Sunday, December 13, 2009

Elvis Presley

(Languages of this post: Interlingua, English)

Elvis Presley, 1935-1977, le Rege del Rock and Roll, nasceva in Tupelo, Mississippi, le 8 de januario, 1935. Su familia esseva extrememente povre. Durante su infantia, ille cantava in su ecclesia con su patres. Ille anque ascoltava attentemente le generos de musica popular que habeva influentias sur su proprie musica, includente “country”, “rhythm and blues”, e musica religiose, e in 1953 ille faceva su prime registration, “My Happiness”.

Presley faceva iste registration al Memphis Recording Service. Secundo le historia, ille pagava quatro dollars pro facer le registration pro su matre. Un femina qui travaliava in le studio ubi ille faceva su registration habeva un altere empleo con Sun Records, e illa faceva un secunde registration de omne le musica de Elvis proque illa credeva que Sun Records haberea interesse in publicar su musica.

Le proprietario de Sun Records, Sam Phillips, stava a cercar un euroamericano qui poteva cantar rhythm and blues, un genero musical de afroamericanos. Tosto ille publicava “That’s all Right”.

Le registration vendeva ben in Memphis. Tosto le musica de Presley arrivava al attention del Colonello Tom Parker. Elvis signava un accordo con Parker que le permitteva gerer su carriera musical. Tosto Elvis faceva un registration de “Heartbreak Hotel”, que le faceva multo famose in omne le Statos Unite.

Jam in le medie parte del decada inter 1950 e 1960, Elvis Presley esseva famose in omne le mundo como un cantante qui se moveva eroticamente durante que ille cantava su musica. Multe adultos in ille epocha puritanic credeva que ille e su musica esseva un mal influentia sur le juvenes del Statos Unite, ma feminas juvene le amava, e grande turbas veniva a su concertos pro audir su musica.

In 1956 ille faceva le film “Love Me Tender”, e Elvis deveniva le actor le melio pagate in Hollywood durante ille epocha. Eventualmente ille faceva 31 films. In 1958, immediatemente post le production del film “King Creole”, Elvis se affiliava al armea american a causa del conscription militar de ille epocha.

Durante su annos in le armea american, Elvis viveva multo confortabilemente in Germania e habeva accesso a multe feminas belle. In ille epocha ille cognosceva Priscilla Beaulieu, le filia de un functionario del armea. Illa habeva 14 annos. Plus tarde, post su annos de servicio in le armea, Priscilla veniva a viver con ille in Memphis, Tennessee. Illes se maritava in 1967, quando illa habeva 21 annos. Ille habeva 32. Novem menses plus tarde, lor maritage produceva un filia, Lisa Marie Presley.

Durante le annos que Elvis serviva in le armea american, le colonello Parker assecurava que su musica continuava a sonar se in le radios del pais, e Elvis esseva tan popular post su annos de servicio como ille esseva ante affiliar se con le armea statounitese. Eventualmente, Elvis ganiava tres premios Grammy, le prime pro “How Great Thou Art”, un album de musica religiose.

In 1969 Elvis comenciava a apparer in shows in Las Vegas, Nevada. Ille anque viagiava trans le pais e cantava ante turbas grandissime. Ille comenciava a usar drogas pro adjuvar se a dormir. Ille deveniva corpulente e comenciava a usar altere drogas pro controlar su peso. E ille anque comenciava a usar analgesicos potente.

Durante su concertos in Las Vegas e in altere partes del pais, Elvis non permitteva que Priscilla le accompaniava. Ille anque non voleva que illa habeva visitantes quando ille viajava, e illa remaneva un prisionera in Graceland, su villa in Memphis. Priscilla finalmente le abandonava in 1972 pro un altere homine. Post le fin de su maritage, Presley comenciava a suffrer de depression clinic serie.

Elvis publicava multe registrationes in le decada que comenciava con 1970. Ille anque appareva multo in le television american e esseva un grande successo. In 1973 su show de television de Hawaii habeva plus que un billion de spectatores, e su ultime album, “Moody Blue”, appareva in 1976. Elvis Presley moriva le 16 de augusto, 1977, como resultato del multiple drogas al quales ille esseva un addicto.

Cata anno centenares de milles de personas totevia visita su villa, Graceland, in Memphis. Su fans continua a comprar su musica, e ille ha devenite tan immortal inter le fans de Rock and Roll como le Beatles e le Rolling Stones.


Elvis Presley, 1935-1977, the King of Rock and Roll, was born in Tupelo, Mississippi, on January 8, 1935. His family was extremely poor. During his childhood, he sang in his church with his parents. He also listened carefully to the musical genres that had influence on his own music, including country, rhythm and blues, and religious music, and in 1953 he made his first recording, “My Happiness.”

Presley made this recording at the Memphis Recording Service. As the story goes, he paid four dollars to make the recording for his mother. A woman who worked in the recording studio had another job with Sun Records, and she made a second recording of all of Elvis’s music because she believed that Sun Records would be interested in publishing his music.

The owner of Sun Records, Sam Phillips, was looking for a white American who could sing rhythm and blues, a black musical genre. Soon he published “That’s all right.”

The recording sold well in Memphis. Soon Presley’s music aroused the attention of Colonel Tom Parker. Elvis signed an agreement with Parker that allowed him to manage his musical career. Soon Elvis made a recording of “Heartbreak Hotel,” which made him very famous in the entire United States.

Already in the middle part of the decade between 1950 and 1960 Elvis Presley was famous throughout the entire world as a singer with some very sexy moves while he sang his music. Many adults in that puritanical era believed that he and his music were a bad influence on American youth, but young women loved him, and great crowds came to his concerts to hear his music.

In 1956 he made the film “Love Me Tender,” and Elvis became the highest paid actor in Hollywood during that era. Eventually he made thirty-one films. In 1958, immediately after the production of the film “King Creole,” Elvis was drafted into the American army because of the military conscription of that period.

During his years in the American army, Elvis lived very comfortably in Germany and had access to many beautiful women. At that time he met Priscilla Beaulieu, the daughter of an army officer. She was fourteen years old. Later on, after his years of service in the army, Priscilla came to live with him in Memphis, Tennessee. They got married in 1967, when she was twenty-one years old. He was thirty-two. Nine months later, they had a daughter, Lisa Marie Presley.

During the years that Elvis served in the American army, Colonel Parker made sure that his music continued to be played on the radios of the country, and Elvis was as popular after his years of service as he was before joining the U.S. army. Eventually, Elvis earned three Grammies, the first for “How Great Thou Art,” an album of religious music.

In 1969 Elvis started to appear in shows in Las Vegas, Nevada. He also traveled throughout the country and sang before great crowds. He started to use drugs to help him sleep. He got fat and started using other drugs to control his weight. And he also started to use potent pain-killing drugs.

During his concerts in Las Vegas and in other parts of the country, Elvis did not let Priscilla go with him. He also did not want her to have visitors while he traveled, and she remained a prisoner in Graceland, his estate in Memphis. Priscilla finally left him in 1972 for another man. After the end of his marriage, Presley started to suffer from serious clinical depression.

Elvis released a lot of recordings in the decade starting in 1970. He also appeared a lot on American television and was a great success. In 1973 his television show from Hawaii had more than a billion viewers, and his last album, “Moody Blue,” was released in 1976. Elvis Presley died on August 16, 1977, as a result of the many drugs that he was addicted to.

Every year hundreds of thousands of people still visit his estate, Graceland, in Memphis. His fans continue to buy his music, and he has become as immortal among the fans of Rock and Roll as the Beatles and the Rolling Stones.

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