Saturday, September 26, 2009

Papiro de cannabe es melior que papiro de pinos!

(Languages of this post: Interlingua, English)

Cata anno in le Statos Unite on utilisa 12 milliones de tonnas de papiro proveniente de pulpa de ligno pro le production de jornales.

Viste que le reservas de ligno deveni omne vice plus scarse, le attention del mundo jornalistic comencia a tornar se verso un specie de cannabe (hibiscus cannabis), un arbusto cognoscite desde le antiquitate que pote attinger in solo tres menses un altura de cinque metros. Secundo le quotidiano francese “Le Figaro”, le papiro obtenite del fibra de iste planta es “plus forte, plus lisie, plus durabile, e plus blanc” que illo fabricate ex le pulpa de ligno. In plus, “illo non jalnesce”.

Como avantage additional iste cannabe pote producer usque novem vices plus de pulpa per hectar que le pinos. In despecto de iste advantages, se calcula que, in 1988, le fibra de cannabe solo representava 1% del mercato del papiro pro jornales.

(Dennis Lane-Martínez, publicate in Panorama, No. 2, martio-april, 1991, e republicate in “Interlingua in interlingua”)


Paper from cannabis is better than paper from pine trees!

Each year the United States uses twelve million tons of paper coming from wood pulp for the production of newspapers.

Since supplies of wood are becoming more and more scarce, the world of journalism is starting to pay more attention to a species of cannabis (hibiscus cannabis), a bush known since antiquity that can grow five meters tall in only three months. According to the French daily “Le Figaro,” the paper obtained from the fiber of this plant is “stronger, softer, more durable, and whiter” than paper made from wood pulp. In addition, “it does not turn yellow.”

An additional advantage is that this variety of cannabis can produce up to nine times more pulp per hectar than pine trees can. Despite these advantages, it has been estuimated that in 1988, cannabis fiber represented only one percent of all the paper sold for newspaper use.

(Dennis Lane-Martínez, published in Panorama, No. 2, March-april, 1991, and republished in “Interlingua in interlingua”)

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