Sunday, May 10, 2009

Problemas con musulmanes in Danmark

(Languages of this post: Interlingua, English)

Le articulo infra ha apparite in interlingua in le sito de Internet Illo narra le opiniones de un blogator sur tres juvenes musulman de 12, 12, e 13 annos qui effundeva strychnina in le fontes de aqua potabile de un citate danese. Illo anque demonstra le utilitate de interlingua como un medio de communication international (Harleigh Kyson Jr)

Io regretta que plure lectores ha probabilemente formate le opinion … que io es alcun racialista plen de prejudicios. Isto io naturalmente non mesme opina, ma io es (e esseva) attente, que le message infringeva le normas de correctitude politic que es valide in nostre parte del mundo.

Dunque io vole ben elaborar mi pensatas re le problemas que ha apparite a causa del immigration in Europa de personas de altere partes del mundo, assi que nemo pote esser in dubita de ubi io sta:

(1) Si, io opina, que il esseva un judicamento rational, que le perpetratores esseva de origine musulman. Isto es un judicamento rational, proque:

(2) Il ha vermente multe, multe musulmanes in Danmark, qui despice e le valores danese (europee), e le population, que illes opina es 'infideles'.

Iste detestation que multe musulmanes senti al daneses, es anque manifeste in le die quotidian pro multe daneses. Illes pote inter altere constatar lo per le multe incidentias ubi bandas de musulmanes attacca physicamente daneses infantil e vetule. Pro exemplo, in mi urbe natal, il non es recommendabile pro seniores sortir del casa post que le sol se ha ponite, proque le risco de esser attaccate es troppo grande. Isto non es alique que io inventa, infortunatemente.

(3) Io non opina que on pote pardonar tal cosas con referentias a como le europeos/daneses es racialistas, o que illos es causate per problemas social, o que le problemas con le integration es "nostre falta". Io opina que il ha alcun elementos in le fide musulman e le cultura medie-oriental, que es le causa predominante del problemas. Isto on pote inter altere vider per le facto que il ha simile problemas in omne altere paises west-europee, e per le facto que le sol gruppo con que il ha problemas in omne le paises es le gruppo musulman. (Al contrario, il ha nunquam habite ulle problemas con p.ex. immigrantes chinese, vietnamese, etc.)


(4) Isto non significa que TOTE musulmanes in Danmark/Europa contemne le pais al qual illes ha immigrate. Il es evidente que il ha anque musulmanes qui respecta le valores e populationes europee, e qui mesmo se senti como daneses, svedeses, etc., e non como habitantes del paises del quales illes ha emigrate. Io vole sublinear que io ha absolutemente nihil mal a dicer de tal personas, qui respecta Danmark e essaya esser un parte constructive de illo, non importa de ubi illes veni, e que es lor carnation!

(5) Ben que il ha anque isto gruppo de immigrantes laudabile, isto non significa que on non debe confrontar le facto que anque le altere gruppo existe, qui contemne le pais al qual illes ha immigrate. E il ha infortunatemente sovente un tendentia a facer justo isto, e in le medias, e alterubi.

Isto es un resultato infortunate del correctitude politic, que on ha in multe paises europee, que pote portar con se que on non pote judicar le problemas de immigration rationalmente e dunque nunquam pote solver los.

In plus, si on supprime le discussion libere de tal factos, il pote sovente resultar in un crescentia de gruppos dextra-radical. Isto on pote p.ex. vider in Svedia, ubi omne problemas de immigration ha sempre essite taboo, e ubi il, per consequente, ha grande gruppos de "skinheads". Al contrario, in Danmark, ubi tal problemas ha essite un parte del debatto politic durante longe, il ha quasi nulle tal gruppos dextra-radical.


The article below has appeared in Interlingua on the internet site It gives the opinions of a blogger about three Muslim boys, two of them twelve, the third one thirteen years of age, who poured strychnine into the potable water supplies of a Danish city. It also shows the usefulness of Interlingua as a means of international communication.

I am sorry that several readers have probably formed the opinion that I am a racist filled with prejudices. I do not hold this opinion myself, but I am (or was) aware that this message went against standards of political correctness that prevail in our part of the world.

Yes, I would like to express my thoughts about the problems that have appeared because of immigration into Europe of people of other parts of the world so that nobody can doubt where I stand:

(1) Yes, I believe that it was a rational judgment that the perpetrators were of Muslim origin. This is a rational judgment because:

(2) There are really a lot of Muslims in Denmark who despise Danish (and European) values, and the population, they think is made up of “infidels.”

This hatred that many Muslims hold toward the Danish is also displayed in daily life for many Danes. They can, among other things, see it in the many incidents where gangs of Muslims physically attack young and old Danes. For example, in the city where I was born it is not a good idea for senior citizens to leave their homes after the sun has gone down because the risk of being attacked is too great. This is nothing that I am making up, unfortunately.

(3) I do not believe that such things can be excused by saying that Europeans or Danes are racists or that they are caused by social problems or that problems with integration are “our fault.” I believe that there are some elements in the Middle Eastern Muslim religion and culture that are the predominant cause of these problems. This can be seen, among other ways, by the fact that there are similar problems in all other Western European countries and by the fact that the only people causing problems in all these countries are the Muslims. (On the contrary, there have never been any problems with, for example, immigrants from China, Vietnam, etc.)


(4) This does not mean that ALL Muslims in Denmark/Europe hold in contempt the country into which they have immigrated. It is evident that there are also Muslims who respecdt the values of European populations and who even feel as though they are Danish, Swedish, etc., and not as if they are inhabitants from the countries from which they have emigrated. I want to emphasize that I have absolutely nothing bad to say about such people, who respect Denmark and try to be a constructive part of it, no mater where they come from or what their origin is.

(5) Though there is also this group of praiseworthy immigrants, this does not mean that we should not confront the fact that the other group also exists whose members hate the country they have immigrated to. And unfortunately there is often a tendency to avoid doing this, both in the media and elsewhere.

This is an unfortunate result of political correctness, which can be seen in many European countries, which can ultimately mean that people cannot judge immigration problems rationally and thus can never solve them.

In addition, if discussion of such facts is suppressed, it can often result in a growth of radical-right groups. This can be seen, for example, in Sweden, where all immigration problems have always been taboo and where there are large groups of skinheads as a result. On the contrary, in Denmark, where such problems have been a part of public debate for a long time, there are almost no such radical-right groups.

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