Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Le altere latere del commercio libere nord-american

(Languages of this post: Interlingua, English)

Mexico: Le parola "maquiladora" es le nomine pro un zona libere con fabricas de montage pro productos destinate exclusivemente al exportation. Illos era establite comenciante in 1996 apud le frontiera nordmexican, e illos es parte de un programma governamental pro le exploitation del mano-de-obra economichissime disponible presso le frontiera inter le Statos Unite e Mexico.

Le establimento de iste zona libere comenciava in le annos 1960 con le perdita del competivitate del SUA in le mercato mundial debite in parte al cadita del productivitate del industria american e a su alte costos de production, e le programma del "maquiladora" es un initiava pro reducer le costos de mano-de-obra de iste industrias e meliorar lor competitivate in le mercato international.

Le governamento mexican offere avantages numerose al interprisas que investi in le "maquiladoras", inter le quales se trova

(1) Le costo de mano-de-obra: $1.00 per hora contra $8,00-13,00 in le Statos Unite;

(2) Costos de installation: $25,00-30,00 per pede quadrate in Mexico contra $30,00-40,00 in le Statos Unite;

(3) Tarifas de electricitate: $0,04/kwh in Mexico contra $0,044 in le Statos Unite;

(4) Un multo grande disponibilitate de mano-de-obra mexican.

Non ben educate:

Vinti e cinque annos post le initio del programma de installation de zonas de labor libere in Mexico, il habeva in 1991 1.886 (mille octo centos octanta sex) interprisas que forniva empleo a 434.147 (quatro centos trenta quatro mille cento quaranta septe) travaliatores. Le majoritate de iste interprisas se trova al frontiera nord del pais, principalmente in citates como Ciudad Juarez, Tijuana, Matamoros, Reynos, e Nogales.

Le travaliatores del "maquiladoras" es in majoritate le juvenes e le feminas, qui son multo pauco scholarisate. Illes veni de altere regiones del pais pro travaliar al frontiera. Generalmente illes non ha multe experientia, e illes non es multo stabile al travalio. Inter le rationes que explica le alte nivello de rotation de personal e assi le pauc ancianitate accumulate, on nota le salarios multo basse, le rhythmo rapide del production, e le problemas specificamente feminin como le maternitate.

In plus, le character migrante del travaliatores explica anque proque milles inter illes transversa le frontiera american pro trovar empleos con salaries plus alte.

Le plus importante productos del "maquiladoras" es machineria e equipamento electronic e electric, vestimentos, alimentos, minerales non-metallic, productos chimic, minerales metallic, machineria, equipamento de transporto, e calceatura.

Le genere de travalio que predomina es relativemente simple, que face quasi non-existente le programmas de formation.

Sex milliones sin labor:

Effectivemente si le crescimento del empleo in le zonas de labor libere ha essite constante desde quasi 30 (trenta) annos, le expectationes governmental non se ha materialisate tanto. Considerante que hodie in Mexico il ha plus que sex milliones de disempleatos, dece duo milliones de travaliatores sub-empleate, e cata anno plus que un million de homines juvene al mercato de travalio, le empleos create per le systema de "maquiladoras" es insignificante in lor impacto sur le economia mexican.

Le systema de "maquiladoras" confronta un problema importante: le existentia e crescimento de fluctuationes del disveloppamento economic del SUA, ubi le interprisas que los controla son basate. Quando le economia american es in recession, le empleo in iste zonas discresce. Quando iste interprisas es confrontate per conflictos de travalio, illos claude lor portas, lassante le empleatos sin ressources.

In iste fabricas le rhythmo de travalio e normas de productivitate es superior al standards international. Le personal debe sequer un taxa de production a vices inhuman. Le supervision del travalio in le fabricas es multo rigorose e se exercita con le auxilio de systemas informatic e pressiones personal super le travaliatores.

Del altere parte, si le interprisas mantene lor normas de production alte, il es proque illos non respecta ulle norma international del hygiene o del securitate al travalio. Isto provoca numerose maladias inter le personal como le hypertension, dermatitis, diminution del vista, anxietate, e nervositate.

In despecto del facto que le personal qui travalia in le "maquiladoras" es in su majoritate feminas, lor conditiones de travalio non recognosce lor necessitates special con le exception de illos que nunc existe in le lege de travalio mexican--i.e., le pregnantia, nascentia, e lactation.

In certe fabricas le travaliatrices debe manipular materiales toxic sin ulle protection adequate. Studios recente demonstra que illas parturi infantes qui ha un peso insufficiente in 14% del nascentias, tres vices plus alte que le nivello general in le sector de servicios.

Le societate mexican debe interpretar iste phenomeno como un signal de allerta e debe prender mesuras immediate de surveliantia e de preservation, dice multe expertos. Le infantes del "maquiladoras" es disvantagiate mesmo ante esser integrate in le societate. Illes habera plus de hasardo de suffrer maladias seriose; lor crescimento essera limitate; e illes sera exponite a riscos elevate de morir a un etate basse.

On debe confrontar non solmente le problemas ambiental, ma anque assecurar que le interprisas age differentemente in le futuro. Le Tractato de Commercio Libere Nord-American favorisara le augmentation del numero de empleos in le sector del "maquiladoras", ma illo non ha ulle provisiones que garanti que mesuras significante se prendera pro ameliorar le situation actual. Le problemas ligate al deterioration del conditiones de vita del travaliatores se generalisa, particularmente concernente le sanitate de iste obreras juvene.

Le population mexican ha pagate un precio social multo elevate a fin que le "maquiladoras" attinge lor objectivos. Iste precio ha essite le deterioration del conditiones de vita del populationes del region, le augmentation del povressa a causa de salarios basse, le travalio rapide e monotone que non necessita ulle formation professional special, le immunditia e le contamination al travalio, e nulle amelioration de nivellos del vita pro le feminas juvene qui travalia in iste fabricas.


The other side of American Free Trade

Mexico: The word "maquiladora" is the name for a free zone with factories for assembling products destined exclusively for exportation. They were established starting in 1996 just south of the northern Mexican border, and they are part of a governmental program for exploiting the cheap labor near the border between the United States and Mexico.

The establishment of this free zone started in the 1960s with the loss of US competitiveness in the world market due in part to a fall in the productivity of American industry and to its high costs of production. The "maquiladora" program is an initiative to reduce the labor costs of these industries and to improve their competitiveness in the international market.

The Mexican government offers many/numerous advantages to the companies that invest in the "maquiladoras," among which are

(1) Labor costs: $1.00 per/an hour instead of $1.00 to $13.00 in the United States;

(2) Installation costs: $25.00 to $30.00 a/per square foot in Mexico instead of $30.00 to $40.00 in the United States.

(3) Electricity costs: $0.04/kwh (four cents per/a kilowatt hour) instead of $0.044 (four point four cents [4.4 cents]) in the Untied States;

(4) A very high rate of (worker availability)/(surplus workers).

Not well educated:

Twenty-five years after the beginning of the program for installing free labor zones in Mexico, there were in 1991 1,886 (one thousand eight hundred eighty-six) companies that provided employment to 434,147 (four hundred thirty-four thousand one hundred forty-seven) workers. The majority of these companies are (located) at the northern border of the country, principally in cities like Ciudad Juarez, Matamoros, Reynos, and Nogales.

The workers in the "maquiladoras" are for the most part young men and women, who have a very limited education. They come from other regions in the country to work at the border. Generally they do not have much experience, and they are not very stable in their work habits. Among the reasons for the high labor turnover rate and thus the small amount of job seniority are the very low salaries, the rapid rhythm of production, and specifically feminine problems (like)/(such as) maternity.

The migratory character of the workers also explains why thousands among them cross the American border in search of higher rates of pay.

The most important products of the "maquiladoras" are machinery and electronic and electric appliances, clothing, food, non-metallic minerals, chemical products, metallic minerals, machinery, transport(ation) equipment, and footwear.

The predominant form of work is relatively simple, which makes training programs almost nonexistent.

Six million without work:

Even though the the job-growth rate in the free-labor zones has been constant for about thirty yers, governmental expectations have not materialized all that much. Considering that today in Mexico there are more than six million unemployed, twelve million underemployed workers, and more than a million young men going into the labor market, the jobs created by the "maquiladora" program are insignificant in their impact on the Mexican economy.

The "maquiladora" system is now facing an important problem: The existence and growth of fluctuations in US economic development, where the companies that control them are based. When the American economy is in recession, employment in these zones goes down. When these companies are confronted with labor conflicts, they close their doors, leaving their workers/employees without resources.

In these factories the rhythm of work and the productivity norms are higher than international standards. The personnel must follow a production rate that is at times inhuman. Worker supervision in the factories is very rigorous and is exercised with the help of computer systems and personal pressures on the workers.

On the other hand, if the companies maintain their high production norms, it is because they do not respect any international standards of hygiene or safety at work. This provokes numerous illnesses among the workers such as (hypertension)/(high blood pressure), dermatitis, vision problems, anxiety, and nervousness.

Even though the personnel who work in the "maquiladoras" are largely women, their working conditions do not recognize their special needs except for the ones that now exist in Mexican labor law--i.e., pregnancy, birth, and lactation.

In certain factories these female workers must manipulate toxic materials without any adequate protection. Recent studies show that they give birth to underweight babies in 14% (fourteen percent) of their births, three times higher than the general rate in the services sector.

Mexican society should interpret this phenomenon as a wake-up call and should take immediate surveillance and preventive measures, many experts say. The children of the "maquiladoras" are faced with disadvantages even before they are integrated into society. They will have a greater chance of coming down with serious illnesses; their growth will be stunted/limited; and they will be exposed to high risks of dying at a young age.

Not only should environmental problems be confronted/addressed, but steps should be taken to insure that the companies will act differently in the future. The North American Free Trade Agreement favors an increase in the number of employees in the "maquiladora" sector, but it does not have any provisions that guarantee that significant/meaningful measures will be taken to improve the current situation. The problems connected with the deterioration of living conditions for the workers will get worse, particularly the ones concerning the health of these young women workers.

The Mexican population has paid a very high social price to enable the "maquiladoras" to attain their goals/objectives. This price has been the deterioration of living conditions for the people in the region, the increase in poverty caused by low salaries, the rapid and monotonous work that does not need any special training, the filth and contamination at the work sites, and no improvements in living conditions for the young women (who work)/(working) in these factories.

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