Friday, January 9, 2009
Tosto Venetia non essera le sol citate con problemas de inundationes.
(Languages of this post: Interlingua, English)
Venetia in Italia tosto non essera le sol citate in le mundo con multe aqua in su stratas. Un cambio del climate. que nos expecta in solmente cento annos a causa del accumulation de bioxido de carbono e altere gases que reflecte le calor del sol continuemente al terra assecura que le nivello general del oceano mundial augmentara e inundara multe citates costal in diverse partes del terra. Etiam nunc paises sur insulas parve comencia a disapparer, e paises como Hollanda essera in grande periculo.
Le pollution es le ver causa de iste problema. Le terra vermente jam es un pauco plus calide que antea. Le temperatura medie es expectate a crescer con 1,5-4,5 grados, ma in regiones nord illo sta a crescer 8-10 grados, e pauco a pauco le glacie polar sta acomenciar a disgelar. Isto significa que le nivello del mar assatis tosto essera un medie metro--forsan usque un metro e medie--plus alte in le proxime cento annos. Scientistas seriose parla de un bomba climatic.
In Stockholm, un conferentia de recercatores del futuro ha producite un reporto importante "Surprising Futures" (Futuros surprendente), le qual specula sur le possibilitate de construer enorme dicas pro stoppar le mares. Le hollandeses es specialmente preoccupate proque grande partes del pais es situate sub le nivello del mar. Un inundation grande occurreva illac in 1953. Le costos de recoperation de iste tragedia esseva dece-duo milliardos de florinos.
Cata vice que le mar cresce per un metro, le costa se move retro 150 metros, e le climate del Mediterraneo va diffunder se verso le nord, portante con se problemas de siccitate chronic. Il anque habera problemas con insectos african que va a destruer recoltas, menacias contra le sanitate, e enorme migrationes de gente verso le nord como resultato del calor crescente. E in le nord multe typos de plantas e arbores va morir a causa del mesme calor.
Un signo concrete del catastrophe menaciante es le cavo in le strato de ozono supra Antarctica, discoperite al fin del decada inter 1980 e 1990. Su causa principal es le discarga a in le atmosphera de freon, oxydo nitric, e altere gases nocive.
Le Statos Unite e altere paises del Occidente ha prohibite le uso de freon in lattas aerosol. Ma malgrado iste prohibition le discarga de freon a in le atmosphera ha crescite a octo cento mille (800.000) tonnas per anno, un taxa multo plus grande que le capacitate del atmosphera pro neutralisar lo.
Le effecto de estufa se realisa per le aqua e le bioxido de carbono in nostre atmosphera. Iste gases functiona como le vitro de un estufa. Le radios del sol pote passar, ma su radiation de calor non pote escappar. Omne nostre planeta comencia a esser como un simile vitro de estufa que causa le augmentation del temperatura medie sur omne le superficie de nostre planeta e cambios radical in su ecologia.
Soon Venice will not be the only city with flooding problems.
Venice in Italy soon will not be the only city in the world with a lot of water in its streets. A climate change that we expect in only one hundred years because of the accumulation of carbon dioxide and other gases that continually reflect the heat of the sun back onto the earth means that average sea level will increase and flood many costal cities around the world. Even now countries on small islands are starting/beginning to disappear, and countries like Holland will be in great danger.
Pollution is the true cause of this problem. The earth really is a little hotter than it used to be. The average temperature is expected to grow by 1.5-4.5 (one point five to four point five) degrees, but in northern regions it is growing by eight to ten degrees, and little by little the polar glacier is starting to melt. This means that sea level will be a half a meter--maybe/perhaps even a meter and a half--higher in the next one hundred years. Thoughtful scientists are (speaking of)/(talking about) a climatic bomb.
In Stockholm, a conference of researchers into the future has produced an important report, "Surprising Futures," which speculates on/about the possibility of building/contructing huge dikes to stop the sea. The Dutch are especially worried because large parts of their country are lower than sea level. A great flood took place there in 1953. The recovery costs for this tragedy were twelve billion (12,000,000,000) florins.
Each time that sea level (is raised)/(goes up) by a meter, the coast (moves back)/(recedes) by 150 meters, and the climate of the Mediterranean area will start moving toward the north bringing (on) problems of chronic drought. There will also be difficulties with African insects that will destroy crops, (public-health threats)/(threats against public health), and enormous migrations of people toward the north because of the growing heat. And in the north many types/kinds of plants and trees will die because of this (same) heat.
A concrete sign of this looming catastrophe is the ozone hole over Antarctica, discovered at the end of the 1980s. Its principal cause is the discharge into the atmosphere of freon, nitric oxide, and other harmful gases.
The United States and other Occidental countries have prohibited the use of freon in aerosol cans. But (despite)/(in spite of) this prohibition the discharge of freon into the atmosphere has increased by eight hundred thousand (800,000) tons per year, a rate much larger than the capacity of the atmosphere to neutralize it.
The greenhouse effect is caused by the water vapor and carbon dioxide in our atmosphere. These gases work like the glass on the roof of a greenhouse. The rays of the sun can go through, but its heat radiation cannot escape. All our planet is starting to become a similar greenhouse that is causing an increase in average temperature on the surface of our planet and radical changes in the nature of its ecology.
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