Thursday, January 22, 2009
Capitulo 8, Scenas 5 e 6, Curso de conversation
(Languages of this post: Interlingua, English)
SCENA 5: Le officios de Geneva: Petro e John Melville parla post le reunion. Le senior Melville esseva multo impressionate per le professionalismo de omne le participantes in le reunion.
Petro telephona Francesca pro verificar si il ha ulle messages pro ille. Francesca lege a ille un littera de Transportes Mexico. Illo dice que Petro es exactemente le persona que illes necessita, e illes es preste a contractar le sin interviews ulterior. Isto surprende Petro proque ille habeva dictate un littera a illes indicante que ille non voleva le position.
Transportes Mexico dice que ille debera passar un examination medic ante instalar se in su nove position, ma le compania le assecura que isto probabilemente essera solmente un formalitate. Francesca tunc lege un telex a ille. Illo veni de Alicia, qui finalmente comprende que Petro non la vole como su secretaria. Iste nova, naturalmente, es anque un grande relevamento pro Petro.
Finalmente, Francesca dice que illa ha trovate in su bureau un littera sue a Mexico. Naturalmente, isto es un bon nova pro Petro. Il pare que ille oblidava mitter iste littera in le posta. Petro nunc comprende proque Transportes Mexico ha offerite a ille su nove position como ingeniero. Finalmente, ille retorna al reunion con le senior Melville.
Melville: Illes cognosce vermente ben lor mestiere, ille gente.
Petro: Illo es normal. Illes es le melior in lor specialitate.
Melville: Si, vermente.
Petro: Ascolta, esque vos me escusa? Io volerea telephonar Francesca pro verificar alique.
Melville: Si, naturalmente.
Petro: Hello, Francesca?
Francesca: Si?
Petro: Il es io, Petro.
Francesca: Bon die, Petro.
Petro: Ascolta: Esque il ha un message pro me? Un littera, alique simile?
Francesca: Si, il ha un telex e un littera.
Petro: De ubi veni le littera?
Francesca: Illo veni de ... Mexico.
Petro: Vermente? Esque vos pote lo aperir e leger me lo?
Francesca: Si, un momento. Illo veni de Transportes Mexico. Esque vos vole que io lege omne illo a vos?
Petro: Si, per favor.
Francesca: Multo ben: "Car senior Minelli, nos ha le placer de informar vos que vos es exactemente le persona que nos necessita."
Petro: Guai, ma io ha inviate un littera a illes dicente que io iva remaner hic in Geneva.
Melville: Un nova mal?
Petro: Si, in un senso.
Francesca: Perdon?
Petro: Nullo, nullo.
Francesca: Esque vos vole que io continua?
Petro: Si, per favor.
Francesca: "Nos ha audite tante cosas bon sur vos que il non nos pare necesse interviewar vos. Nos vole includer vos inter nostre personal immediatemente, si isto es possibile. Le sol precondition, que certemente vos parera normal, es que nostre servicio medic nos assecura, post un examination, que vostre sanitate es in un stato satisfactori. Nos es convencite que isto essera un simple formatilitate. Attendente le placer de reciper un responsa de vos ... "
Petro: Si.
Francesca: Le signatura al fin del littera es Roberto Rodriguez. E il ha anque un telex.
Petro: Esque vos pote leger me lo?
Francesca: "Car Petro, Vostre chef me ha dicite que vos vadeva pro Mexico e que vos non haberea besonio de mi servicios in le futuro. Io spera que vos habera multe successo in vostre nove position. Alicia."
Petro: Ah. Isto, al minus, es un bon nova.
Francesca: Oh, un momento, il ha un altere cosa que io ha oblidate.
Petro: Si?
Francesca: Inter vostre papiros io ha trovate un littera pro Mexico. Il pare que vos non lo ha date al servicio postal. Esque vos vole que io ...
Petro: No, no. Per favor, retene lo e da lo a me plus tarde.
Francesca: Multo ben. Isto es toto. Esque vos ha besonio de ulle altere cosa?
Petro: No, vermente no.
Francesca: Multo ben. A revider.
Petro: A revider.
Melville: Il me pare que nos nunc debe retornar al reunion.
Petro: Si, multo ben. Il va comenciar multo tosto.
EXERCITIO 5: (Il es io, il es ille, il es vos):
Guida: Developpamentos in le carriera de Petro vade de un maniera rapidissime pro ille. Felicemente, tamen, ille resta calme. Ma nunc io volerea audir un altere vice iste expressiones de identification que nos ha ascoltate.
Un homine: Qui ha respondite al telephono?
Un femina: Il es io. Il es io qui ha respondite al telephono.
Un homine: Esque il es illa qui ha scribite le littera?
Un femina: No, il non es illa. Il es ille. Il es ille qui ha scribite le littera.
Un homine: A vos place iste travalio?
Un femina: Si, illo es le typo de travalio que place a me. Il es le typo de travalio que me place.
Un homine: Vos ha travaliate pro iste compania pro multe tempore?
Un femina: Si, io travalia hic sex annos. Il es sex annos que io travalia in iste compania.
Un homine: Vos es contente de vader a Geneva?
Un femina: Si, pro me illo es un bon nova.
Un homine: A vos place viver hic?
Un femina: Si, illo es multo belle, iste apartamento.
Un homine: Vos sape facer iste exercitio?
Un femina: Si, illo es multo facile.
Un homine: Quales es le characteristicas de Paris que vos prefere?
Un femina: Lo que io prefere es le museos e le restaurantes.
Guida: Io crede que io comprende omne isto un pauco melio. A iste puncto, que nos vide lo que occurre con Petro.
SCENA 6: Le aeroporto de Geneva: Catherina e Petro es in le aeroporto. Le avion que portara Petro a Mexico va volar via multo tosto. Catherina dice que illa spera que illes se trovara un altere vice post que ille completara le tres annos de su nove contracto.
Petro tunc exprime su sperantia que Catherina habera multe successo in su projecto egyptian e que su relationes con le senior Melville vadera ben pro illa. Finalmente, ille se imbarca in le avion, exprimente su optimismo pro iste nove disveloppamento in su carriera.
Annunciator: Passageros pro le volo Lufthansa octo centos trenta cinque destinate a Mexico que non ha un carta de imbarcamento debera imbarcar se immediatemente per Porta quaranta e tres. On requesta que passageros qui ha un carta de imbarcamento usa le porta quaranta e duo.
Catherina: Isto es vostre volo.
Petro: Si. Io debe vader illac immediatemente, il me pare.
Catherina: Si. Bon. Io spera que possibilemente nos nos videra in le futuro.
Petro: E anque io.
Catherina: Reveni a travaliar con nos un die, si vos pote, post vostre contracto currente.
Petro: Illo me placerea multo.
Catherina: Quanto annos dura vostre contracto?
Petro: Tres.
Catherina: Illo es multe tempore, tres annos.
Petro: Si, vermente.
Catherina: A revider, Petro.
Petro: A revider, Catherina. Bon sorte con le contracto egyptian.
Catherina: Gratias. E bon sorte con vostre contracto currente.
Petro: Ah, non vos vos preoccupa. Omne vadera ben.
Catherina: Si. Bon viage, e bon sorte.
Petro: Si. Io es multo contente de haber facite vostre cognoscentia.
Catherina: Anque io.
Petro: A revider, Catherina.
Catherina: A revider, Petro.
SCENE 5: The Geneva offices: Petro and John Melville are talking after the meeting. Mr. Melville was very impressed with the professionalism of all the participants in the meeting.
Petro calls up Francesca to find out if there are any messages for him. Francesca reads him a letter from Transportes Mexico. It says that Petro is exactly the person that they need, and they are ready to hire him without further interviews. This surprises Petro because he had dictated a letter to them indicating that he did not want the job.
Transportes Mexico says that he will have to pass a medical examination before settling into his new position, but the company assures him that this will probably be only a formality. Francesca then reads a telex to him. It comes from Alicia, who finally understands that Petro does not want her as his secretary. This news, naturally, is a great relief for Petro.
Finally, Francesca says that she has found in his desk a letter of his to Mexico. Naturally, this is good news for Petro. Probably he forgot to drop this letter into the mail. Petro now understands why Transportes Mexico has offered him his new engineering job. Finally, he returns to the meeting with Mr. Melville.
Melville: They really know their work well, those people.
Petro: That's normal. They are the best in their specialty.
Melville: Yes, really.
Petro: Listen, will you excuse me. I want to call up Francesca to verify something.
Melville: Yes, naturally.
Petro: Hello, Francesca?
Francesca: Yes.
Petro: It's me, Petro.
Francesca: Good morning, Petro.
Petro: Listen. Is there a message for me? A letter, something similar?
Francesca: Yes, there is a telex, and also a letter.
Petro: Where is the letter from?
Francesca: It's from ... Mexico.
Petro: Really? Can you open it up and read me it?
Francesca: Yes, just a moment. It's from Transportes Mexico. Do you want me to read all of it to you?
Petro: Yes, please.
Francesca: Very well: "Dear Mr. Minelli, we have the pleasure of informing you that you are exactly the persona that we need."
Petro: Oh God, I sent them a letter saying that I was gonna remain here in Geneva?
Melville: A bad piece of news?
Petro: Yes, in a sense.
Francesca: Pardon?
Petro: Nothing, nothing.
Francesca: Do you want me to continue?
Petro: Yes, please.
Francesca: "We have heard so many good things about you that it does not seem necessary for us to interview you. We want to include you among our personnel immediately, if this is possible. The only precondition, which certainly will seem normal to you, is for our medical service to assure us, after an examination, that you health is in a satisfactory condition. We are convinced that this wil be a simple formality. Awaiting the pleasure of receiving a response from you ... "
Petro: Yes.
Francesca: The signature at the end of the letter is Roberto Rodgriguez. And there is also a telex.
Petro: Can you read it to me?
Francesca: "Dear Petro, Your supervisor has told me that you were going to Mexico and that you would not have need of my services in the future. I hope that you will have a lot of success in your new position. Alicia."
Petro: Ah. That, at least is a good piece of news.
Francesca: Oh, one moment, there is another thing that I forgot?
Petro: Yes?
Francesca: Among your papers I have found a letter to Mexico. It seems that you did not mail it out. Do you want me to ...
Petro: No no. Please, keep it and give it to me later.
Francesca: Very well. That's everything. Do you need anything else?
Petro: No, really no.
Francesca: Very well. See you.
Petro: See you.
Melville: It seems to me that we should now get back to the meeting.
Petro: Yes, very well. It's gonna start very soon.
EXERCISE 5: (It's me, it's him, it's you):
Guide: Developments in Petro's career are progressing very rapidly for him. Fortunately, however, he's remaining calm. But now I'd like to hear another time the expressions of identification that we have been hearing.
A man: Who's answered the phone?
A woman: It's me. I'm the one who's answered the phone.
A man: Is she the one who has written the letter?
a woman: No, it's not her. It him. He's the one who has written the letter.
A man: Do you like this work?
A woman: Yes, it is the kind of work that I like. It's the kind of work that pleases me.
A man: Have you worked for this company for long?
A woman: Yes, I have worked here for six years. It is now six years that I have been working for this company.
A man: Are you happy to be going to Geneva?
A woman: Yes, for me that's a good piece of news.
A man: Do you like to live here?
A woman: Yes, it's very nice, this apartment.
A man: Do you know how to do this exercise?
A woman: Yes, it's very easy.
A man: What are the things about Paris that you like?
A woman: What I like are the museums and the restaurants.
Guide: I think that I understand all this a little better. At this point, let's see what's happening with Petro.
SCENE 6: The Geneva Airport: Catherina and Petro are at the airport. The plane that will take Petro to Mexico is going to take off very soon. Catherina says that she hopes that they will run into each other another time after he finishes the three years of his new contract.
Petro then expresses his hope that Catherina will have a lot of success in her Egyptian project and that her relations with Mr. Melville will go well for her. Finally, he gets on the plane, expressing his optimism for this new development in his career.
Announcer: Passengers for the Lufthansa flight eight hundred thirty-five for Mexico who don't have a boarding pass should board the plane immediately through Door forty-three. Passengers with a boarding pass are requested to use Door forty-two.
Catherina: This is your flight.
Petro: Yes. I should go there immediately, it seems to me.
Catherina: Yes. Good. I hope that possibly we will see each other later on.
Petro: Me too.
Catherina: Come work with us sometime later, if you can, after your current contract is over.
Petro: I would like that a lot.
Catherina: How many years is you contract for?
Petro: Three.
Catherina: That's a lot of time, three years.
Petro: Yes, really.
Catherina: See you later, Petro.
Petro: See you later, Catherina. Good luck with the Egyptian contract.
Catherina: Thanks. And good luck with your current contract.
Petro: Oh, don't worry. Everything will go fine.
Catherina: Yes. Bon voyage, and good luck.
Petro: Yes. I am very happy to have gotten to know you.
Catherina: Me too.
Petro: See you later, Catherina.
Catherina: See you later, Petro.
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