Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Google claude su motor de cercas in China.

(Languages of this post: Interlingua, English)

Ante sex menses, Google diceva que illo iva a abandonar su servicio in China a causa del restrictiones de contento de su cercas imponite per le governamento chinese e anque a causa de attaccos de hackers qui furava un parte de su logiciel basic. Google crede que le governamento chinese es responsabile pro iste attaccos.

Como resultato de omne isto, Google jam non face disponibile al publico su motor de cercas in le continente chinese e refere su usatores a su servicio in Hong Kong. Il es possibile, naturalmente, que plus tarde le governamento de Beijing va a prohiber le uso de iste servicio in le continente chinese.

Secundo un fonte anonyme del agentia de novas chinese Xinhua, “Google ha violate su promissa scribite, que illo faceva al intrar in le mercato chinese, quando illo cessava de filtrar le resultatos producite per su motor de cercas e blasmava le governamento chinese pro allegate attaccos de hackers”.

Google refusava facer commentarios sur su contactos con le governamento chinese, ma le compania diceva que illo sperava que le governamento chinese continuarea a permitter le uso generalisate de su servicio in Hong Kong como un tipo de compromisso.

“Nos recipeva indicationes rationabile que isto esseva un solution satisfactori”, diceva Sergey Brin, un del funditores de Google e su presidente de technologia. “Ma nos non pote esser completemente confidente de isto.”

Google tamen va a continuar un parte de su servicios in le continente chinese. In un message in un de su blogs, Google diceva que illo retenerea multes ex su operationes existente in China, includente su equipa pro recerca e su servicio de musica e de mapas on line.

Iste disveloppamentos representa un potente rejection del politicas del government de Beijing sur le limitation de distriburtion a su population de contento que illo considera controversial o un menacia a su controlo del populo chinese. Isto representa un certe sacrificio economic que Google ha acceptate. Le mercato chinese ha 400 milliones de usatores.

“Isto certemente es un momento de importantia historic,” diceva Xiao Qiang, director del China Internet Project al Universitate de California, Berkeley. “On videva Internet como un catalylsta pro le plus amplie integration de China in le mundo extra su frontieras. Le facto que Google non pote exister in China clarmente indica que ille pais, como un emergente potentia mundial, vade in un direction differente de lo que le mundo e multes del population de China habeva sperate.”

Ben que Google perdera multes de su rentas que veni ex China, le clausura de su servicios in le continente chinese representa un parte minuscule de su rentas global de 23.6 billiones de dollars le anno passate. Annuncios que antea appareva in su sito continental totevia appare in su sito in Hong Kong.

Totevia, le manco de un presentia in le continente de China eventualmente poterea esser assatis costose pro Google. Le governamento chinese ha augmentate le severitate de su attaccos contra Google in le septiminas recente, e le resultos final de iste conflicto de ideas inter Google e le governamento de Beijing non se ha resolvite.

Google non es le prime compania american que ha habite problemas in China. Quasi omne le grande companias statounitese ha habite problemas regulatori con le governamento de Beijing o ha perdite clientes a companias chinese. In le caso de China, baidu.com ha le motor de cercas predominante in ille pais, e Google habeva solmente 33% de omne le mercato chinese continental.

Google anque non ha un presentia significante in Russia, ubi Yandex es predominante proque su motor de cercas esseva designate specialmente pro le complexitate morphologic del grammatica del Russo.

Io personalmente admira Google multo. Io trova su servicio de traduction electronic specialmente utile in le preparation de articulos pro “Interlingua multilingue”. Mi exercitios de traduction electronic es designate pro illustrar le qualitate del traductiones producite per su motor de traduction mesmo si on non face redactiones ulterior in su traductiones. Iste exercitios anque es designate pro illustrar le tipo de prosa que io usa in anglese que maximalisa le possibilitate del production de traductiones rationabile con iste servicio gratuite, que Google offere multo generosemente al publico.

Pro studentes de linguas, le servicio de traduction de Google nunc es un utensilio pedagogic multo utile. Si vos vole apprender a leger un nove lingua que se include in iste servicio, comparar su traductiones de textos in iste lingua con le textos original es un maniera potente de studiar los. Ante que io habeva le uso de iste servicio, io debeva trovar libros con le mesme textos in linguas differente, e io usava photocopias pro comparar lor textos latere a latere.

Nunc io usa textos electronic extrahite directemente de Internet que io traduce per Google, e io usa Microsoft Word pro facer presentationes bicolumnar de iste textos. Isto es multo plus facile que facer photocopias e usar cisorios e colla pro alinear le textos que io studiava.

Un altere projecto de Google que io trova exceptionalmente admirabile es le adjuta que le compania ha date al indios Suruí del Brasil, qui ha un chef exceptionalmente intelligente con un formation universitari, un excellente cognoscimento del portugese, e un grande talento pro communication.

Almir, lor chef, in despecto de difficultates initial, poteva poner se in contacto con le officios principal de Google in Mountain View, California. Google ha date a su tribo, inter altere cosas, iPhones de maniera que illes pote documentar depredationes illegal contra su foreste e montar los a Internet in tempore real pro notificar le mundo de iste activitates e pro attraher alliatos in omne le partes del mundo in lor lucta pro preservar lor ambiente e lor cultura.

Almir e su tribo nos ha facite un grande servicio con le uso de su talentos de communication considerabile pro accentuar le necessitate de proteger e preserver le foresta amazonic, e Google nos ha facite un grande favor in su recognition del importantia de su causa!

Le technologia informatic, naturalmente, ha su periculos, del quales multes deveni de plus in plus obvie. Ma le leaders de Google, usque nunc, ha essite excellente citatanos del mundo, e il me pare probabile que lor talentos pro usar le technologia pro meliorar le conditiones de vita del populos del mundo va a continuar a surprender nos.


Google is closing its search engine in China.

Six months ago, Google said that it was going to abandon its service in China because of restrictions on the content of its searches imposed by the Chinese government and also because of hacker attacks that stole part of its basic programming. Google believes that the Chinese government is responsible for these attacks.

As a result of all this, Google is no longer making its search engine on the Chinese continent available to the public and is referring its users to its service in Hong Kong. It is possible, of course, that later on the Beijing government will prohibit the use of this service on the Chinese continent.

According to an anonymous source at the Xinhua Chinese news agency, “Google has violated its written promise, which it made on entering the Chinese market, when it stopped filtering the results produced by its search engine and blamed the Chinese government for alleged hacker attacks.”

Google refused to make any commentary about its contacts with the Chinese government, but the company said that it hoped that the Chinese government would continue to permit the generalized use of its Hong Kong service as a kind of compromise.

“We received reasonable indications that this was a satisfactory solution,” said Sergey Brin, one of the founders of Google and its president of technology. “But we cannot be completely confident of this.”

Google, however, is going to continue part of its services on the Chinese continent. In a message in one of its blogs, Google said that it would retain many of its existing operations in China, including its research team and its on-line music and -maps service.

These developments represent a powerful rejection of the policies of the Beijing government on the limitation of distribution to its population of content that it considers controversial or a menace to its control of the Chinese people. This represents a certain economic sacrifice that Google has accepted. The Chinese market has 400 million users.

“This certainly is a moment of historic importance,” said Xiao Qiang, the director of the China Internet Project at the University of California, Berkeley. “The Internet was seen as a catalyst for the wider integration of China into the world outside of its borders. The fact that Google cannot exist in China clearly indicates that that country, as an emerging power is going in a different direction from what the world and much of the Chinese population had hoped for.”

Though Google will lose a lot of its income that comes from China, the closing of its services on the Chinese continent represents a small part of its global income of 23.6 billion dollars last year. Advertisements that appeared on its continental site still appear on its site in Hong Kong.

Still, the lack of a presence on the Chinese continent eventually could be rather costly for Google. The Chinese government has increased the severity of its attacks against Google in recent weeks, and the final results of this conflict of ideas between Google and the Beijing government have not been resolved.

Google is not the first American company that has had problems in China. Almost all the large American companies have had regulatory problems with the Beijing government or have lost customers to Chinese companies. In the case of China, baidu.com has the dominant search engine in that country, and Google had only 33% of the entire continental Chinese market.

Google also does not have a significant presence in Russia, where Yandex is predominant because its seach engine was designed especially for the morphological complexity of Russian grammar.

I personally admire Google a lot. I find its electronic translation service especially useful in the preparation of articles for “Interlingua multilingue.” My electronic translation exercises are designed to illustrate the quality of the translations produced by its translation engine even if a person does not edit its translations any further. These exercises are also designed to illustrate the kind of prose that I use in English that maximizes the possibility of producing reasonable translations with this free service, which Google offers very generously to the public.

For students of languages, Google’s translation service is now very useful as a learning tool. If you want to learn to read a new language that is included in this service, comparing its translations of texts in these languages with the original texts is a powerful way of studying them. Before I had use of this service, I had to find books with the same texts in different languages, and I used photocopies to compare their texts side by side.

Now I use electronic texts extracted directly from the Internet that I translate using Google, and I use Microsoft Word to make bicolumnar presentations of these texts. This is much easier than making photocopies and using scissors and paste to line up the texts that I studied.

Another of Google’s projects that I find exceptionally admirable is the help that the company has given to the Surui Indians of Brazil, who have an exceptionally intelligent chief with a university education, an excellent knowledge of Portuguese, and a great talent for communication.

Almir, their chief, in spite of initial difficulties, was able to put himself in contact with Google’s headquarters in Mountain View, California. Google has given his tribe, among other things, iPhones so that they can document illegal depredations against their forest and upload them to the Internet in real time to notify the world of these activities and to attract allies everywhere in the world in their fight to preserve their environment and their culture.

Almir and his tribe have done all of us a great service by using his considerable communication talents to emphasize the need to protect and preserve the Amazon forest, and Google has done all of us a great favor by recognizing the importance of his cause!

Computer technology, naturally, has its dangers, many of which are becoming more and more obvious. But the leaders of Google, up to now, have been excellent citizens of the world, and it seems probable to me that their talents for using technology to improve the living conditions of the people of the world are going to continue to surprise us.

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