Friday, January 30, 2009

Accumulatores NaS

(Languages of this post: Interlingua, English)

Accumulatores construite con sodio (natrio) e sulfure promitte esser multo utile in effortios de conservation e stabilisation in systemas pro provider electricitate a urbes e fabricas. Cognoscite como Accumulatores NaS ("Na" es le symbolo chimic pro sodio; e "S", le symbolo pro sulfure), iste accumulatores non es nove. Le compania Ford los usava in le annos 60 (sexanta) in automobiles electric, e NGK e Tokio Electric los fortificava pro le uso in grande retes de electricitate.

On pote cargar iste accumulatores durante le horas nocturne, quando le uso de electricitate es multo plus basse, e usar los pro augmentar le quantitates de electricitate disponibile durante le dies. Tal accumulatores pote esser specialmente utile pro systemas de generation con turbinas aeolic pro stabilisar lor production.

Turbinas aeolic, naturalmente, pote functionar solmente quando il ha assatis vento pro mover lor helices. Durante le horas quando il ha assatis vento, iste turbinas pote cargar un installation de accumulatores NaS pro uso quando il non ha assatis vento pro facer functionar iste turbinas.

Accumulatores NaS es multo compacte. In iste momento illos es assatis costose. Ma lor precios, sin dubito, bassara con le inauguration de production in serie massive.

Illos anque poterea facilitar le construction de parve systemas solar decentralisate pro generar e distribuer le electricitate.


NaS Batteries

Sodium-Sulphur batteries promise to be very useful in conservation and stabilization efforts in electrical-distribution systems for cities and factories. Known as NaS batteries ("Na" is the chemical symbol for sodium; and "S," the symbol for sulphur), these batteries are not new. The Ford Motor Company used them in the sixties in electric automobiles, and NGK and Tokyo Electric fortified them for use in large electrical distribution networks.

These batteries can be charged during the evening hours, when the use of electricity is much lower, and can be used to increase the amount of electricity available during the day. Such batteries can be especially useful for stabilizing the production of electricity by turbine generators on wind farms.

Wind turbines, naturally, can work only when there is enough wind to move their impellers During the hours when there is enough wind, these turbines can charge an installation of NaS batteries for use when there is not enough wind to turn these turbines.

NaS batteries are very compact. At this moment they are rather costly. But their prices, no doubt, will go down (with the start of mass production)/(once mass production starts [out]).

They could also facilitate the construction of small, decentralized, solar electrical-distribution systems.

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