Friday, January 30, 2009

Le calefaction global

(Languages of this post: Interlingua, English)

Un nove reporto sur le calefaction global per le Nationes Unite ha facite un serie de predictiones quasi-apocalyptic del futuro de nostre planeta characterisate per siccitate chronic que privara milliones de personas de aqua e de nutrimentos derivate de recoltas agricole.

In despecto de iste conditiones aspere, le realitate es etiam pejor, proque corporationes e politicos voleva reducer le severitate del texto original del reporto a causa de considerationes politic e economic.

"Le plus povres del mundo, e isto include gente povre mesmo in societates prospere, suffrera le privationes le plus desperate," diceva Rajendra Pauchari, le presidente del gruppo que publicava le reporto, le qual es le secunde de quatro que le Nationes Unite publicara iste anno.

A illo contribueva plus que 2.500 scientistas, qui formulava lor predictiones basate sur le evidentia physic le plus precise que illos ha colligite in in le decadas que comenciava con le ultime tertio del seculo vinti.

Le reporto accusa principalmente le nationes industrialisate de esser responsibile pro iste cambios apocalyptic in le ecosystema de nostre planeta e schizza in detalio specific le effectos probabile sur le flora e fauna de nostre planeta.

Diverse scientistas ha dicite que illes non participara in le proxime reporto a causa del influentia del interesses politicoeconomic mundial que vole mantener le status quo economic pro un maximo de tempore si illos pote.

Le reporto nota que jam ha arrivate le prime indicationes de iste tragedia ecologic. Le primavera nunc arriva plus precocemente que in annos anterior. Nostre plantas comencia a florescer in septimanas que antea marcava le fin del hiberno, durante que in nostre montanias le nive disgela a un taxa accelerante, reducente le grandor del glacieros del mundo in le Alpes, le Himalayas, e le Andes; e le ambientes pro omne le species del mundo nunc se move verso le duo polos de nostre planeta.

In alicun partes del mundo, le prime parte del calefaction global parera beneficial. Pro exemplo, le production agricole augmentara in partes al nord de nostre planeta que nunc es troppo frigide pro appoiar le agricultura.

Iste condition tamen essera solmente provisori. Eventualmente, a causa del continuation del calefaction global, mesmo iste partes del planeta perdera lor capacitate pro nutrir nos, e ante non multe tempore inter vinti e trenta pro cento del flora e fauna de nostre planeta devenira extincte (possibilemente includente le humanitate mesme).

Solmente disastros como eruptiones massive volcanic in diverse partes del mundo o un collision con un planetesimal assatis massive poterea provocar un disastro ecologic plus tragic--ma solmente desde le perspectivo human, naturalmente. Ben que il es possibile--e forsan probabile--que nostre specie non supervivera, altere nove species evolvera pro reimplaciar nos.

Tal processos de evolution biologic es completemente aleatori, e il non ha ulle garantia que le proxime gruppo de plantas e animales includera un animal con le mesme mixtura de intelligentia e stupiditate aggressive que nos characterisa durante que nos curre cecamente in avante como un grandissime grege de boves verso un precipicio altissime que nos occidera durante que nos causa nostre proprie extinction.


(A new report on global warming by the United Nations)/(A new [United Nationes]/[UN] global-warming report) has made a series of quasi-apoclyptic predictions of the future of our planet characterized by chronic drought that will deprive millions of people of water and food derived from agricultural harvests.

(In spite of)/(Despite) these harsh conditions, the reality is even worse because corporations and politicians wanted to reduce the severity of the original text of the report because of political and economic considerations.

"The poorest people in the world, and this includes poor people even in prosperous societies, will suffer the most desperate deprivations," said Rajendra Pauchari, the president of the group that published the report, which is the second of four that the United Nations will publish this year.

Contributors to the report included more than 2,500 scientists, who formulated their predictions based on the most precise physical evidence that they have gathered in the decades that started with the last third of the twentieth century.

The report primarily accuses the industrialized nations of being responbile for these apocolyptic changes in the ecosystem of our planet and sketches in specific detail the probable effects on the flora and fauna of our planet.

Various scientists have said that they will not participate in the next report because of the influence of world politcoeconomic interests that want to maintain the economic status quo for as much time as possible.

The report notes that the first indications of this ecological tragedy have already arrived. Spring now comes earlier than in former years. Our plants are starting to bloom in weeks that used to mark the end of winter, while in our mountains snow is melting at an accelerating rate, reducing the size of the glaciers of the world in the Alps, the Himalayas, and the Andes; and the environments for all the species of the world are moving toward the two poles of our planet.

In some parts of the world, the first part of global warming will appear beneficial. For example, agricultural production will increase in northen parts of our planet that are now too cold to support agriculture.

This condition, however, will be only temporary. Eventually, because of the continuation of global warming, even these parts of the planet will lose their capacity to feed us, and in a fairly short time between twenty and thirty percent of the flora and fauna of our planet will become extinct (possibily including humanity itself).

Only disasters like massive volcanic eruptions in various parts of the world or a collision with a rather massive planetesimal could provoke a more tragic ecological disaster--but only from the human point of view, naturally. Though it is possible--and perhaps probable--that our species will not survive, other new species will evolve to replace us.

Such processes of biological evolution are completely random, and there is no guarantee that the next group of plants and animals will include an animal with the same mixture of intelligence and aggressive stupidity that characterizes us as we blindly run forward like a gigantic herd of cattle toward a very high cliff that will kill us off as we cause our own extinction.

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