Wednesday, January 21, 2009
(Languages of this post: Interlingua, Latin, English)
Hannibal, le filio de Hamilcar, nasceva in Cartagine. Ille sempre reteneva le odio de su patre verso le romanos, e nunquam lo oblidava. Post le prime guerra punic, quando ille esseva expellite in exilio de su patria, ille continuava con su planos pro facer le guerra contra le romanos. Assi, quando ille veniva a Syria, ille demandava a su rege Antiocho si ille poteva persuader le a luctar contra le romanos e diceva a ille iste parolas:
"Al etate de nove annos, mi patre, Hamilcar, durante que ille vadeva a Espania, faceva un sacrificio al deos. Al mesme tempore ille me demandava si io voleva continuar con ille. Me placeva multo audir isto, e io demandava que ille me lassava accompaniar le. 'Io lo facera,' ille me diceva, 'si tu me jura que tu nunquam habera relationes amical con le romanos.' Iste juramento que io dava a mi patre io sempre ha conservate, e nemo odia le romanos plus que io.
Tunc Hannibal con su patre comenciava su viage a Espania. Post multe annos, Hamilcar e Hasdrubal esseva occidite, e le armea voleva que ille lo duceva. Assi, Hannibal al etate de vinti e cinque annos deveniva su commandante. In tres annos ille conquireva omne le gente de Espania e recrutava tres armeas grande. Ex illos ille mitteva un a Africa, un altere remaneva in Espania sub le commando de su fratre, e le tertie ille duceva a Italia.
Ille veniva al Alpes, al quales nemo habeva vadite con un armea. Ille occideva le alpicos qui essayava stoppar le. Ille aperiva iste loco a su truppas e lo fortificava. A causa de su effortios, un elephante poteva vader a areas ubi un homine habeva potite reper solmente con difficultate. Ille arrivava a Italia e, post superar Scipione, essayava conquirer Etruria. In iste itinerario ille disveloppava un morbo al oculos, e postea ille non poteva usar su oculo dextre multo ben.
Ille conquireva multe duces e armeas roman; e le lista de su battalias es longe. Post le pugna Cannense nemo poteva contender contra ille in Italia. Quando Publio Scipione finalmente invadeva Africa, su patria le vocava ex Italia pro defender lo, e ille esseva conquerite a Zama. Assi post multe annos le romanos poteva liberar se de periculos carthaginense.
Hannibal, filius Hamilcaris, Carthagine natus est. Odium patris erga Romanos sic conservavit ut numquam id deponeret. Post primum bellum punicum, cum ex patria in exsilium expulsus esset, non reliquit studium belli Romanis inferendi. Quare, cum in Syriam venisset, Antiocho regi haec locutus est ut hunc quoque ad bellum cum Romanis inducere posset:
Me novem annos nato, pater meus, Hamilcar, in Hispaniam profiscens, sacrifium dis fecit. Eodem tempore quaesivit a me vellemne secum profisci. Cum id libenter audivissem et ab eo petivissem me secum ducere, tum ille 'Faciam,' inquit, 'si me juras te nunquam cum Romanis in amicitium futurum esse.' Id ius iurandum patri datum usque ad hanc aetatem ita conservavi ut nemo sit qui plus odii erga Romanos habeat."
Tum Hannibal cum patre in Hispaniam profectus est. Post multos annos, Hamilcare et Hasdrubale interfectis, exercitus ei imperium tradidit. Sic Hannibal, quinque et viginti annos natus, imperator factus est. Tribus annis omnes gentes Hispaniae superavit et tres exercitus maximos paravit. Ex his unum in Africam misit, alterum cum fratre in Hispania reliquit, tertium in Italiam secum duxit.
Ad Alpes venit, quas nemo umquam ante eum cum exercitu transierat. Alpicos contantes prohibere eum transitu occidit; loca patefecit ac munivit; effecit ut elephantus ire posset qua antea unus homo vix poterat repere. In Italiam tum pervenit et, Scipione superato, Etruriam petivit. Hoc in itinere tam gravi morbo oculorum adfectus est ut postea numquam dextro oculo bene uteretur.
Multos duces exercitusque Romanos superavit; longum est omnia proelia enumerare. Post Cannensem pugnam nemo ei in acie in Italia restitit. Cum autem P. Scipio tandem in Africam invasisset, Hannibal ad patriam defendam revocatus, Zamae victus est. Sic post multos annos Romani se periculo Punico liberare potuerunt.
Hannibal, the son of Hamilcar, was born in Carthage. He learned to hate Rome from his father and never put his hatred aside. After the first Punic war, when he was forced into exile, he did not give up on developing ways to wage war against the Romans. So when he came into Syria, he asked King Antoioch to start waging war with the Romans by saying the followng:
"When I was nine years old, my father, Hamilcar, on his way to Spain, made a sacrifice to the gods. At the same time he asked me if I wanted to go along with him. I was happy to hear this and asked him to take me along. He then said, ‘I will do so if you swear to me you will never have friendly relations with the Romans.' After swearing this oath to my father I have never broken it, and now nobody hates the Romans more than I do."
Then Hannibal set out for Spain with his father. After many years, Hamilcar and Hasdrubal were killed, and the army chose him as its commander. In three years he conquered all the people of Spain and put together three great armies. One of them he sent to Africa, another one he left in Spain with his brother, the third he took with him into Italy.
He came to the Alps, which nobody ever had gone over before with an army. He killed the Alpici who tried to stop him, opened the area up and fortified it, and was able to make an elephant go where a man had been able to crawl only with difficulty. He arrived in Italy and, after conquering Scipio, tried to get to Etruria. On his way he developed a grave illness in his eyes and afterward was never able to use his right eye very well.
He defeated many Roman generals and armies. It would take a long time to list all the battles. After the battle at Cannae, nobody was able to defeat him. When Publius Scipio invaded Africa, Hannibal was called back to to defend his country and was defeated at Zama. In this way after long period of years the Romans were able to free themselves from any further threats from Carthage.
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