Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Il nunc ha plus que 1000 messages in “Interlingua multilingue”!

(Langauges of this post: Interlingua, English)

Nos ha arrivate a un puncto significante in “Interlingua multilingue” proque il nunc ha plus que 1000 messages in iste sito. Como le objectivo de “Interlingua multilingue” es provider textos pro le studio de interlingua e su linguas fonte per le presentation de textos parallel in interlingua e al minus un de su linguas fonte, il nunc ha un quantitate considerabile de iste textos--specialmente pro studentes de interlingua, anglese, espaniol, e portugese, con un considerabile numero de textos in francese e italiano.

On pote familiarisar se plus facilemente con nove linguas si on pote comparar lor uso con linguas que on jam cognosce, e “Interlingua multilingue” va a continuar a dedicar se a iste idea. Io vos invita a republicar le textos de “Interlingua multilingue” a altere sitos, rediginte los como vos vole, addente versiones del textos in altere linguas, e addente a illos nove textos bilingue in un varietate de linguas. Io anque vos invita a explorar le ressources de “Interlingua in interlingua,” un collection de textos pro practicar que es disponibile a

Recentemente in le production de iste textos, io ha trovate multo utile le traductor electronic de Google, que me ha sparniate multe tempore e labor. “Interlingua multilingue” anque ha habite le grande beneficio de traductiones in italiano per Bruno Zani, un nativo del lingua.

Io anque volerea trovar altere romanophonos native pro provider traductiones in lor linguas matre proque il es solmente le nativos de un lingua, a causa de lor contacto con lor linguas desde lor infantia, qui ha un cognoscimento vermente profunde del patronos statistic de lor linguas, le quales personas qui los apprende post le etate de unes dece duo annos non pote duplicar completemente. Si vos es un native de ulle lingua romanic e vole contribuer traductiones a iste sito, scribe me a


There are now more than 1000 messages in “Interlingua multilingue”!

We have arrived at a significant point in “Interlingua multilingue” because there now are more than 1000 post on this site. Since the goal of “Interlingua multilingue” is to provide texts for the study of Interlingua and its source languages through the presentation of parallel texts in Interlingua and at least one of its source languages, there now is a considerable quantity of these texts—especially for students of Interlingua, English, Spanish and Portuguese, with a considerable nmber of texts in French and Italian.

People can more easily become familiar with languages if they can compare their use with languages that they already know, and “Interlingua multilingue” is going to continue to be dedicated to this idea. I invite you to republish the texts of “Interlingua multilingue” on other sites, editing them as you wish, adding versions of texts in other languages, and adding to them new bilingual texts in a variety of languages. I also invite you to explore the resources of “Interlingua in interlingua”, a collection of practice texts in Interlingua that is available at

Recently in the production of these texts I have very useful Google’s electronic translator, which has saved me a lot of time and work. “Interlingua multilingue” has also had the great benefit of translations in Italian by Bruno Zani, a native speaker of the language.

I would also like to find other native speakers of Romance languages to provide translations in their mother tongues since it is only the native speakers of a language, because of their contact with their languages from their infancy, who have really profound knowledge of the statistical patterns of their language, which people who learn them after twelve years of age or so cannot duplicate completely. If you are a native speaker of a Romance language and want to contribute translations to this site, write me at

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