Saturday, March 27, 2010

Alicun notas breve sur Minas Gerais e su geographia

(Languages of this post: Interlingua, English)

Minas Gerais (Minas General) es un del 26 statos del Brasil. Como indica su nomine, le stato es multo ric in minerales. Su capital, Belo Horizonte, se trova presso le area central del stato e es ben cognoscite pro su architectura e arte colonial in citates historic como Ouro Preto, Diamantina, Tiradentes, e Serro.

Le geographia del stato es notabile pro su montes, valles, e grande areas de terrenos fertile. In le Serra do Cipó, Sete Lagoas, Cordisburgo, e Lagoa Santa, le cavernas e cascadas de aqua es attractiones importante pro touristas qui vista le stato. Alicunes del cavenas le plus famose del Brasil se trova in ille stato.

Minas Gerias se trova in le west del parte sudest del Brasil. Illo ha frontieras con Bahia e Goiás in le nord, Mato Grosso do Sul in le est distante, le statos de São Paulo e Rio de Janeiro in le sud, e le stato de Espírito Santo in le est.

Iste stato es anque le fonte de alicunes del fluvios le plus grande del Brasil, notabilemente le São Francisco, le Paraná, tanto como le Rio Doce. Minas Gerais anque ha multe plantas hydroelectric, includente Furnas.

Alicunes del montes le plus alte del Brasil se trova in le parte meridional del stato. Le monte le plus notabile es le Pico da Bandira, con un altitude de 2890 metros (3161 yards), que se trova in le frontiera con le stato de Espírito Santo. Minas Gerais anque ha grandissime reservas de ferro, tanto como auro e gemmas de diverse tipos.


Some Brief Notes about Minas Gerais and its Geography

Minas Gerais (General Mines) is one of the twenty-six states of Brazil. As its name indicates, the state is very rich in minerals. Its capital, Belo Horizonte, is located near the central part of the state and is well known for its architecture and colonial art in historical cities such as Ouro Preto, Diamantina, Tiradentes, and Serro.

The geography of the state is notable for its mountains, valleys, and great expanses of fertile lands. In Serra do Cipo, Sete Lagos, Cordisburgo, and Lagoa Santa, the caves and waterfalls are important attractions for tourists who visit the state. Some of the most famous caves of Brazil can be found in that state.

Minas Gerais is in the west of the southeastern part of Brazil. It has borders with Bahia and Goias in the north, Mato Grosso do Sul in the far east, the states of Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro in the south, and the state of Espirito Santo in the east.

This state is also the source of some of the largest rivers in Brazil, notably the Sao Francisco, the Parana, as well as the Rio Doce. Minas Gerais also has many hydroelectric plants, including Furnas.

Some of the highest mountains in Brazil are in the southern part of the state. The most notable mountain is Pico da Bandira, with an altitude of 2,890 meters (3,161 yards), which borders on the state of Espirito Santo. Minas Gerais also has very large reserves of iron, as well as gold and gems of various kinds.

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