Thursday, May 26, 2011

Le Union Europee va a comenciar a applicar nove regulas sur le privacitate in internet.

(Languages of this post: Interlingua, Spanish, English)

Le Union Europee comenciara a implementar nove regulas pro le privacitate del usatores de internet. Comenciate iste jovedi, le sitos web debera obtener permission ante instalar cookies in le computatores del personas qui illos visita.

Programas cognoscite como cookies permitte le registration del preferentias del usatores de cata sito que illos visita. Illos anque es usate per interprisas commerical pro cognoscer le preferentias de lor consumitores.

Le defensores del nove restrictiones es inquietate que le cookies es capace de retener troppo information personal sur le personas in cuje computatores illos es installate.

Usque nunc, nonobstante, pauc paises del Union Europee ha comenciate a applicar le nove normas proque illos time que le commercio trans internet pote esser adversemente afficite.


La Unión Europea aplicará nuevas reglas sobre privacidad en internet.

La Unión Europea pondrá en vigencia nuevas reglas relacionadas con la privacidad de los usuarios de internet. A partir de este jueves, los sitios web necesitarán obtener permisos antes de instalar cookies en las computadoras de quienes los visiten.

Programas conocidos como cookies permiten recordar las preferencias de los usuarios de cada sitio que visitan. También son utilizadas por empresas comerciales para conocer las preferencias de sus consumidores.

A los defensores de las nuevas restricciones les preocupa que las cookies sean capaces de retener demasiada información personal acerca de las personas en cuyas computadoras están instaladas.

Hasta ahora, sin embarago, pocos países de la Unión Europea han comenzado a aplicar las nuevas normas, pues temen que el comercio a través de internet pueda verse afectado.


The European Union is going to start implementing new rules on Internet privacy.

The European Union will implement new rules for the privacy of internet users. Effective Thursday, websites will need to obtain permission before installing cookies on the computers of those they visit.

Programs known as cookies make it possibile to record the user preferences of every site that they visit. They are also used by commercial enterprises to monitor the preferences of their consumers.

Defenders of the new restrictions are worried that cookies can also gather too much personal information about the people on whose computers they are installed.

Up to now, however, few countries in the European Union have started to implement the new rules out of fear that trade via the Internet could be adversely affected.

1 comment:

zooplah said...

I'd just like to specify that cookies aren't programs. They are just text strings, with a name/value pair associated with a domain, and optional information like an expiry date, etc. It is possible for the same site to embed itself in an iframe in several other websites (Doubleclick is known to this).

Cookies are just a technology, but there's no rule about how they are stored. The Netscape format was to use a file called cookies.txt in your profile. However, newer versions of Mozilla browsers have replaced it with an SQLite database file (cookies.sqlite). Internet Explorer puts your cookies in separate *.cookies files in your Temporary Internet Files (or as a sane browser calls it, the cache).

Now, I think this "rule" is silly. You can disable cookies in your browser. You can make them all session-only (so the cookies aren't saved and are deleted from memory when you close the browser; this is the default setting in Lynx). You can have your browser prompt you before setting cookies (which, IMHO, is annoying).

Some browsers have the ability to block cookies from certain sites or store them only a limited amount of time, but those features aren't universal.