Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Verbos in anglese e interlingua
(Languages of this post: Introduction in Interlingua, examples in Interlingua and English)
Ben que le systema verbal del anglese es plus complicate que le systema de interlingua, il ha multe contactos inter iste duo systemas, e studentes assatis nove de interlingua e del anglese potera exprimer se melio si illes compara attentemente le 22 textos bilingue que seque:
(1) Multo ben, ecce le procedimento de iste parte de nostre studio: Johano parla iste parolas in anglese. Postea le computator los traduce al francese. E finalmente le subjectos de iste experiment audi iste parolas per un altoparlator controlate per le computator.
(Okay, here's the procedure for this part of our study: Johano speaks these words in English. Afterwards the computer translates them into French. And finally the subjects of this experiment hear these words through a loudspeaker controlled by the computer.)
(2) Maria e Irma parlava iste parolas in anglese, e le computator los traduceva al italiano. Finalmente omne le studentes los audiva per un altoparlator controlate per le computator.
(Maria and Irma spoke these words in English, and the computer translated them into Italian. Finally all the students heard them through a loudspeaker controlled by the computer.)
(3) Gustavo parlara iste gruppo de parolas in espaniol. Le computator los traducera al portugese e al italiano. Postea ille e su amicos los audira per un altoparlator parve que le computator controlara.
(Gustavo will speak this group of words in Spanish. The computer will translate them into Portuguese and Italian. Afterwards he and his friends will hear them through a small loudspeaker that the computer will control.)
(4) Sven va a parlar iste parolas in svedese. Le computator va a traducer los a germano, e postea le assistentes del laboratorio va a audir lor formas parlate quando le programma del computator habera finite su processamento del parolas.
(Sven is going to speak these words in Swedish. The computer will translate them into German, and afterwards the lab/laboratory assistants are going to hear them through a small loudspeaker that the computer will control.)
(5) Ecce lo que nos iva facer: Sven iva a parlar iste parolas in svedese. Le computator iva a traducer los a germano, e postea le assistentes del laboratorio iva a audir lor formas parlate quando le programma del computator habeva finite su processamento del parolas. Ma nos debeva stoppar iste parte del studio a causa de nove problemas con le logiciel del computator.
(Here's what we were going to do: Sven was going to speak these words in Swedish. The computer was going to translate them into German, and afterwards the lab/laboratory assistants were going to hear their spoken forms when the computer had finished its processing of the words. But we had to stop this part of the study because of new problems with the computer software.)
(6) Si Alberto esseva un del voluntarios pro iste experimento, ille parlarea iste parolas in catalano. Tunc le computator los traducerea al francese, al espaniol, e al portugese. Finalmente omnes poterea audir lor formas parlate per un altoparlator con un connexion al computator.
(If Albert were one of the volunteers for this experiment, he would speak these words in Catalan. Then the computer would translate them into French, Spanish, and Portuguese. Finally, everyone would be able to hear their spoken forms through a loudspeaker with a connection to the computer.)
(7) Post haber parlate, traducite, e audite iste parolas ex le altoparlator del magnetophono, le studentes va a scriber los omnes.
[After having spoken translated, and listened to these words through the loudspeaker of the tape recorder, the students are going to write (all of them [out])/(them all [out])].
(8) Ille ha parlate iste parolas a in un microphono. Post illo le computator los ha analysate e traducite al japonese. Finalmente omne le studentes los ha audite per le altoparlatores del computator.
(He has spoken these words into a microphone. After that, the computer has analyzed and translated them into Japanese. Finally, all the students have heard them through the loudspeakers of the computer.)
(9) Ante que le experimento finiva, omne le studentes habeva parlate iste parolas de maniera que le computator poteva processar los. Postea le computator los habeva traducite al linguas romanic. Finalmente omne le assistentes del laboratorio los habeva audite, ma il esseva obvie que le systema non functionava multo ben.
(Before the experiment finished, all the students had spoken these words so that the computer could process them. Afterwards the computer had translated them into the Romance languages. Finally all the lab/laboratory assistants had listened to them, but it was obvious that the system was not working very well.)
(10) Ante que nos continuara con le experimento, Alberto habera parlate iste parolas in anglese, le computator los habera traducite a in omne le linguas includite in su programma, e al fin de iste classe omnes habera audite le traductiones de iste secunde gruppo de linguas per le altoparlator del computator.
(Before we will continue with the experiment, Albert will have spoken these words in English, the computer will have translated them into all the languages included in its program, and at the end of this class everyone will have heard the translations of this second group of languages through the loudspeaker of the computer.)
(11) Secundo nostre plan anterior, Alberto haberea parlate iste parolas in anglese, le computator los haberea traducite a omne le linguas includite in su programma, e al fin de iste classe on haberea audite le traductiones de iste secunde gruppo de linguas per le altoparlator del computator.
(According to our former plan, Alberto would have spoken these words in English, the computer would have translated them into all the languages included in its program, and at the end of this class everyone would have heard the translations of this second group of languages through the loudspeaker of the computer.)
(12) Audiente iste parolas per le altoparlator, le studentes trovava que illes poteva comprender los facilemente.
(Hearing these words through the loudspeaker, the students found that they could understand them easily.)
(13) Le studentes, audiente iste parolas per le altoparlator, trovava que illes poteva comprender los facilemente.
(The students, hearing thse groups through the loudspeaker, found that they could understand them easily.)
(14) Le studentes habente comprendite le prime gruppo de parolas sin errores, le computator tunc processava le secunde gruppo.
(With the students having understood the first group of words without mistakes, the computer then processed the second group.)
(15) Habente comprendite le prime gruppo de parolas processate per le computator, le studentes attendeva le secunde gruppo.
(Having understood the first group of words processed by the computer, the students waited for the second group.)
(16) Le studentes, habente comprendite le prime gruppo de parolas processate per le computator, attendeva le secunde gruppo.
(The students, having understood the first group of words processed by the computer, waited for the second group.)
(17) Gustavo, habente parlate iste gruppo de parolas processate per le computator, attendeva un nove gruppo de parolas.
(Gustavo, having spoken this group of words processed by the computer, waited for a new group of words.)
(18) Gustavo, habente parlate iste gruppo de parolas al computator, attendeva usque illo los processava.
(Gustavo, having spoken this group of words to the computer, waited until it processed them.)
(19) Habente traducite iste parolas al espaniol, le computator los emitteva in forma parlate trans su altoparlator.
(Having translated these words into Spanish, the computer emitted them in a spoken form through its loudspeaker.)
(20) Habente audite iste parolas per le altoparlator, le studentes trovava que illes non poteva comprender los.
(Having heard these words through the loudspeaker, the students found that they could not understand them.)
(21) Le studentes habente parlate le prime gruppo de parolas, le computator tunc los processava, pronunciante los trans su altoparlator.
(With the students having spoken the first group of words, the computer then processed them, pronouncing them through its loudspeaker.)
(22) Le studentes habeva parlate le prime gruppo de parolas; e le computator, post processar los, anque los pronunciava simultaneemente trans su altoparlator.
(The students had spoken the first group of words; and the computer, after processing them, also pronounced them (at the same time)/(simultaneously) through its loudspeaker.)
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