Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Le grammatica de Alexander Gode in interlingua
(Languages of this post: Interlingua, English)
Me place multissimo que Bent Andersen, Piet Cleij, Ferenc Jeszenszky e Stan Mulaik ha preparate un version completemente in interlingua del grammatica de Gode e Blair e que on va montar lo in le nove sito del Union Mundial pro Interlingua (UMI) in un version PDF. Le disponibilitate immediate de iste publication facilitara enormemente le propagation de interlingua.
(Possibilitate in le futuro io preparara un version bilingue inter interlingua e anglese de [partes de] iste publication.)
Naturalmente io preferea que omne nostre bibliographia sia disponibile immediatemente in versiones electronic. Ma le quantitate de textos in interlingua immagazinate in le Rete cresce continuemente, e le accesso a nostre litteratura disponibile solmente in libros imprimite deveni progressivemente minus importante.
Io recentemente ha legite que messages in G-mail, le servicio gratuite de posta electronic de Google, se preserva automaticamente in un archivo electronic gigantic mesmo si contributores individual cancella lor proprie messages. Io sempre ha credite que le immagazinage permanente de omne le textos in le Rete--mesmo in locos multiple a causa del posibilitates de reduplication electronic automatic--esserea un del characteristicas structural del Rete.
(Il pare que Bill Gates mesme non sapeva isto proque unes ex su messages electronic deveniva evidentia legal importante documentante le strategias monopolistic de Microsoft.)
Rebus sic stantibus, me place que UMI se modifica pro assecurar su relevantia continuante in iste nove ambiente de communicationes. E io es convencite que le disponibilitate immediate del grammatica de Gode e Blair essera un contribution importantissime del UMI renovate.
I'm very happy that Bent Andersen, Piet Cleij, Ferenc Jeszenszky, and Stan Mulaik have prepared a version completely in Interlingua of Gode and Blair's grammar and that it is going to be uploaded onto UMI's new site in a PDF version. The immediate availablity of this publication will enormously encourage the expanded use of Interlingua.
(Possibly in the future I will prepare a bilingual version between Interlingua and English of [parts of] this publication.)
Naturally, I would prefer all of our literature to be immediately available in electronic versions. But the number of Interlingua texts stored on the Net is growing continually, and access to our literature available only in book form is getting to be progressively less important.
I have recently read that messages in G-mail, Google's free e-mail service, are automatically preserved in a gigantic electronic data base even if an individual users erase their own particular messages. I have always believed that permanent storage of all texts on the Net--even in multiple places because of the possiblities of automatic electronic reduplication--would be one of the structural caracteristics of the Net.
(It seems that Bill Gates himself did not believe this because some of his e-mail messages became important legal evidence documenting the monopolistic strategies of Microsoft.)
Rebus sic stantibus, I'm happy that UMI is changing itself to assure its continuing relevance in this new communications environment. And I am convinced that the immediate availability of Gode and Blair's grammar will be a very important contribution of a rejuvenated UMI.
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