Monday, December 15, 2008

How to use this blog

(Languages of this post: English, Interlingua)

If you read some of trilingual messages on this site in Interlingua, a Romance language, and English, you will see that these languages have a grammatical and lexical core that is very similar in all of them. Interlingua can be seen as a simplified form of living Latin or a generalized synthesis of contemporary Romance languages.

Its grammar was extracted from the common features of its living source languages, the Romance languages and English, and it can be a useful bridge among these languages.

Because of its simplicity, Interlingua has been used to prepare students to study other languages. Interlingua can also be useful as the principal language in many international communication environments.

The Latin and Greek elements in its vocabulary are the principal basis of the international scientific vocabulary. You can quickly read the texts in this blog for the information they contain, or you can study them more carefully to increase your general linguistic knowledge.


Si vos lege alicunes ex le messages trilingue de iste sito in interlingua, un lingua romanic, e le anglese, vos videra que iste linguas ha un nucleo grammatic e lexic que es multo simile in omne illos. On pote vider interlingua como un forma simplificate del latino vivente o un synthese generalisate del linguas romanic contemporanee.

Su grammatica esseva extrahite del characteristicas commun a su linguas fonte vivente, le linguas romanic e le anglese, e illo pote esser un ponte utile inter iste linguas.

A causa de su simplicitate, on ha usate interlingua pro preparar studentes pro studier altere linguas. On anque pote usar interlingua como le lingual principal in multe ambientes de communication international.

Le elementos latin e grec in su vocabulario es le base principal pro le vocabulario scientific international. Vos pote leger rapidemente le textos de iste blog pro le information que illos contene, o vos pote studier los plus attentemente pro augmenter vostre proprie cognoscimentos linguistic.

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