Saturday, September 26, 2009

Projecto pro le colonisation del planeta Marte

(Languages of this post: Interlingua, English)

Le planeta Marte offere multe difficultates al colonisation human. Illo es 64 milliones de kilometros distante del terra. Su atmosphera consiste in grande parte de anhydrido carbonic, que non es respirabile per homines, e il non ha multe nitrogeno, que es necessari pro le cultivation de plantas. Le temperatura medie es -60 Celsius, comparabile con Siberia in le hiberno.

Totevia, professor Christopher McKay, del Centro de Recerca Ames in California, crede que, con patientia, le colonisation de Marte es possibile e avantagiose. Marte ha, in le forma de glacie, multe aqua, circa 2.000 kilometros cubic de illo. Le planeta ha anque carbon, hydrogeno, oxygeno, nitrogeno, phosphoro, e sulfure.

Professor McKay ha delineate un projecto pro le melioration de Marte in cinque stadios. Al prime, un expedition ab le Terra arrivarea a Marte in le annos 2015-2030.

Durante le secunde stadio de cinquanta annos, speculos fabricate del plastico Mylar dirigerea le radios del sol al coperturas de glacie polar, liberante vapores de anhydrido de carbon, oxygeno, nitrogeno, e aqua ab le crusta del planeta. Gases de chlorofluorocarburo crearea un effecto de conservatorio, e, in consequentia, provocarea un altiamento del temperatura a -40 Celsius.

Al tertie stadio, de 35 annos, plantas artificialmente designate pro esser robuste poterea converter le anhydrido carbonic a in carbon e oxygeno. Isto producerea le prime nubes, un cambio del color del celo de rosate a blau, e un temperatura de ­15 Celsius.

Durante le 15 annos sequente, le fusion del coperaturas polar de glacie producerea fluvios e lacos e finalmente oceanos con plancton e al terra forestes de arbores semperverde. Al stadio final, in le annos circa 2130-2170, le temperatura attingerea 10 grados Celsius, le atmosphera serea respirabile, e colonistas ab le Terra potera establir agricultura vegetal e operationes minerari.

Le costos de iste interprisa serea multo grande. On estima un investimento de plus de mille milliones de libras sterling durante un periodo de plus de 150 annos. Ma illo poterea dar nos multe information utile del evolution de nostre proprie planeta e anque formar un base pro le exploitation profitabilissime del asteroides que es multo ric in minerales preciose.

(Per Brian Sexton, publicate in Panorama, No. 1, januario-februario, 1992, e republicate in “Interlingua in interlingua”)


The planet Mars offers many difficulties for human colonization. It is 64 million kilometers away from the earth. Its atmosphere consists largely of carbon dioxide, which people cannot breathe, and it doesn’t have very much nitrogen, which is necessary for the cultivation of plants. The average temperature is -60 degrees Celsius, comparable to Siberia in the winter.

Still, Professor Christopher McKay, of the Ames Research Center in California, believes that with enough patience colonizing Mars would be possible and advantageous. Mars has a lot of water in the form of ice, around 2,000 cubic kilometers of it. The planet also has carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorus, and sulfur.

Professor McKay has outlined a five-step project for improving Mars. At first, an expedition from Earth would arrive at Mars in the years 2015-2030.

During the fifty-year-long second stage, mirrors made of mylar would direct solar rays to the layers of polar ice, liberating carbon-dioxide gas, oxygen, nitrogen, and water from the crust of the planet. Chloroflurocarbon gases would create a greenhouse effect and, as a result, provoke a rise in temperature to -40 degress Celsius.

In the thirty-five-year-long third stage, plants artificially designed for robustness could convert the carbon dioxide into carbon and oxygen. This would produce the first clouds, a change of color in the sky from light red to blue, and a rise in temperature to less than -15 degrees Celsius.

In the following fifteen years, the melting of the polar ice would produce rivers and lakes and finally oceans with plankton and on the Martian landscape forests of evergreen trees. In the final stages, in the year 2130-2150, the temperature would reach 10 degrees Celsius, the atmosphere would be breathable, and colonists from Earth would be able to establish the cultivation of vegetables and mining operations.

The costs of this enterprise would be very high. It is estimated that an investment of more than a trillion pounds sterling would be needed over a period of more than 150 years. But it could give us a lot of useful information on the evolution of our own planet and also form a basis for the very profitable exploitation of asteroids that are very rich in precious minerals.

(By Brian Sexton, published in “Panorama”, No. 1, January-February, 1992, and republished in “Interlingua in interlingua”)

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