Thursday, January 22, 2009
Capital 8, Scenas 3 e 4, Curso de conversation
(Languages of this post: Interlingua, English)
Capitulo 8, Scenas 3 e 4 (interlingua)
SCENA 3: Le officios de Geneva: Post telephonar Paris, Francesca dice a Petro que le senior Dumont va esser in Geneva le tertie die del mense in vice del quarte. Petro da le gratias a Francesca e la felicita pro haber persuadite Dumont a venir a tempore pro le reunion.
Francesca tunc demanda a Petro si ille vermente va a vader a Mexico. Petro confirma que forsan ille vadera illac, e Francesca vole saper proque ille non appare plus felice con le prospecto de un nove position. Postea illa suggere a Petro que forsan ille debe parlar a Catherina si ille vole remaner in Geneva.
In iste momento Catherina entra. Illa vole parlar con Petro, qui anque dice que ille vole parlar con illa. Francesca vade via, e Catherina explica a Petro un pauco sur le natura de su relationes con Alan. Il pare que omne es finite inter illes, e Petro dice a Catherina que ille nunc non vole vader a Mexico. Ben que Catherina personalmente volerea que Petro remane in Geneva, illa jam ha contractate un nove ingeniero pro su position in Geneva. Petro, naturalmente, es disappunctate.
Francesca: Petro?
Petro: Ah, Francesca, entra.
Francesca: Io ha parlate al senior Dumont in Paris.
Petro: Multo ben. Que diceva ille?
Francesca: Ille venira.
Petro: Le die tertie?
Francesca: Ille diceva que illo essera difficile, ma ille venira.
Petro: Ben. Gratias pro facer isto. Vos ha facite un bon travalio. On debe esser firme con iste ingenieros.
Francesca: Excusa me, ma io ha audite que tosto vos vadera a Mexico.
Petro: Io habeva ille intention, si.
Francesca: Vos non es contente con vostre decision?
Petro: Vermente no.
Francesca: Io sape que illo non es un affaire mie, ma proque vole vos vader ex Geneva?
Petro: Vermente, io non sape. Ante dece cinque dies, io pensava que illo esserea un bon idea.
Francesca: Ma non pote vos cambiar vostre decision? Vos poterea parlar de illo con Catherina. Io es confidente que illa prefererea que vos remaneva hic.
Petro: Si, io poterea parlar con illa.
Francesca: Ma proque non lo face vos tunc?
Petro: Il ha plus que illo.
Francesca: De que parla vos?
Petro: Eh ben, io non es completemente confidente que io ha obtenite iste position in Mexico.
Francesca: Ah si?
Petro: Si. Nullo ha essite finalisate. Io non ha ulle contracto. Il es possibile que illes dara le position a un altere persona.
Francesca: Ascolta, il me pare que le melior cosa a facer es parlar con Catherina ante que il es troppo tarde. Dice a illa que vos nunc vole continuar vostre travalio hic.
(Il ha un colpo sur le porta.)
Petro: Entra.
Catherina: Bon die, Petro.
Petro: Esque vos ha un minuta?
Catherina: Si. Que vole vos?
Petro: Eh ben, il es un pauco difficile.
Francesca: Bon. Io debe retornar a mi travalio. A revider.
Petro: A revider.
Catherina: De que voleva vos parlar?
Petro: Como va Alan?
Catherina: Alan?
Petro: Si.
Catherina: Eh ben, io crede que le cosas va assatis ben. Proque me demanda vos illo? Vos vole saper como es le cosas inter Alan e me?
Petro: Si, illo es lo que io voleva saper.
Catherina: Omne es finite inter nos. Quando io esseva in mi officio parlante con ille, io le diceva illo.
Petro: Ah si.
Catherina: E ... vos voleva parlar con me solmente sur illo?
Petro: Vermente no. Io vole parlar sur un altere cosa: Io vole remaner a Geneva. Io vole continuar mi travalio hic.
Catherina: Io comprende. Io personalmente volerea multo que vos remane hic, ma il ha un problema.
Petro: Que es illo?
Catherina: Io ha trovate un altere ingeniero pro vostre position. Ille va comenciar lunedi, de maniera que vos pote orientar le al officio e a vostre travalio.
Petro: Si, io comprende. Omne es decidite tunc?
Catherina: Si, e il esserea multo difficile cambiar iste situation.
Petro: Quando venira le nove ingeniero lunedi?
Catherina: In le matino. Io pensava que vos e ille poterea vader al reunion del commision. Vos sape lo que se passa, e vos potera orientar le al projecto egyptian.
Petro: Si. (Ubi travalia ille in iste momento?)/(Ubi sta a travaliar ille in iste momento?)
Catherina: In Paris.
Petro: Qui es ille?
Catherina: Vos jam le cognosce.
Petro: Ah si?
Catherina: Si. Vos e ille vos cognoceva un vice in le avion que vos apportava a Geneva. Le seconde vice vos le videva in Paris. Io ha audite que vos non esseva multo cortese con ille.
Petro: Que?
Catherina: Si, ille es John Melville.
Petro: Ma vos non pote travaliar con un homine como ille. Illo non es possibile.
Catherina: Proque non? Ille es multo ben qualificate. Ille cognosce multo ben le mestiero. Ille ha multe experientia.
Petro: No, ille simplemente non debe travaliar hic.
Catherina: Il non ha multo que on pote facer pro prevenir lo.
Petro: Ma il debe haber alique maniera de remediar isto nonobstante.
EXERCITIO 3: Ascoltar e comprender.
Guida: Tunc il pare que Petro va retrovar su car amico, senior Melville. Io esserea curiose saper como illes va tractar se mutuemente. Ma nunc, ecce un exercitio oral de interlingua:
Un femina: Io justo nunc ha recipite iste message pro le senior David Arnez, que veni de Gisele Moreau, qui audiva que ille va a quitar su appartamento. Il pare que illa travalia a medie tempore in le servicio de venditas e que un collega diceva que tosto iste appartamento esserea disponibile. In omne caso, Le seniora Moreau cerca un nove appartamento non multo distante del centro del citate. E como on ha dicite a illa que le senior Arnez va a quitar le pais, illa volerea examinar su appartamento, si illo es disponibile.
Un homine: Lege me le message que vos ha recipite in partes plus parve, e io va repeter lo a vos.
Un femina: Io justo nunc ha recipite un message.
Un homine: Vos justo nunc ha recipite un message.
Un femina: Iste message es pro le senior David Arnez.
Un homine: Vos justo nunc ha recipite iste message pro le senior David Arnez. De qui veni iste message?
Un femina: Iste message veni de Gisele Moreau.
Un homine: Vos justo nunc ha recipite iste message pro le senior David Arnez que veni de Gisele Moreau.
Un Femina: Gisele Moreau audiva que ille va a quitar su appartamento.
Un homine: Vos justo nunc ha recipite iste message pro le senior David Arnez que veni de Gisele Moreau, qui audiva que ille va a quitar su appartmento.
Un femina: Il pare que illa travalia a medio tempore.
Un homine: Vos justo nunc ha recipite iste message pro le senior David Arnez que veni de Gisele Moreau, qui audiva que ille va a quitar su appartamento. Il pare que illa travalia a medio tempore. Ubi travalia illa?
Un femina: Illa travalia in le servicio de venditas.
Un homine: Vos justo nunc ha recipite iste message pro le senior David Arnez qui veni de Gisele Moreau, qui audiva que ille va a quitar su appartamento. Il pare que illa travalia a medio tempore in le servicio de venditas.
Un femina: Un collega diceva que tosto iste appartamento essera disponibile.
Un homine: Vos justo nunc ha recipite iste message pro le senor David Arnez qui veni de Gisele Moreau, qui audiva que ille va a quitar su appartamento. Il pare que illa travalia a medio tempore in le servicio de venditas e que un collega ha dicite que tosto iste appartamento essera disponibile.
Un femina: In omne caso, le seniora Moreau cerca un nove appartamento. Iste appartamento debe esser non multo distante del centro del citate.
Un homine: Vos justo nunc ha recipite iste message pro le senor David Arnez qui veni de Gisele Moreau, qui audiva que ille va a quitar su appartamento. Il pare que illa travalia a medio tempore in le servicio de venditas e que un collega ha dicite que tosto iste appartamento essera disponibile. In omne caso le seniora Moreau cerca un nove appartamento, que debe esser non multo distante del centro del citate.
Un femina: On ha dicite a illa que le senior Arnez va a quitar le pais, e illa volerea examinar su appartamento, si illo es disponibile.
Un homine: Tunc vos justo nunc ha recipite iste message pro le senor David Arnez qui veni de Gisele Moreau, qui audiva que ille va a quitar su appartamento. Il pare que illa travalia a medio tempore in le servicio de venditas e que un collega ha dicite que tosto iste appartamento essera disponibile. In omne caso le seniora Moreau cerca un nove appartamento, que debe esser non multo distante del centro del citate. E como on ha dicite a illa que le senior Arnez va a quitar le pais, illa volerea examinar su appartamento si illo es disponibile. Esque io ha repetite omne le message?
Un femina: Si, vos lo ha repetite omne. Vostre memoria es multo bon. Vos esserea un bon actor.
SCENA 4: Le officios de Geneva: Catherina reintroduce Petro a John Melville e vade via unes minutas. Petro e John se reassecura le un al altere que illes va tractar se professionalmente. Le senior Melville explica a Petro que ille vole participar in le reunion como un observator.
Petro tunc demanda a Melville proque ille abandonava su previe position pro iste e essaya a persuader le que iste nove position non conveni a ille. Le senior Melville tamen insiste que iste nove position es perfecte pro ille in iste momento.
Catherina: Senior Melville, le senior Minelli. Io crede que vos jam vos cognosce.
Petro: Si. Nos nos ha cognoscite un o duo vices.
Melville: Si, illo es ver.
Catherina: A que hora comencia nostre reunion del commission?
Petro: A duo horas.
Catherina: Ben. Io va lassar vos parlar.
Melville: A revider, Catherina.
Petro: Bon.
Melville: Nos va a esser professional?
Petro: Professional, si.
Melville: Io volerea simplemente assister al reunion como obervator. Vos comprende? A iste puncto io vole solmente orientar me un pauco a lo que se face. Vos pote facer lo que vos vole, naturalmente.
Petro: Multo ben.
Melville: De omne manieras, io crede que io non va a comprender ullo.
Petro: Proque?
Melville: Illo essera troppo technic pro me.
Petro: Ma vos es un ingeniero.
Melville: Si, ma io recipeva mi diplomas ante multe tempore e le technologia ha cambiate. Omne nunc es completemente differente.
Petro: Melville, io volerea saper un cosa: Proque vole vos iste position?
Melville: Illo es un question amusante.
Petro: No, io parla seriosemente. Illo non es un travalio que conveni a vos.
Melville: Oh, al contrario. Io crede que il es un travalio ideal pro me.
Petro: Ma, post le position que vos habeva antea?
Melville: Io habeva mi rationes pro volar quitar lo.
Petro: E io, io vole restar hic.
Melville: Vermente?
Petro: Si, io vole restar a Geneva. Io non vole un travalio nove.
Melville: Eh ben, io lo regretta multissimo, ma il es un pauco tarde. Io nunc ha un contracto. Forsan il ha un altere position pro vos in iste officio?
Petro: Ma vos sape multo ben que iste position non vos conveni. Proque non vole vole retornar a vostre vetule position?
Melville: Reguarda, io regretta que io nunc ha vostre position, ma io simplemente non vole retornar a mi vetule position.
Petro: Proque?
Melville: Io non vole discuter illo. Io ha un contracto, e io vole remaner hic. Esque vos nunc pote monstrar me le programma pro iste postmeridie? Io volera studiar lo un pauco ante le reunion pro non parer un imbecilio durante que illo progrede.
EXERCITIO 4: Questiones e responsas (si/non).
Guida: Oh, le cosas non pare vader multo ben pro Petro in iste momento! Ma ille mesme ha un pauco de responsibilitate pro su proprie problemas. Io nunc volerea audir un pauco sur le formation de questiones al quales on pote responder con si o non e le diverse manieras de responder a illos:
Un femina: Vos vole vader nunc a London?
Un homine: Si, io va le septimana proxime.
Un femina: Esque vos ha comprate vostre billet de avion?
Un homine: Non io va a comprar lo iste postmeridie.
Un femina: Vos jam ha vadite a London, nonne?
Un homine: Si, io vadeva illac diverse vices ante multe tempore.
Un femina: Vostre femina vadera con vos?
Un homine: No, illo es un viage de affaires.
Un femina: E le Statos Unite, non vade vos illac iste anno?
Un homine: Si, sin dubita io vade illac in autumno.
Un femina: E vos vadera illac con vostre femina?
Un homine: Si, iste vice illa vadera con me. Nos essera in New York dece cinque dies.
Guida: Multo ben. Que nos nunc vide lo que Petro nunc face.
SCENE 3: The Geneva offices: After calling up Paris, Fancesca tells Petro that Mr. Dumont is going to be in Geneva on the third day of the month instead of the fourth. Petro thanks Francesca and congratulates her for having persuaded Dumont to come on time for the meeting.
Francesca then asks Petro if he is really going to go to Mexico. Petro confirms that he will possibly go there, and Francesca wants to know why he doesn't seem to be happier with the prospect of a new job. Afterward she suggests to Petro that maybe he should talk to Catherina if he wants to stay in Geneva.
At this moment Catherina comes in. She wants to talk with Petro, who also says that he wants to talk to her. Francesca leaves, and Catherina explains to Petro a little about the nature of her relationship with Alan. It seems that everything is over between them, and Petro says to Catherina that he now doesn't want to go to Mexico. Even though Catherina personally would prefer that Peter remain in Geneva, she has already hired a new engineer for his position in Geneva. Peter, naturally, is disappointed.
Francesca: Petro?
Petro: Ah, Francesca, come on in.
Francesca: I've talked with Mr. Dumont in Paris.
Petro: Fine. What did he say?
Francesca: He'll be coming.
Petro: On the third?
Francesca: He said that it will be difficult, but he'll come.
Petro: Fine. Thanks for doing this. You did a good job. You have to be firm with those engineers.
Francesca: Excuse me, but I have heard that soon you're gonna go to Mexico.
Petro: I had that intention, yes.
Francesca: Are you happy with your decision?
Petro: No, not really.
Francesca: I know that it is none of my business, but why do you want to leave Geneva?
Petro: Really, I don't know. Fifteen days ago, I thought it would be a good idea.
Francesca: But can't you change your decision? You could talk about it with Catherina. I'm sure she would like you to stay here.
Petro: Yeah, I could talk with her.
Francesca: So why don't you do so?
Petro: There's more involved than that.
Francesca: What are you talking about?
Petro: Well, I'm not completely sure that I have secured this position in Mexico.
Francesca: Oh yeah?
Petro: Yeah. Nothing's been finalized. I don't have any contract. It's possible that they will give the job to someone else.
Francesca: Listen, it seems to me that the best thing to do is talk with Catherina before it's too late. Tell her that you now want to go on working here.
(There's a knock on the door.)
Petro: Come in.
Catherina: Good morning, Petro.
Petro: Do you have a minute?
Catherina: Yes. What do you want?
Petro: Well, it's a little difficult.
Francesca: Fine. I'd better go back to my work. See you.
Petro: See you.
Catherina: What did you want to talk about?
Petro: How're things with Alan?
Catherina: Alan?
Petro: Yes.
Catherina: Okay. I think that things are going well enough. Why are you asking me that? Do you want to know how things are going between Alan and me?
Petro: Yes, that's what I wanted to know.
Catherina: Everything's finished between us. When I was in my office talking with him, I told him that.
Petro: Ah yes.
Catherina: And ... you wanted to talk with me about that?
Petro: Really, no. I wanted to talk about something else: I want to stay in Geneva. I want to continue my work here.
Catherina: I understand. I personally would really like for you to stay here, but there's a problem.
Petro: What is it?
Catherina: I've found another engineer for your position. He's gonna start Monday so that you can orient him to your office and to your work.
Petro: Yes, I understand. Everything is decided then?
Catherina: Yes, and it would be very hard to change this situation.
Petro: When will the new engineer be coming Monday?
Catherina: In the morning. I thought that you and he could go to the commission meeting. You know what is going on, and you will be able to orient him to the Egyptian project.
Petro: Yes. Where's he working right now?
Catherina: In Paris.
Petro: Who is he?
Catherina: You already know him.
Petro: Oh, yeah?
Catherina: Yes. You and he got to know each other in the plane that you took to Geneva. The second time you saw him in Paris. I heard that you weren't all that nice to him.
Petro: What?
Catherina: Yes, It's John Melville.
Petro: But you can't work with a man like him. That's not possible.
Catherina: Why not? He is very well qualified. He knows the field well. He has a lot of experience.
Petro: No, he simply should not work here.
Catherina: There's not much that can be done to prevent it.
Petro: But there must be something that can be done about this somehow.
EXERCISE 3: Listening and understanding.
Guide: So it seems that Petro is going to run once again into his good friend, Mr. Melville. I would certainly like to know how they are going to treat each other. But now, here's an oral Interlingua exercise:
A woman: I've just now received this message for Mr. David Arnez, which comes from Gisele Moreau, who heard that he is going to leave his apartment. It seems that she works half time in marketing Service and that a coworker said that this apartment will soon be available. In any case, Mrs. Moreau is looking for a new apartment not far from the downtown area of the city. And since she was told that Mr. Arnez is going to leave the country, she would like to take a look at his apartment, if it is available.
A man: Read me the message that you have received in smaller parts, and I'll repeat it to you.
A woman: I've just now received a message.
A man: You've just now received a message.
A woman: This message is for Mr. David Arnez.
A man: You've just now received a message for Mr. David Arnez. Who does this message come from?
A woman: This message comes from Gisele Moreau.
A man: You've just now received a message for Mr. David Arnez, which comes from Gisele Moreau.
A woman: Gisele Moreau heard that he is going to leave his apartment.
A man: You've just now received a message for Mr. David Arnez, which comes from Gisele Moreau, who heard that he is going to leave his apartment.
A woman: It seems that she works half time.
A man: You've just now received a message for Mr. David Arnez, which comes from Gisele Moreau, who heard that he is going to leave his apartment. It seems that she works half time. Where does she work?
A woman: She works in marketing Service.
A man: You've just now received a message for Mr. David Arnez, which comes from Gisele Moreau, who heard that he is going to leave his apartment. It seems that she works half time in marketing service.
A woman: A coworker said that soon this apartment will be available.
A man: You've just now received a message for Mr. David Arnez, which comes from Gisele Moreau, who heard that he is going to leave his apartment. It seems that she works half time in marketing service and that a coworker said that soon this apartment will be available.
A woman: In any case, Mrs. Moreau is looking for a new apartment. This apartment should be not far from the downtown area of the city.
A man: You've just now received a message for Mr. David Arnez, which comes from Gisele Moreau, who heard that he is going to leave his apartment. It seems that she works half time in marketing service and that a coworker said that soon this apartment will be available. In any case, Mrs. Moreau is looking for a new apartment, which should not be far from the downtown area of the city.
A woman: Someone said to her that Mr. Arnez is going to leave the country, and she would like to take a look at his apartment, if it is available.
A man: So you've just now received a message for Mr. David Arnez, which comes from Gisele Moreau, who heard that he is going to leave his apartment. It seems that she works half time in marketing service and that a coworker said that soon this apartment will be available. In any case, Mrs. Moreau is looking for a new apartment, which should not be far from the downtown area of the city. And since someone told her that Mr. Arnez is going to leave the country, she would like to take a look at the apartment if it is available. Have I repeated all the message?
A woman: Yes, you've repeated all of it. Your memory is very good. You would be a good actor.
SCENE 4: The Geneva offices: Catherina reintroduces Petro to John Melville and goes away for a few mintues. Petro and John reassure each other that they they are going to treat each other professionally. Mr. Melville explains to Petro that he wants to participate in the meeting as an observer.
Petro then asks Melville why he left his last job for this one and tries to persuade him that this new position is not suitable for him. Mr. Melville, however, insists that this new position is perfect for him at this moment.
Catherina: Mr. Melville, Mr. Minelli. I believe that you already know each other.
Petro: Yes. We got to know each other once or twice.
Melville: Yes, that's true.
Catherina: What time does our commission meeting start?
Petro: At two.
Catherina: Fine. I'm gonna let the two of you talk.
Melville: See you later Catherina.
Petro: Okay.
Melville: Are we going to be professional?
Petro: Professional, yes.
Melville: I would simply like to go to the meeting as an observer. You understand? At this point I would like to orient myself a little to what is happening. You can do what you want, naturlly.
Petro: Fine.
Melville: In any event, I don't think I'm going to understand anything.
Petro: Why?
Melville: It will be too technical for me.
Petro: But you're an engineer.
Melville: Yes, but I received my diplomas many years ago, and the technology has changed. Everything now is completely different.
Petro: Melville, I'd like to know one thing: Why do you want this position?
Melville: That's a funny question.
Petro: No, I'm speaking seriously. This is not a job that is suitable for you.
Melville: Oh, on the contrary. I think that it is an ideal job for me.
Peter: But after the job you had before?
Melville: I had my reasons for wanting to leave it.
Petro: And me, I want to stay here.
Melville: Really?
Petro: Yes, I want to stay in Geneva. I don't want a new job.
Melville: Okay, I'm very sorry, but it's a little late. I now have a contract. Perhaps there's another job for you in this office?
Petro: But you know very well that this job is not suitable for you. Why don't you want to go back to your old job?
Melville: Look, I'm sorry that I now have your job, but I simply don't want to return to my old one.
Petro: Why?
Melville: I don't want to discuss that. I have a contract, and I want to stay here. Can you now show me the program for this afternoon? I want to study it a little before the meeting so I won't seem stupid while it goes on.
EXERCISE 4: Questions and answers (yes/no).
Guide: Oh, things don't seem to be going very well for Peter right now! But he has himself to blame somewhat for his own problems. I now want to hear a little about the formation of yes/no questions and the ways they can be answered.
A woman: Do you want to go to London now?
A man: Yes, I'm going next week.
A woman: Have you bought your plane ticket?
A man: No, I'm gonna buy it this afternoon.
A woman: You've already gone to London, haven't you?
A man: Yes, I went there several times a long time ago.
A woman: Is your wife gonna go with you?
A man: No, this is a business trip.
A woman: And the United States, aren't you going there this year?
A man: Yes, no doubt I'll go there this fall.
A woman: Are you gonna go there with your wife?
A man: Yes, this time she will go with me. We will spend fifteen days in New York.
Guide: Fine. Let's now take a look at what Petro is doing right now.
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