Monday, March 29, 2010

Marcial Maciel e le Legion de Christo in Mexico

(Languges of this post: Interlingua, English)

Marcial Maciel, le funditor del movimento catholic Legionarios de Christo in Mexico, moriva le 30 de januario, 2008.

Duo annos post su morte, scandalos sur su vita continua a revelar se. Recentemente duo monachos in le capital de Mexico revelava que Maciel non solmente esseva lor patre ma que ille les habeva abusate sexualmente.

Ben que le Legionarios de Christo lucta pro su recognition official in Roma a causa del vita scandalose de Maciel, le organsation totevia es multo forte in Mexico, ubi illo ha establite multe ligamines con le classe regente del pais, que ha donate un total de $20 billiones al organisation, que ha establite un catena de scholas elite in le pais que continua a esser popular inter familias ric Mexican.

Durante que le autoritate moral del Ecclesia Catholic continua su erosion a causa de multissime scandalos de prestres pedophilic in America e Europa, Maciel ha devenite un symbolo de tal problemas que ha occurrite in le Ecclesia trans le seculos.

Durante un periodo de annos, multe allegationes emergeva contra Maciel accusante le de haber contactos sexual con un grande numero de pueros, monachos, e alicun feminas que ille habeva cognoscite durante su carriera, ma ille esseva un favorito del papa Johano Paulo II, qui le protegeva de esser punite pro iste activitates a causa de su appoio hypocritic pro un catholocismo religiose e socialmente conservative.

Maciel anque esseva multo popular al Vaticano proque ille colligeva multe moneta pro le Ecclesia e poteva recrutar multe nove prestres pro le Ecclesia durante un epocha quando multes in Europa lo abandonava.

Maciel diceva al ricos de Mexico que Deo les amava plus que le povres, un message que placeva multissimo a illes e les inspirava a donar multissime moneta a su movimento.

Maciel usava iste moneta pro construer un rete de scholas primari pro pueros e pueras, tanto como scholas secondari e universitates, le quales predicava le moralitate religiose e social ultraconservative del Ecclesia.

Su prime schola in le capital de Mexico, Cumbres, etiam recipeva moneta de Carlos Slim, recentemente recognoscite per le magazin “Forbes” como le homine le plus ric del mundo.

Maciel sempre se mitteva al latere del papa Johano Paulo II, publicava photos in le qaules ille recipeva le benediction de Johano Paulo e esseva prominente in le duo viages de Johano Paulo a Mexico in le annos 90, inspirante milliones de personas a vider le.

Le anno passate, Benedicto XVI mandava un serie de investigationes, cognoscite como visitations apostolic, a omne le sitos del Legion de Christo, e multe expertos nunc predice que il es probabile que omne le alte functionarios del Legion va a esser reimplaciate.

Multes tamen dubita que isto essera sufficiente pro salvar le reputation del Legion de Christo o del Ecclesia Catholic mesme a causa de su scandalos sexual, le inevitabile resultato del moralitate christian mesme, que non recognosce de un maniera constructive le imperativos biologic del sexualitate human.


Marcial Maciel and the Legion of Christ in Mexico

Marcial Maciel, the founder of the Catholic movement Legion of Christ in Mexico, died on January 30, 2008

Two years after his death, scandals about his life continue to come out. Recently two monks in the capital of Mexico revealed that Maciel was not only their father but that he had abused them sexually.

Though the Legion of Christ is fighting for its official recognition in Rome because of the scandalous life of Maciel, the organization is still quite strong in Mexico, where it has established many connections with the ruling class of the country, which has donated $20 billion to the organization, which has established a chain of elite schools in the country that continue to be popular among rich Mexican families.

As the moral authority of the Catholic Church continues its erosion because of the very large number of scandals involving pedophilic priests in America and Europe, Maciel has become a symbol of such problems that have occurred in the Church through the centuries.

For a period of years, many allegations emerged regarding Maciel accusing him of having sex with a large number of boys, monks, and some women that he got to know during his career, but he was a favorite of Pope John Paul II, who protected him from punishment for these activities because of his hypocritical support for a Catholocism that was religiously and socially conservative.

Maciel was also very popular at the Vatican because he collected a lot of money for the Church and was able to recruit many new priests for the Church in a period when many in Europe were abandoning it.

Maciel said to the rich of Mexico that God loved them more than the poor, a message that they liked a lot and inspired them to give a great deal of money to his movement.

Maciel used this money to build a network of primary schools for boys and girls, as well as secondary schools and universities, which preached the ultraconservative religious and social morality of the Church.

His first school in the capital of Mexico, Cumbres, also received money from Carlos Slim, recently recognized by the magazine “Forbes” as the richest man in the world.

Maciel always was at the side of Pope John Paul II, published photos in which he received John Paul’s blessing, and was prominent in John Paul’s two trips to Mexico in the 1990s, inspiring millions of people to see him.

Last year, Benedict XVI ordered a series of investigations, known apostolic visitations, to all the Legion of Christ sites, and many experts now predict that it is probable that all the higher officials of the Legion are going to be replaced.

Many doubt, however, that this will be enough to save the reputation of the Legion of Christ or of the Catholic Church itself because of its sexual scandals, the inevitable result of Christian morality itself, which does not recognize in a constructive way the biological imperatives of human sexuality.

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