Thursday, January 22, 2009
Capitulo 8, Scenas 1 e 2, Curso de conversation
(Languages of this post: Interlingua, English)
SCENA 1: Le officios de Geneva: Petro dicta a su secretaria un littera al senior Floret in Paris in le qual ille revela su intention de restar in Geneva e exprime su sperantia que Floret potera intervenir in su favor.
Petro: Le prime littera vade a Transportes de Mexico. Vos trovara le adresse in le archivo. Le data es hodie. Car Patricio, comma, proxime linea. Gratias pro vostre littera, puncto. Post haber reflectite multe tempore, comma, io ha decidite restar a Geneva, puncto. No, illo non vade. Le prime littera va a Marex Mundial, Paris, al senior G. Floret, ef, el, o, er, e, te. Le adresse, etc., es in le archivo. Car Gerardo, io vos scribe a causa de un problema mie un pauco delicate. Pro diverse rationes, io voleva quitar Geneva, comma, e nunc io vole reverter iste decision, puncto. Proxime linea. Esque il esserea possibile que vos adjuva me e usar vostre bon officios in mi favor, puncto de interrogation. Dante a vos mi gratias in avantio, io vole extender a vos, etc., etc. Usa le data de heri. Multo ben. Illo es toto.
SCENA 2: Le officios de Geneva: Francesca vole parlar a Petro sur le prime reunion del commission. Il ha un nove problema proque le reunion va haber loco le tertie die del mense, ma le officio de Paris dice que il essera impossibile inviar via lor ingeniero senior ante le quarte die del mense. Petro deveni irate e vole saper con qui Francesca parlava, ma isto illa non sape. Petro tunc da a illa le instruction de telephonar a Paris e parlar con le senior Dumont in persona (e nulle altere persona qui travalia in lor officios a Paris) e de informar le que ille debera esser in Geneva sin falta le tertie die del mense.
Petro: Bon die, Francesca.
Francesca: Bon die, Petro. Esque io pote parlar con vos?
Petro: Si, naturalmente.
Francesca: Il ha un problema con le prime reunion del commission.
Petro: Le commission de liaison technic?
Francesca: Le reunion occurrera le tertie die del mense, nonne?
Petro: Si, exactemente. Omne es preparate?
Francesca: Si, ma il ha un sol problema con le ingeniero de Paris, le senior Dumont. Ille non potera esser hic le tertie die, e ille va arrivar le quarte.
Petro: Qui vos ha dicite illo?
Francesca: Alicuno me telephonava ex Paris. Io non sape exactemente qui.
Petro: Ma, nos non pote haber le reunion sin ille. Il es absolutemente necesse que omnes sia presente. Illo es, de omne manieras, un reunion de liaison.
Francesca: Si, io sape illo, ma ille dice que ille non pote venir ante le die quarte.
Petro: Vos non ha parlate a Dumont in persona?
Francesca: No, ille non esseva le persona qui telephonava ma un altere persona in le officio de Paris.
Petro: Ben. Ecce lo que vos va facer. Telephona Paris e demanda a parlar con Dumont personalmente. Non parla a ulle altere persona. Nos vole solmente le ingeniero senior, nulle altere persona. Contacta Dumont e dice a ille que nos habera le reunion le tertie die del mense.
Francesca: Multo ben.
Petro: Si il ha ulle problema, dice lo a me, e io telephonera Paris io mesme.
Francesca: Multo ben. Io va facer lo immediatemente.
EXERCITIO 2: Dar instructiones:
Guida: Il jam ha habite problemas con le equipa de Paris. Sin dubita, il non es facile organisar un reunion. In iste scena Petro dava unes instructiones a Francesca. Io mesme volerea audir un altere sequentia de instructiones:
A woman: Io ha un problema. Le cravata de mi chef es prendite in le photocopiator. Que va io facer?
Un homine (parlante per telephono): Calma vos. Non vos preoccupa. Esque vostre chef es con vos in iste momento?
Un femina: Si.
Un homine: Que tipo de machina es illo?
Un femina: Un B-60.
Un homine: Bon. Primo, dice a ille que se calma e que resta tranquille.
Un femina: Calma vos e resta tranquille.
Un homine: Dice a ille que ille non debe tirar su cravata.
Un femina: Non essaya tirar vostre cravata.
Un homine: Ben. Dice a ille que ille debe disaccopular le electricitate.
Un femina: Disaccopula le electricitate.
Un homine: Nunc, dice a ille que ille debe aperir le copertura.
Un femina: Aperi nunc le copertura.
Un homine: Dice le que nunc ille debe pulsar le button leve.
Un femina: Pulsa le button leve.
Un homine: Dice a ille que ille nunc debe levar le rolo principal.
Un femina: Leva le rolo principal.
Un homine: Dice a ille que ille non debe lassar lo cader.
Un femina: Non lo lassa cader.
Un homine: Dice le que ille nunc debe tornar le altere rolo.
Un femina: Nunc torna le altere rolo.
Un homine: Esque illo nunc es disingranate?
Un femina: Si, illo es disingranate.
Un homine: Esque ille ha potite remover su cravata?
Un femina: Si, ille ha removite su cravata.
Un homine: Bon. Dice le que ille nunc debe remitter le rolo principal in su loco in le machina, clauder le copertura, e reaccopular le electricitate.
Un femina: Nunc remitte le rolo in su loco in le machina, claude le copertura, e reaccopula le electricitate.
Un homine: E dice a ille anque que ille non debe portar un cravata quando ille se trova apud ille machina.
Un femina: E, in le futuro, non porta un cravata quando vos vos trova apud ille machina.
SCENE 1: The offices of Geneva: Peter dictates to his secretary a letter to Mr. Floret in Paris in which he reveals his intention to stay in Geneva and expresses his hope that Floret will be able to intervene in his favor
Petro: The first letter goes to Transportes de Mexico. You will find the address in the file. The date is today's. Dear Patricio, comma, new line. Thank you for your letter, period. After having reflected a long time, comma, I have decided to stay in Geneva, period. No that's not gonna work. The first letter goes to Marex Mundial, Paris, to Mr. G. Floret, ef, el, oh, are, ee, tea. The address, etc., are in the file. Dear Gerardo, I am writing you because of a problem I have that is a bit delicate. For several reasons, I wanted to leave Geneva, comma, and now I want to reverse this decision, period. New line. Would it be possible for you to help me and use your good offices in my favor, question mark. Giving you my thanks in advance, I want to extend you, etc., etc., etc. Use yesterday's date. Very well. That's all for now.
SCENE 2: The Geneva offices: Francesca wants to talk to Petro about the first commission meeting. There is a new problem because the meeting will take place on the third day of the month, but the Paris office says that it will be impossible to send out their senior engineer before the fourth day of the month. Petro gets angry and wants to know who Francesca talked to, but she doesn't know this. Petro then tells her to call up Paris and talk with Mr. Dumont in person (and no other person who works in the Paris office) and to tell him that he will have to be in Geneva on the third of the month without fail.
Petro: Good morning, Francesca.
Francesca: Good morning, Petro. Can I talk with you?
Petro: Yes, of course.
Francesca: There's a problem with the first meeting of the commission.
Petro: The technical liaison commission?
Francesca: The meeting will take place the third day of the month, won't it?
Petro: Yes, exactly. Is everything ready?
Francesca: Yes, but there is one problem with the engineer in Paris, Mr. Dumont. He won't be able to be here on the third, and he's gonna arrive on the fourth.
Petro: Who told you that?
Francesca: Someone called me from Paris. I don't know exactly who.
Petro: But we can't have the meeting without him. It is absolutely necessary for everyone to be there. It is, after all, a liaison meeting.
Francesca: Yes, I know that, but he says that he can't come before the fourth.
Petro: You didn't talk to Dumont in person?
Francesca: No. He wasn't the person who called. It was someone else in the Paris office.
Petro: Fine. Here's what you're gonna do. Call up Paris and ask to talk with Dumont personally. Don't talk to anyone else. We want only the senior engineer, no other person. Contact Dumont and tell him that we will be having the meeting on the third of the month.
Francesca: Okay.
Petro: If there's any problem, tell me, and I'll call Paris up myself.
Francesca: Fine. I'll do that immediately.
EXERCISE 2: Giving instructions:
Guide: There have already been problems with the Paris team. Wtihout doubt, it isn't easy to organize a meeting. In this scene Petro gave some instructions to Francesca. I myself would like to hear another sequence of instructions:
A woman (talking on the phone): I have a problem. My boss's tie is caught in the photocopier. What am I gonna do?
A man: Try to relax now. Don't worry. Is your boss with you right now?
A woman: Yes.
A man: What kind of machine is it?
A woman: A B-60.
A man: Good. First, tell him to calm down and relax.
A woman: Calm down and relax.
A man: Tell him that he should not pull on his tie.
A woman: Don't pull on your tie.
A man: Fine. Tell him that he should disconnect the electricity.
A woman: Disconnect the electricity.
A man: Now, tell him that he should open up the cover.
A woman: Open up the cover.
A man: Tell him that he should push the left button.
A woman: Push the left button.
A man: Tell him that he now should lift up the main platen.
A woman: Lift up the main platen.
A man: Tell him not to let it fall down.
A woman: Don't let it fall down.
A man: Tell him that he should now turn the other platen.
A woman: Now, turn the other platen.
A man: Is the gear train now disengaged?
A woman: Yes, it is disengaged.
A man: Can he remove his tie now?
A woman: Yes, he's now taken it out.
A man: Good. Tell him that he now should put the main platen back into the machine, close the cover, and reconnect the electricity.
A woman: Now put the main platen back into the machine, close the cover, and reconnect the electricity.
A man: And tell him also that he should not wear a tie when he is close to that machine.
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