Wednesday, March 10, 2010, un ressource excellente pro traductores human qui travalia con le germano e le anglese.

(Languages of this post: Interlingua, English) es un excellente ressource pro trovar parolas e expressiones in anglese e germano usate in differente contextos de communication. Le uso de dictionarios traditional pote esser assatis limitante proque quando on traduce inter linguas, generalmente on vole trovar equivalentes de phrases in vice de parolas individual.

Linguee es un motor de cerca extrahite de un crescente corpore de textos bilingue inter germane e anglese que monstra le uso de parolas individual e expressiones in phrases equivalente. Con su uso, un traductor human sovente pote trovar un equivalente excellente pro un expression in anglese or germano in le altere lingua. Illo es specialmente utile pro nove dominios de discurso que sta a expander rapidemente, como in le caso del informatica.

Le systema de traduction de Google, como io ha notate recentemente in un articulo anterior, usa milles de milliones de textos bilingue pro augmentar le potentia de su systema de traduction electronic, e illo probabilemente jam ha utilisate omne le textos de de su maniera omnivore pro continuar le analyse statistic del linguas includite in su motor de traduction. Linguee tamen es orientate verso traductores human.

Le idea de, naturalmente, pote applicar se a altere gruppos de linguas, e possibilemente, con le tempore, Google disveloppara un systema automatic pro compilar tal ressources pro le linguas que illo jam include in su motor de traduction.

Forsan illo jam sta a facer isto. Como io anque ha notate, Google jam ha divseloppate un collection de utensilios pro traductores human que les adjuva in lor travalio. Ben que io non ha usate iste ressource usque nunc, il pare que Google sta a offerer lo gratis a cambio de includer le traductiones producite per su uso in lor systema omnivore que sempre sta a cercar nove textos pro analysar durante que illo apprende a producer melior traductiones.

Le progresso que Google face con iste e simile projectos, pro exemplo, le recognition del linguage parlate, es rapide e multo fascinante a observar. Si systemas informatic disveloppa le capacitate de manipular le language human con alique que se approxima al dexteritate human, il es ben possibile que le ingenieros de Google essera le prime personas a complir iste objectivo.

---, an excellent resource for human translators who work with German and English. is an excellent resource for finding words and expressions in English and German used in different contexts of communication. The use of traditional dictionaries can be rather limiting because when people translate between languages, generally they want to find equivalents of phrases instead of words.

Linguee is a seach engine extracted from a growing corpus of bilingual texts between German and English that show the use of individual words and expressions in equivalent sentences. By using it, a human translator can often find an excellent equivalent for an expression in English or German in the other language. It is especially useful for new domains of discourse that are expanding rapidly, as in the case of computer science.

Google’s translation system, as I have noted recently in a prior article, uses billions of bilingual texts to increase the power of its system of electronic translation, and it has probably already used all the texts of in its omnivorous way to continue the statistical analysis of the languages included in its translation engine. Linguee, however, is oriented toward human translators.

The idea of, naturally, can be applied to other groups of languages, and possibly, in time, Google will develop an automatic system to compile such resources for the languages that it already includes in its translation engine.

Maybe it is already doing this. As I have also noted, Google has developed a collection of tools for human translators that helps them in their work. Though I have not used this resource up to now, it seems that Google is offering it at no cost in exchange for including the translations produced by its use in their omnivorous system that is always trying to find new texts to analyze as it learns to produce better translations.

The progress that Google is making with this and similar projects, for example in the recognition of spoken speech, is rapid and quite fascinating to observe. If computerized systems develop the capacity to manipulate human language with something that resembles human dexterity, it is quite possible that the engineers at Google will be the first people to reach this goal.

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