Monday, March 22, 2010

Un ressource multo utile pro studentes del romaniano

(Languages of this post: Interlingua, English)

Aender dos Santos me ha dirigite a un excellente fonte de textos in romaniano, le sito ( Io copiava un texto con le annuncio de un concerto que se ha publicate in iste sito e lo copiava a in Microsoft Word in un formato de duo columnas e comparava le texto original con le traduction in anglese. Io tunc imprimeva iste texto bicolumnar pro studio in le futuro.

Le traduction de Google non esseva optime, ma illo esseva assatis bon pro monstrar me le structura semantic e syntactic del texto original. Con le lectura de un grande numero de tal textos bilingue adjuvate per un libro de grammatica, on poterea rapidemente apprender a le romaniano multo facilemente. (Pro apprender a parlar lo, naturalmente, altere ressources specialmente dedicate a iste scopo esserea necesse.)

Sitos como es multo importante pro studentes de linguas linguas como le romaniano proque, al minus in Los Angeles, California, il es multo difficile trovar libros in ille lingua. E con textos electronic como illos de iste sito, il es multo facile copiar los electronicamente e usar le servicio de traduction de Google pro facer un traduction imperfecte ma pedagogicamente multo utile si vos vole studiar le linguas que Google ha includite in su traductor electronic.

Io ha publicate “Interlingua multilingue” pro provider a su lectores simile gruppos de textos bi- e multilingue que illos pote copiar e comparar in lor proprie studios. Studentes qui comencia a studiar specialmente le anglese, le espaniol, e le portugese trovara le ressources de iste sito specialmente utile in lor studios.

Il me pare que pro romanophonos qui studia le anglese, le textos in interlingua poterea esser un utensilio excellente pro facer un transition a in iste lingua, que continuara a esser un lingua franca de facto in multissime partes del mundo pro un grande periodo de tempore e que es specialmente importante pro personas interessate in le informatica.


A Very Useful Resource for Students of Romanian

Aender dos Santos has shown me an excellent source of texts in Romanian, the site I copied a text announcing a concert that was published on this site and copied it into Microsoft Word in a two-column format and compared the original text with the English translation. I then printed this double-column text for study in the future.

The Google translation was not the best one possible, but it was good enough to show me the semantic and syntactic structure of the original text. By reading a large number of such texts with the help of a grammar book, a person could rapidly learn to read Romanian. (To learn to speak it, of course, other resources especially dedicated to this purpose would be needed.)

Sites like are very important for students of languages languages such as Romanian because, at least in Los Angeles, California, it is very hard to find books in that language. And with electronic texts like the ones on this site, it is very easy to copy them electronically and use Google’s translation service to make an imperfect but pedagogically very useful translation if you want to study the languages that Google has included in its electronic translator.

I have published “Interlingua multilingue” to provide its readers with similar bi- and multilingual groups of texts that they can copy and compare in their own studies. Students who are starting to study English, Spanish, and Portuguese will find the resources of this site especially useful in their studies.

It seems to me that for speakers of the Romance languages who are studying English, the texts in Interlingua could be an excellent tool for making a transition into English, which will continue to be a de-facto lingua franca in a large part of the world for quite a long time and which is very important for people interested in computer science.

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