Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Breve articulos ex “Panorama”
(Languages of this post: Interlingua, English)
Pro le uso de studentes de interlingua e del anglese american, io ha preparate versiones bilingue de iste articulos de interesse general publicate in "Panorama". Io crede que il es importantissime usar interlingua como un axe pro le studio de altere linguas europee, e io spera que alteres publicara versiones bi- o trilingue de iste textos in lor linguas native pro le uso de nove studentes de omne iste linguas in le futuro.
Analyses seismic revela le surprisa que le superficie de nostre planeta es plus lente que su nucleo.
Per le studio de pares de seismos multo simile, on ha confirmate que le grande sphera de ferro al centro del terra rota un pauco plus rapidemente que le altere partes de nostre planeta.
Secundo un articulo in le magazin "Science", investigatores del Universitate de Illinois a Urbana-Champaign e al observatorio geologic Lamont-Doherty del universitate Columbia analysava trenta seismos sudamerican que on habeva mensurate a cinquanta e octo locationes differente in Alaska.
Comparante le forma del seismos e le velocitate de lor undas durante que illos viagiava trans le terra, on concludeva que inter septe centos e mille quatro centos de annos essera necesse ante que le nucleo de ferro de nostre planeta passara su superficie per un plen revolution.
Il es probabile que iste phenomeno ha un rolo significante in le vulcanismo de nostre terra e le movimento gradual de su continentes.
Seismic analyses reveal the surprise that the core of our planet rotates more rapidly than its surface.
By studying pairs of very similar earthquakes, scientists have confirmed that the large iron sphere at the center of the earth is rotating a little more rapidly than the other parts of our planet.
According to an article in the magazine "Science," investigators at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and at the Columbia University's Lamont-Doherty Geological Laboratory analyzed thirty South American earthquakes that had been measured at fifty-eight different locations in Alaska.
Comparing the form of the earthquakes and the speed of their waves as they traveled through the earth, these investigators concluded that between seven hundred and one thousand four hundred years will be needed before the iron core of our planet will pass its surface by a single revolution.
It is probable that this phenomenon plays a significant role in the vulcanism of our planet and the gradual movement of its continents.
Omne feminas, secundo studios de un colonia de vespertiliones, se accopula con le mesme masculo.
Le jornal "Nature" ha publicate un articulo sur le habitos de un colonia de vespertiliones in le campo anglese ubi le feminas se accopula con le mesme masculo anno post anno. E isto es anque ver de lor filias e matres!
In iste colonia, que on ha investigate desde le decennio inter 1950 e 1960, le vespertiliones feminin vive in le mansarda de un vetule casa construite in le seculo dece none. Cata autumno, su feminas vola via a un caverna ubi vive lor masculos, se accopula con illos, e retorna a lor mansarda pro elevar lor familias.
Studios del ADN del vespertiliones indica que omne le feminas de un sol familia se accopula con le mesme masculo in un patrono de incesto transgenerational.
Le investigatores qui las studia suggere que iste patrono de reproduction incestuose probabilemente incoragia le cooperation inter le vespertiliones de un tal familia. Le studio anque indica que multe masculos in le caverna non pote accopular se con ulle feminas.
"Nos volerea discoperir le factores que face sexualmente attractive le masculos de iste familas," diceva Stephen Rossiter, un zoologo al Universitate de London qui participa in iste investigationes. "Ma usque nunc le masculos succedite nos pare identic al masculos que non attrahe feminas."
All females, according to studies of a colony of bats, have sex with the same male.
The journal "Nature" has published an article on the habits of a group of bats in the English countryside where the females have sex with the same male year after year. And this is also true of their daughters and mothers!
In this colony, which has been investigated from the beginning of the fifties, the female bats live in the attic of an old house built in the nineteenth century. Each autumn, its females fly away to cave where their males live, have sex with them, and return to their attic to raise their families.
Studies of the DNA of the bats indicate that all the females of a single family have sex with the same male in a transgenerational pattern of incest.
The investigators that are studying them suggest that this pattern of incestuous reproduction probably encourages cooperation among the bats of such a family. The study also indicates that many males in the cave are unable to have sex with any females.
"We would like to discover the factors that make the males of these families sexually attractive," said Stephen Rossiter, a zoologist at the University of London participating in these investigations. "But up to now the successful males seem to us to be identical to the males that do not attract females."
Un analyse comparative del genomas de humanos e chimpanzes es un prova elegante del patronos de evolution que le duo species ha in commun.
Le homines e le champanzes ha in commun un hereditage biologic quasi identic secundo comparationes recente que confirma elegantemente le theoria de evolution de Charles Darwin.
Ben que le biologos ha credite post multe tempore que le chimpanzes e le homines es multo simile in lor hereditage genetic, un analyse comprehensive de lor genomas separate ha providite un indisputabile prova de lor hereditage biologic quasi identic.
Le "litteras" genetic del homines e del chimpanzes es 96% (novanta pro cento) identic, con solmente 40.000.000 differentias, secundo un articulo in "Nature".
Le "notas de laboratorio" de nostre duo species se ha revelate:
Per un investigation plus profunde de iste differentias, recercatores spera explicar proque humanos es susceptibile a certe morbos; le rationes pro le deviationes del genomas de iste duo species que originava in un ancestre commun; e, a un nivello plus basic, le natura del differentias que nos da nostre characteristicas specificamente human.
"Nos pote examinar le 'notas de laboratorio' del processo genetic evolutionari," dice Francis Collins, le director del International Human Genome Research Institute (Instituto National de Recercas sur le Genoma Human) del Statos Unite.
Le analyse offere indicationes del causa de infirmitates como le degeneration intellectual de senectute (le Maladia Alzheimer) inter le humanos e le rationes genetic que controla le susceptibilitate de ambe species a maladias differente.
"Le analyse evolutionari pote facer contributiones significante al medicina human," dice Eric Lander del Broad Institute del Massachussets Institute of Technology e del Universitate Harvard.
In un discoperta que forsan potera adjuvar nos a trovar le causas del degeneration cerebral inter vetules human, recercatores ha trovate mutationes que nullifica le efficitate del gen capase-12, que causa cellulas damnificate a destruer se.
Confirmation de Darwin:
On non trova iste mutationes in champanzes, que non es tan susceptibile al morbo Alzheimer. Le nullification de capase-12 in mures augmenta le probabilitate que lor cellulas cerebral supervivera con damnos que resimila le morbo Alzheimer.
Recercatores microbiologic anque ha identificate mutationes in humanos que esseva importante pro nostre superviventia, includente un gen associate con le linguage parlate e un gen que accelera nostre responsa al sucro--un avantage in le epocha quando le homines debeva colliger fructos e vegetales e chassar animales pro lor superviventia, ma un periculo pro diabeticos in nostre proprie epocha del production industrialisate del alimentos human.
"Quando nos lege iste duo genomas latere a latere, il es stupende vider le patronos del cambios evolutionari que ha occurite," dice Robert Waterston del Universitate de Washington. "Io non potera imaginar un plus forte confirmation del theorias de Darwin."
A comparative analysis of the genomes of humans and chimpanzees is an elegant proof of the patterns of evolution that the two species have in common.
Men and chimpanzees have in common an almost identical biological heritage according to recent comparisons that elegantly confirm Charles Darwin's theory of evolution.
Though biologists have believed for a long time that chimpanzees and men are very similar in their genetic heritage, a comprehensive analysis of their separate genomes has provided indisputable proof of ther almost identical biological heritage.
The 3,000,000,000 (three billion) genetic "letters" of men and chimpanzees are 96% (ninety-six percent) identical, with only 40,000,000 (forty million) differences, according to an article in Nature."
The "lab notes" of our two species have been revealed:
Through a more thoroughgoing investigation of these differences, researchers hope to explain why people are susceptible to certain diseases; the reasons for the deviations in the genomes of these two species that originated in a common ancester; and, at a more basic level, the nature of the differences that give us our specifically human characteristics.
"We can examine the 'lab notes' of the process of genetic evolution," says Francis Collins, the director of the International Human Genome Research Institute of the United States.
The analysis offers indications of the cause of maladies such as the intellectual degeneration of old age (Alzheimer's Disease) among humans and the genetic reasons that control the susceptibility of both species to different illnesses.
"Evolutionary analysis can make significant contributions to human medicine," says Eric Lander of the Broad Institute of the Massachusetts of Technology and Harvard University.
In a discovery that will perhaps help us to find the causes of brain degeneration among old people, researchers have found mutations that nullify the effectiveness of the capase-12 gene, which causes damaged cells to destroy themselves.
Darwin Confirmed:
These mutations are not found in Chimpanzees, which are not as susceptible to Alzheimer's disease. The extirpation of capase-12 in mice increases the probability that their brain cells will survive, though with damage that resembles Alzheimer's disease.
Microbiological researchers have also identified mutations in humans that were important to/for our survival, including a gene associated with spoken language and a gene that accelerates our response to sugar--an advantage during the era when men had to collect fruits and vegetables and hunt animals for their survival, but a danger for diabetics in our own era of industrialized production of human food.
"When we read these two genomes side by side, it is stupendous to see the patterns of the evolutionary changes that have occurred," says Robert Waterston of the University of Washington. "I can't imagine a stronger confirmation of Darwin's theories."
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