Saturday, January 31, 2009

Crimine religiose in Arizona

(Languages of this post: Interlingua, English)

Agentes del policia de Phoenix, Arizona, respondeva a un reporto de exorcismo christian e videva que Ronald Marquez, le granpatre de un puera de tres annos, la strangulava.

Un femina de dece nove annos in le camera ubi Marquez strangulava su granfilia participava in le processo, recitante un ritual de exorcismo. Le agentes essayava a usar un virgo electric pro incapacitar Marquez. Le prime application del apparato non pareva haber ulle effecto, e le policia le electrocutava un secunde vice. Iste vice le puera se liberava del manos de su granpatre, qui postea moriva del assalto.

Le matre del puera, qui anque participava in le exorcismo, non esseva detenite, ma le departamento de justicia de Phoenix possibilemente la processara como un assistente in le crimine. E mesmo si illa non es processate legalmente, illa probabilemente perdera le custodia legal de su filia.

Usque nunc, un tabu social in le Statos Unite ha essite attaccar directemente le superstitiones religiose mesmo quando illos es le causa de assaltos in nomine Christi. Ma a causa del abusos del pedoprestres del ecclesia catholic, illo ha perdite omne su autoritate moral intra crescente numeros de personas, qui nunc non time denunciar le stupiditate religiose.


Religious Crime in Arizona

Police officers in Phoenix, Arizona, responded to a report of Christian exorcism and saw that Ronald Marquez, the grandfather of a three-year-old girl, was strangling her.

A nineteen-year-old woman in the room where Marzuez was strangling his granddaughter participated in the process by reciting an exorcism ritual. The policeman tried to use a stun gun to incapacitate Marquez. The first use of the gun did not seem to have any effect, and the police shocked him a second time. This time the girl was freed from the hands of her grandfather, who later on died from the assault.

The mother of the girl, who also participated in the exorcism, was not arrested, but the district attorney of Phoenix will possibly try her as an accessory to this crime. And even if she is not tried, she will probably lose legal custody of the girl.

In the United States up to now, it has been a social taboo to attack religious superstitions directly even when they are the cause of assaults in nomine Christi. But because of the abuses of the pedopriests of the catholic church, it has lost all its moral authority among growing numbers of people, who are no longer afraid to denounce religious stupidity.

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