Monday, September 14, 2009

Il nunc ha un total de 700 messages in “Interlingua multilingue”.

(Languages of this post: Interlingua, English)

Il nunc ha un total de 700 messages que io ha montate a “Interlingua multilingue”. Isto representa un quantitate grandissime de ressources pro studiar interlingua e le anglese. Le altere linguas fonte de interlingua, naturalmente, ha un representation minus frequente.

Le numero de personas qui accessa iste documentos es assatis modeste. Generalmente illo es inter 12 e 30 personas diariemente. Ma iste numero non es importante. Io publica “Interlingua multilingue” pro studentes de linguas del futuro, sia pro studentes de interlingua mesme, sia pro studentes de su linguas fonte.

Generalmente, io mesme ha scribite le documentos bilingue in interlingua e anglese e ha redigite le duo versiones de illos simultaneemente. Pro documentos in tres o quatro linguas, io ha comenciate con un articulo que io trovava in le Rete in un lingua romanic. Io tunc usava le traductor electronic de Google pro producer un traduction preliminar al anglese. Isto me sparnia multe tempore e effortio durante que io produceva un version final del traduction.

Le traductor de Google pote sparniar multe tempore e effortio in le production de traductiones polite. Vos ha vidite in mi exercitios de traduction electronic que le traductiones de Google non es perfecte e pro usar su traductor efficacemente on debe cognoscer assatis intimemente su capacitates grammatic e lexic. Ma le utilitate de iste traductor electronic (e anque altere traductores electronic) devenira etiam plus grande durante que illos se meliora, e illos devinira un ressource etiam plus utile pro le production de cursos pro studentes de linguas.

A iste puncto io vole regratiar Google pro provider a nulle costo iste utilitate electronic e le altere ressources electronic que illo ha date al publico. Microsoft, infelicemente, non ha essite tan generose al publico qui usa computatores in lor labores. Ma a causa del competition de Google, Microsoft ha devenite plus generose. Illes mesmo provide al publico un traductor electronic inter un numero de linguas assatis grande, ma le traductor de Google es plus potente e plus versatile.

Mesmo assi, nativos del altere linguas fonte de interlingua continua a esser importante, e io spera que io pote attraher tal personas pro facer lor proprie contributiones a “Interlingua multilingue”. Tal personas poterea producer textos bilingue in interlingua e lor linguas native, naturalmente. E forsan il anque esserea possibile usar un gruppo de illos (pro exemplo un francese e un espaniol pro producer textos trilingue in interlingua, francese e espaniol). Si tu trova tal possibilitates interessante, scribe me a

Intertanto, Bruno Zani ha facite multe contributiones excellentissime a “Interlingua multilingue”. Ille anque ha indicate que ille volerea scriber un articulo o un serie de articulos sur su projecto de provider versiones de partes del “Comedia divin” de Dante in interlingua, que anque ha un serie de annotationes multo utile que explica le texto original. Su effortios es un utilissime ressource e pro studentes de interlingua e studentes de Dante, e su articulos sur iste thema essera un contribution multo benvenite a iste sito.


There is now a total of 700 messages that I have uploaded to “Interlingua multilingue.” This represents a very large amount of material for studying Interlingua and English. The other source languages of Interlingua, naturally, are represented less frequently.

The number of people accessing these documents is rather modest. Generally it is between 12 and 30 people each day. But this number is not important. I am publishing “Interlingua multilingue” for future language students, whether for students of Interlingua itself or for its source languages.

Generally, I myself have written the bilingual documents in Interlingua and English and have edited both versions of them simultaneously. For documents in three or four languages, I have started out with an article that I found on the Net in a Romance language. I then used Google’s electronic translator to produce a preliminary English translation. This saves me a lot of time and effort as I produced a final version of the translation.

Google’s translator can save a lot of time and effort in the production of polished translations. You have seen in my electronic translation exercises that Google’s translations are not perfect and to use its translator effectively a person must know rather intimately its grammatical and lexical limitations. But the usefulness of this electronic translator (and other electronic translators) will become even greater as they are improved, and they will become an even more useful resource for the production of courses for language students.

At this point I would like to thank Google for providing at no cost this electronic utility and the other electronic resources that it has given the public. Microsoft, unfortunately, has not been as generous to the public that uses computers in the work they do. But because of competition from Google, Microsoft has become more generous. They even provide the public with an electronic translator between a rather large number of languages, but Google’s translator is more powerful and more versatile.

Still, native speakers of the other source languages of Interlingua continue to be important, and I hope that I can attract such people to make their own contributions to “Interlingua multilingue.” Such people could produce bilingual texts in Interlingua and their native languages, naturally .And maybe it will be possible to use a group of them (for example someone from France and Spain) to produce trilingual texts in Interlingua, French and Spanish). If you find such possibilities interesting, write me at

In the meantime, Bruno Zani has made a lot of really excellent contributions to “Interlingua multilingue.” He also has indicated that he would like to write an article or a series of articles on his project to provide versions of parts of Dante’s “Divine Comedy” in Interlingua, along with a series of very useful annotations that explain the original text. His efforts are a very useful resource both for students of Interlingua and students of Dante, and his articles on this subject will be a most welcome contribution to this site.

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