Thursday, January 22, 2009
Capitulo 7, Scenas 3 e 4, Curso de conversation
(Languages of this post: Interlingua, English)
SCENA 3: Geneva, in le automobile de Petro: In iste breve scena Petro apporta Catherina a su appartamento. Illa dice gratias a ille pro le repasto e le bibita postea in le cabaret. Petro offere apportar la a un altere cabaret pro un ultime bibita, ma Catherina dice que illa vole sentir se in bon forma le die sequente e prefere vader directemente a su appartamento.
Petro essaya persuader la a invitar le pro un cafe in su appartamento, ma Catherina obviemente non vole riscar un incontro romantic iste vespere. Petro tunc suggere que illes sorte le proxime vespere, ma Catherina non vole committer se a ullo. Illes dice bon nocte e Petro vade via.
Catherina: Eh, ben, multe gratias pro invitar me a sortir con vos iste vespere, Petro.
Petro: Illo esseva un placer.
Catherina: Le restaurante esseva excellente. E le cabaret anque esseva multo sympathic.
Petro: On pote prender un bibita final si vos vole. Il ha altere cabarets in iste area.
Catherina: No, io crede que io debe vader a mi appartamento.
Petro: Vermente?
Catherina: Si. Io vole sentir me ben deman.
Petro: Bon.
Catherina: Io regretta multo que vos non ha potite dansar.
Petro: Oh, illo non es multo importante. Nos potera facer illo un altere vice.
Catherina: Multo ben. Bon nocte, e gratias un altere vice.
Petro: Vos non va invitar me a vostre appartamento pro un cafe?
Catherina: No. Io non crede que illo esserea un bon idea a iste hora.
Petro: Illo non es multo gentil.
Catherina: Io lo regretta multo, ma un cafe poterea facilemente ducer a altere cosas, e ...
Petro: E qual esserea le mal in illo?
Catherina: No. Io spera que vos comprendera ben que io debe dormir ben con omne lo que nos debera facer deman.
Petro: Esque nos poterea sortir deman per le vespere?
Catherina: Possibilemente. Que nos discute iste possibilitate deman.
Petro: Multo ben.
Catherina: Io tunc vos videra in le officio deman.
Petro: Si, naturalmente. Usque deman.
Catherina: Bon nocte e gratias.
Petro: Bon nocte.
EXERCITIO 3: Dicer a revider.
Un femina: Illes vade via in iste momento. Que va a dicer ille?
Un homine: Eh ben, "bon vespere". E que va a dicer illa?
Un femina: "Bon vespere. E gratias." Esque ille va parlar del die sequente?
Un homine: "Io vos videra deman? Nos nos videra deman?" Que va dicer illa?
Un femina: "Si. Io vos videra deman. Nos nos videra deman." E ille, esque le vespere ha placite a ille? Si isto es ver, que dicerea ille?
Un homine: "Gratias pro le vespere multo bon." E illa, esque le vespere ha placite a illa? Si isto es ver, que dicerea illa?
Un femina: "Io ha passate un vespere vermente excellente." Illes nunc vade via, le un ex le altere. In iste caso, que dicerea illes?
Un homine: Bon nocte.
Un femina: Bon nocte.
Un homine: Dormi ben.
Un femina: Gratias. E anque vos.
Un homine: A deman.
Un femina: Si, a deman.
Guida: Bon. Ha venite le matino quando Catherina e omne le equipa del officio de Geneva va conferer con le senior Chahine a su hotel.
SCENA 4: In le officios de Geneva e le hotel del senior Chahine: Omnes se trova in le officio preste a partir pro le hotel del senior Chahine. Martijn vole informationes ex Petro sur lo que ille e Catherina faceva le nocte anterior, ma Petro non dice ullo a ille sur isto. Catherina arriva al officio. Como su automobile es un pauco parve pro quatro personas, Martijn offere portar Olivero al hotel in su proprie automobile de maniera que Catherina pote portar Petro illac in le sue.
Quando illes arriva al hotel, Catherina telephona Mohammed in su camera pro notificar le que illes ha arrivate, e illes ascende pro vider le. Mohammed es multo felice de vider Catherina, que ille non ha vidite desde ante cinque annos. Catherina introduce Mohammed a su tres collegas. Ille les invita in su suite e tunc ordina cafe pro sex personas.
Martijn: Bon die, Petro.
Petro: Bon die, Martijn.
Martijn: Como sta tu?
Petro: Multo ben, gratias.
Martijn: Tu te ha ben amusate heri per le vespere?
Petro: Si, multo ben, gratias.
Martijn: Conta me toto.
Petro: Que vole tu dicer?
Martijn: Eh, ben, que ha facite tu con nostre chef?
Petro: Oh, io non vole discuter lo.
Martijn: Si, multo ben.
Catherina: Bon die a totos.
Le alteres: Bon die.
Catherina: Omne vos es preste?
Le alteres: Si.
Catherina: Nos debera vader al hotel ante multe tempore.
Martijn: Ubi es Olivero?
Catherina: Ille non es in le officio in iste momento, ma ille es preste. Como vadera nos illac? Mi automobile es un pauco parve pro quatro.
Martijn: Bon, ... eh, si tu vole, io poterea apportar Olivero illac in mi automobile e vos e Petro poterea vader illac in le vostre.
Petro: Multo ben.
Martijn: Nos pote incontrar nos in le area de reception del hotel.
Catherina: Bon idea.
Petro: Vos cognosce le numero de su camera?
Catherina: Ille non ha un camera. Ille ha un suite.
Petro: Vermente? Ma cognosce vos le numero?
Catherina: Si. Cinque centos dece tres. Io va dicer al receptionista que nos va illac. Excusa me.
Receptionista: Un minuta, per favor. ... Que pote io facer pro vos?
Catherina: Esque vos pote telephonar le suite cinque centos dece tres pro dicer que nos va illac, per favor?
Receptionista: Il ha un telephono interior. Illo es illac. Vos pote vider lo?
Catherina: Si, gratias. (Catherina vade al telephono.) Mohammed? Il es io, Catherina. Nos nos trova in le hotel in le area de reception. Si. Immediatemente. (A su collegas) Ecce le ascensores. Que nos vade illac.
Petro: Si.
Catherina: Ecce su suite.
Mohammed: Catherina! Vider vos me face multo placer. Como sta vos?
Catherina: Multo ben, Mohammed, gratias. E vos?
Mohammed: Omne vade ben per me. Que vos entra. Un periodo de annos ha passate desde le ultime vice que nos nos videva.
Catherina: Si. Il me pare que il ha essite al minus cinque annos.
Mohammed: E vos. Omne anque va ben pro vos?
Catherina: Si multo ben, gratias.
Mohammed: Il pare que vos ha portate con vos omne vostre equipa?
Catherina: Si. Io vole presentar a vos Petro, nostre ingeniero.
Petro: Bon die, senior.
Mohammed: Oh, appella me Mohammed.
Catherina: E ecce Olivero, nostre contabile ...
Mohammed: Bon die, Olivero.
Catherina: ... e Martijn, qui se occupa con marketing.
Mohammed: Bon die, Martijn. Que vos entra omnes e vos sede. (Mohammed vade al telephono e prende le receptor.) Esque vos pote nos apportar cafe, per favor? Gratias. Pro cinque personas, per favor. Multe gratias.
EXERCITIO 4: Renovar contactos personal.
Guida: Catherina e Mohammed pare esser amicos vetule. Que nos ascolta lo que amicos vetule dice inter se.
Prime homine: Esque tu vide ille femina illac?
Secunde homine: Si.
Prime homine: Illa resimila Christina de multe manieras.
Secunde homine: Qui es illa? Christina? Illa pare cognoscer te. Illa te face un signo.
Prime homine: Illa debe esser Christina. Io va vader illac pro parlar con illa.
Secunde homine: Ille va demandar a illa como illa sta.
Prime homine: Christina, como sta tu?
Secunde homine: Illa va dicer que illa sta multo ben.
Un femina: Io sta multo ben, e tu?
Prime homine: Anque multo ben, gratias.
Secunde homine: Illa va dicer que illa non la ha vidite desde multo tempore.
Un femina: Nos non nos ha vidite desde multe tempore.
Prime homine: Si. Le ultime vice que nos nos videva esseva ante unes annos.
Un femina: Si. Io crede que illo es desde tres annos.
Secunde homine: Ille va corriger la.
Prime homine: Oh, plus que illo. Io crede que le ultime vice que nos nos videva esseva ante cinque annos.
Secunde homine: Illa va exprimer su surprisa.
Un femina: Tanto tempore como illo?
Prime homine: Oh si, cinque annos al minus, o forsan plus que cinque annos.
Secunde homine: Ille va dicer a ille ubi illos se cognosceva le prime vice.
Prime homine: Nos nos cognosceva in London le prime vice. Vos memora illo?
Secunde homine: Nunc ille va presentar me a illa.
Prime homine: Io te presenta Paul, un amico mie.
Un femina: Bon die, Paul.
Secunde homine: Bon die, Maria.
Un femina: Io crede que nos nos cognosce. Nos nos videva le ultime vice a Athenas ante cinque annos.
Secunde homine: Si, illo es ver. Nos certemente vive in un mundo parve, nonne?
Guida: Ben, io nunc vole saper como vadeva le reunion.
SCENE 3: Geneva, in Peter's car: In this brief scene Petro drives Catherina to her apartment. She gives him her thanks for the meal and the drink afterward in the bar. Petro offers to take her to another bar for a last drink, but Catherina says she wants to feel in good form the next day and prefers to go directly to her apartment.
Petro tries to persuade her to invite him up for some coffee, but Catherina obviously doesn't want to risk a romantic encounter this evening. Petro then suggests that they go out the next evening, but Catherina does not want to commit herself to anything. They say good night to each other, and Peter goes away.
Catherina: Well, thanks a lot for inviting me to go out with you this evening, Petro.
Petro: It was a pleasure.
Catherina: The restaurant was excellent. And the cabaret also was very pleasant.
Petro: We can go get a nightcap, if you want. There are other bars in this area.
Catherina: No, I think I oughtta go to my apartment.
Petro: Really?
Catherina: Yes. I don't want to be hung over tomorrow.
Petro: Okay.
Catherina: I'm very sorry that you weren't able to dance.
Petro: Oh, that wasn't very important. We can do it some other time.
Catherina: Fine. Good night and thanks once again.
Petro: You're not going to invite me up to your apartment for some coffee?
Catherina: No. I don't think that it would be a good idea since it's so late.
Petro: That isn't very nice.
Catherina: I'm very sorry, but some coffee could easily lead to something else, and ...
Petro: And what would be bad about that?
Catherina: No. I hope that you will understand that I have to get a good night's sleep with all that we will be having to do tomorrow.
Petro: Can we go out together once again tomorrow evening?
Catherina: Maybe. Let's discuss that tomorrow.
Petro: Very well.
Catherina: So I'll see you in the office tomorrow.
Petro: Yes, of course, see you tomorrow.
Catherina: Good night, and thanks.
Petro: Good night.
EXERCISE 3: Saying good-bye:
A woman: They're going away right now. What is he going to say?
A man: Okay, "Good Evening." And what is she going to say?
A woman: "Good evening. And thanks." Is he gonna talk about the next day?
A man: "Will I see you tomorrow? Will we be seeing each other tomorrow?" What is she going to say?
A woman: "Yes. I'll see you tomorrow. We'll be seeing each other tomorrow." And as far as he's concerned, did he like the evening? If this is true, what would he say?
A man: "Thanks for the very nice evening." And as far as she is concerned, did she also like the evening? If this is so, what would she say?
A woman: "I've had a very nice evening." They are now taking leave of each other. What would they say in this case?
A man: Good night.
A woman: Good night.
A man: Sleep well.
A woman: Thanks. You too.
A man: See you tomorrow.
A woman: Yes, see you tomorrow.
Guide: Good. It is now the morning when Catherina and the entire Geneva office team are going to confer with Mr. Chahine at his hotel.
SCENE 4: In the Geneva offices and Mr. Chahine's hotel. Everyone in the office is ready to go to Mr. Chahine's hotel. Martijn wants some information from Petro about what he and Catherina did last evening, but Petro doesn't say anything to him about this. Catherine arrives at the office. Since her car is a little small for four people, Martijn offers to drive Olivero to the hotel in his own car so that Catherina can go there with Petro in hers.
When they arrive at the hotel, Catherina calls Mohammed up in his room to tell him that they have arrived, and they go up to see him. Mohammed is very happy to see Catherina, who he hasn't seen for five years. Catherina introduces Mohammed to her three colleagues. He invites them into his suite and then orders coffee for six people.
Martijn: Good morning, Petro.
Petro: Good morning, Martijn.
Martijn: How're you doing?
Petro: Fine, thanks.
Martijn: Did you have a good time last night?
Petro: Yes, it was nice, thanks.
Martijn: Tell me all about it.
Petro: What do you mean?
Martijn: I mean, what did you do with the boss?
Petro: Oh, I don't want to talk about it.
Martijn: Okay, fine.
Catherina: Good morning to all of you.
The others: Good morning.
Catherina: Is everybody ready?
The others: Yes.
Catherina: We've gotta go to the hotel before too long.
Martijn: Where's Olivero?
Catherina: He's not in the office right now, but he's ready. How're we gonna go there? My car's a little small for all four of us.
Martijn: Okay, ... uh, if you want, I could take Olivero there in my car, and you and Petro could go there in yours.
Petro: Fine.
Martijn: We can meet in the lobby.
Catherina: Good idea.
Petro: Do you know his room number?
Catherina: He doesn't have a room. He has a suite.
Petro: Really? But do you know its number?
Catherina: Yes. Five hundred thirteen. I'm gonna tell the desk clerk that we're going up to see him. Excuse me.
Desk clerk: Just a minute please. ... What can I do for you?
Catherina: Can you call up Suite five hundred thirteen and tell them that we're gonna go up there?
Desk clerk: There's a house phone. It's over there. Can you see it?
Catherina: Yes, thanks. (Catherina goes to the phone.) Mohammed? It's me, Catherina. We're in the hotel, in the lobby. Yes. Immediately (to her colleagues) There are the elevators, over there. Let's go on up.
Petro. Fine.
Catherina: Here's his suite.
Mohammed: Catherina! It's so nice to see you. How are you?
Catherina: Just fine, Mohammed, thanks. And you?
Mohammed: Everything's going just great for me. Come on in. It's been years since the last time we saw each other.
Catherina: Yes. It seems to me it's been at least five years.
Mohammed: And you. Is everything going okay for you?
Catherina: Yes, just fine, thanks.
Mohammed: It seems you've brought your entire team with you.
Catherina: Yes. I'd like to introduce to you Petro, our engineer.
Petro: Good morning, sir.
Mohammed: Oh, call me Mohammed.
Catherina: And here's Olivero, our accountant ...
Mohammed: Good morning, Olivero.
Catherina: ... and Martijn, who's in charge of marketing.
Mohammed: Good morning, Martijn. Come on in all of you and have a seat. (Mohammed calls up Room Service.) Can you bring us some coffee, please? Thanks. For five people, please. Thanks a lot.
EXERCISE 4: Renewing old acquaintances.
Guide: Catherina and Mohammed seem to be old friends. Let's see what old friends say to each other.
First man: Do you see that woman over there?
Second man: Yes.
First man: She looks a lot like Christina.
Second man: Who is she? Christina? She seems to know you. She's gesturing toward you.
First man: That must be Christina. I'm gonna go over there to talk to her.
Second man: He's gonna ask her how she is.
First man: Christina, how are you?
Second man: She's gonna say that she's fine.
Christina: I'm fine, and you?
First man: I'm also fine.
Second man: She's gonna say that she hasn't seen him for a long time.
A woman: We haven't seen each other for a long time.
First man: Yes. The last time we saw each other was several years ago.
A woman: Yeah, I think it was three years ago.
Second man: He's gonna correct her.
First man: Oh, much longer than that. I think that the last time that we saw each other was five years ago.
Second man: She's gonna express her surprise.
Christina: As long as that?
First man: Oh, yeah. Five years at least, or maybe even longer than five years.
Second man: He's gonna tell her where they first met.
First man: We first got to know each other in London. Do you remember that?
Second man: Now he's gonna introduce me to her.
First man: I'd like to introduce to you Paul, a friend of mine.
A woman: Good morning, Paul.
Second man: Good morning, Maria.
A woman: I think we know each other. We last saw each other in Athens about five years ago.
Second man: Yes, that's true. We certainly live in a small world, don't we.
Guide: Okay. I now want to know how the meeting went.
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