergence of e-mail were two very popular lists among scientists and students, the first one concerning science fiction and the second one about the possible uses of marihuana.

Social networks are now useful for everything, from political mobilization to the exchange of ideas and more intimate contact among the cultures of the world. These networks have greatly increased the potential for commication and socializing that exists in our world, which was very difficult to practice when everyone lived in blocks of time and space in which it was very difficult to communicate with other similar blocks.

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