Friday, December 19, 2008

Parallel Texts: Their Usefulness for Language Students.

(Languages of this post: English, Interlingua)

Parallel Texts: Their Usefulness for Language Students

Although Interlingua and its source languages have their differences in vocabulary and grammar, many constructions are identical among them. One example is the title “Interlingua in interlingua”, which is valid in Interlingua and English. Another example is the sentence “Titan, the largest of the approximately sixty moons of Saturn, may have active ice volcanoes or ice volcanoes that were active until recently,” which in Portuguese is “Titã, a maior das cerca de 60 luas de Saturno, pode ter vulcões de gelo ativos ou que estiveram ativos até recentemente,” and which is Interlingua is “Titan, le plus grande del approximativemente 60 lunas de Saturno, pote haber vulcanos de glacie active o que esseva active usque recentemente.”

Such similarities are useful for students of Interlingua and its source languages because they make it easy to acquire a passive knowledge of Interlingua and the languages from which it was extracted. Acquiring an active knowledge, naturally, requires more intense study. But even in this case, the study of parallel texts provides useful opportunities to learn how similar languages resemble one another--and how they differ!

Ben que Interlingua e su linguas fonte ha lor differentias in vocabulario e grammatica, multe constructiones es identic inter illos. Un exemplo es le titulo “Interlingua in interlingua,” que es valide in interlingua e anglese. Un altere exemplo es “Titan, the largest of the approximately sixty moons of Saturn, may have active ice volcanoes or ice volcanoes that were active until recently,” que in portugese es “Titã, a maior das cerca de 60 luas de Saturno, pode ter vulcões de gelo ativos ou que estiveram ativos até recentemente,” e que in interlingua es “Titan, le plus grande del approximativemente 60 lunas de Saturno, pote haber vulcanos de glacie active o que esseva active usque recentemente”.

Tal similaritates es utile pro studentes de interlingua e su linguas fonte proque illos facilita le acquisition de cognoscimentos passive de interlingua e le linguas ex le quales illo esseva extrahite. Le acquisition de cognoscimentos active, naturalmente, require estudios plus intense. Ma mesmo in iste caso, le studio de textos parallel provide opportunitates utile pro apprender como linguas simile es simile inter se--e como illos es differente!

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