Friday, March 12, 2010

Formas alternative in le uso de interlingua

(Languages of this post: Interlingua, English)

Como le base de interlingua es le latino e le linguas angloromanic (specificamente latino, le anglese, le francese, le italiano, e le espaniol/portugese, considerate como un sol lingua) e como il non ha un gruppo de usatores native de interlingua qui pote determiner multe detalios del uso del lingua, il ha multe practicas alternative que studentes de interlingua pote adopter in lor proprie versiones de interlingua que depende del detalios de su linguas fonte. (Ben que il ha habite multissime debattos sur iste cosas inter interlinguistas qui crede que lor proprie maniera de usar le lingua es le sol maniera “correcte”, tal debattos es inutile!)

Ecce unes preferentias mie:

(1) Io usa le expressiones “unes libros” y “alicun libros” secundo le practicas del espaniol/portugese (unos libros; algunos libros / uns livros; alguns libro, respsectivemente).

(2) Io scribe “io va a leger le libro” como le espaniol (voy a leer el libro) e non como le portugese (vou ler o livro). Multe interlinguistas seque le practica portugese, durante que io prefere le practica espaniol.

(3) Io usa le ortographia “organisar”, le orthographia in le original documentation de interlingua, in vice de “organizar”, le orthogaphia del espaniol e portugese e “organizzare”, le orthographia del italiano, ben que il ha al minus un interlinguista qui regularmente usa le orthorgraphia “organizar”.

(4) Io prefere usar le forma adjectival “irani” como le espaniol (iraní) in vice del forma “iranian” como le anglese o le protugese (iraniano).

(5) In interlingua, io prefere usar le articulo definite con le parola “Brasil” como le portugese “o Brasil” e le francese “le Brésil”.

Istes es solmente alicun exemplos del practicas que io ha selegite de diverse linguas fonte de interlingua. Altere personas ha facite altere selectiones. Omne illos es justificabile si illos seque patronos commun del anglese o del linguas romanic, que non es de ulle maniera completemente consistente in le formation de lor parolas e in le uso de lor articulos e prepositiones. Isto es ver mesmo intra un sol lingua. In le anglese American, pro exemplo, nos dice “in the hospital”. In le anglese Britannic, on dice “in hospital”.

Io nunquam ha participate in le multiple battalias inter interlinguistas sur le detalios de uso de tal expressiones proque illos es completemente inutile. Io seque mi proprie practicas, e io es convencite que alteres debe esser libere a sequer lor proprie practicas preferite. Tal detalios nunquam causa difficultates de interpretation in le casos de textos ben redigite, e io da libertate complete a altere personas qui republica mi textos a rediger los secundo lor proprie preferentias in le uso de interlingua.


Since the basis of Interlingua is Latin and the Anglo-Romance languages (specifically Latin, English, French, Italian, and Spanish/Portuguese, considered as a single language) and since there is no group of native speakers of Interlingua who can determine many details in the use of the language, there are many alternative practices that students of Interlingua can adopt in their own versions of Interlingua that depend on the details of its source languages. (Though there have been a lot of debates on these things among interlinguists who believe that their own manner of using the language is the only “correct” one, such debates are useless!)

Here are some of my own preferences:

(1) I use expressions like “unes libros” and “alicun libros” according to the practices of Spanish/Portuguese (unos libros; algunos libros / uns livros; alguns livros, respectively).

(2) I write “io va a leger le libro” like Spanish (voy a leer el libro) and not like Portuguese (vou ler o livro). Many Interlinguists follow the Portuguese practice, while I prefere the Spanish one.

(3) I use the spelling “organisar,” the spelling in the original documentation of Interlingua, instead of “organizar,” the spelling of Spanish and Portuguese and “organizzare,” the spelling of Italian, though there is at least one Interlinguist who regularly uses the spelling “organizar.”

(4) I prefer to use the adjectival form “irani,” as in Spanish (iraní) instead of the form “iranian” as in English or Portuguese (iraniano).

(5) In Interlingua, I prefer to use the definite article with the word “Brazil” as in Portuguese “o Brasil” and in French “le Brésil”.

These are only some examples of the practices that I have selected from the various source languages of Interlingua. Other people have made other selections. All of them are justifiable if they follow the common patterns of English or the Romance languages, which are not in any way consistent in the formation of their words or the use of their articles and prepositions. This is true even within a single language. In American English, for example, we say “in the hospital.” In British English they say “in hospital.”

I never have participated in the many battles among Interliguists about the details of use of such expressions because they are completely useless. I follow my own practices, and I am convinced that others should be free to follow their own preferred practices. Such details never cause difficulties of interpretation in cases of well-edited texts, and I give complete liberty to other people who republish my texts to edit them according to their own preferences in the use of Interlingua.

1 comment:

Mardy said...

Io usa sia "io va a leger un libro" sia "io va leger un libro", con significationes levemente differente:
- "io va leger un libro": isto es un indication de tempore futur, sin ulle moto. Io pote usar lo si io jam sede in le sofa e prende le libro que es proxime a me.
- "io va a leger un libro": si io usa iste expression, io va mover me. Io pote usar iste expression quando io es in le cocina, e va in le sojorno pro leger un libro in le sofa.

Assi, ambes es correcte. Ma io non usarea le expression "io va a leger un libro" si io non me move.