Saturday, January 10, 2009
Le capital del Brasil es anque le capital de nove religiones.
(Languages of this post: Interlingua, English)
Desde su establimento ante quasi 50 (cinquanta) annos, le capital del Brasil, Brasilia, construite a grandissime costo in le interior del pais per le presidente brasilian Juscelino Kubitschek, ha essite un magnete, como Los Angeles, California, pro nove religiones de diversissime typos. Le membros de tal religiones crede que Brasilia es un fonte de inspiration spiritual e mesme, alicunos dice, le cuna de un nove racia de entes spiritualmente superior, in despecto del problemas economic e politic del Brasil.
Secundo Alex Shoumatoff, le autor de un libro sur le historia de Brasilia, iste parte del Brasil es tan potente como Sedona, Arizona, un parve municipio in le Statos Unite famose pro su "vortices de poter spiritual".
Multes ha venite a Brasilia proque illes crede que tosto va nascer in ille citate un nove etate spiritual illuminate. Inter illes es academicos e devotos de romances speculative basate sur le scientia e le technologia que imagina possibile societates del futuro.
Tal personas crede que Brasilia ha relationes special con le Egypto del Pharaones o con le citate Atlantide, que, secundo multes, existeva inter Europa e le Americas e que mesmo habeva disveloppate un societate illuminate con cognoscimentos spiritual, scientific, e technologic multo advantiate, le quales dispareva post que iste civilisation se affundeva in le Atlantico.
(Le evidentia pro le movimento gradual del continentes del mundo que produceva le Oceano Atlantic--un processo que mesmo nunc continua!--es ora ben cognoscite, e illo establi que il es pauchissimemente probabile que un tal citate existeva in un insula o sur un parve continente del Oceano Atlantic.)
Le sonios de iste mysticos se inspira per le architectura moderne de Brasilia, create principalmente per le architecto brasilian Oscar Niemeyer. Inter su creationes interessante es le duo edificios del congresso national brasilian, que resimila duo plattos pro sopa (o naves spatial de un civilisation advantiate), un de illos invertite. Inter iste edificios le sol se leva le 21 (vinti un) april, le die del inauguration del nove capital brasilian.
Le geographia de Brasilia es extraordinari. In omne directiones del citate se vide un symphonia de color characterisate per terra rubie e arbores verde con un celo blau, le quales se extende, il pare, completemente sin limites.
E secundo multes, Brasilia mesmo representa le completion de un prophetia importante. In 1883 un prestre italian, Dom Bosco, habeva un sonio extranee e mirabile de un terreno abundante in metales pretiose e in petroleo que esserea discoperite inter le dece-quinte e le vintessime parallelas. "Illac apparera un grande civilisation, un terra promettite coperite de lacte e melle”, scribeva ille. "Tal cosas apperera in le tertie generation."
Multes crede que Brasilia, que sta inter le dece-quinte e le dece-sexte parallelas, es le citate que Dom Bosco prevideva, e il pare que le presidente Juscelino Kubitschek anque credeva in iste prophetia.
Le construction de Brasilia comenciava in 1956 durante le tertie generation post le morte de Dom Bosco in 1888, secundo le calculationes de Kubitschek. "Le mysteriose fortias que regna sur le terra," ille scribeva in su memorias, "ha agite pro crear le opportunitate de converter le sonio vetule in un realitate."
Le idea de mover le capital del Brasil al interior del pais, e mesmo le nomine del capital, esseva proponite in le dece-none seculo, principalmente pro incoragiar le disveloppamento economic del interior del pais. Le constitution brasilian de 1891 mesmo dedicava un area de 14.250 (dece-quatro mille duo centos cinquanta) kilometros quadrate a iste projecto.
Le terreno selegite pro Brasilia in le interior del Brasil esseva a un distantia de 120 (cento vinti) kilometros del cammino le plus proxime, e Kubitschek debeva usar helicopteros pro transportar le prime laboratores, machinas, e materiales de construction al sito. Nemo voleva quitar Rio de Janeiro pro viver in le interior del pais, e Kubitschek debeva duplar le salarios de su operarios pro interessar les in le travalio. Le costos de construction esseva enorme, e multe brasilianos credeva que Kubitschek esseva folle.
Il habeva un componente ideologic in le construction de Brasilia que Oscar Niemeyer e su callaboratores--Lucio Costa e Roberto Burle Marx--essayava symbolisar in le designo aviforme del urbe. Le alas del ave esseva le areas residential. E le corpore del ave contineva diverse edificios ministerial e le palatios del presidente, del congresso, e del corte supreme in un "axe monumental".
Immediatemente post le die de su dedication, un grande numero de mysticos vadeva a Brasilia. Un numero reducite de illes establiva illac (como in Sedona, Arizona, e Los Angeles, California) nove religiones que ha atrahite un numero considerabile de adherentes. Le pace e harmonia universal e le identification de Brasilia con le capital del Egypto del pharaones es themas frequente inter iste religiones.
Unes ex le habitantes de Brasilia crede que Kubitschek es un incarnation directe del Pharaon Akhnaton, qui essayava converter Egypto al monotheismo ante circa 3.000 (tres mille) annos. Illes mesmo crede que Brasilia ha le destino de devenir le capital del tertie millennio.
Ma le realitate contemporanee de Brasilia es differente del optismo de iste predictiones. In vice de prosperitate universal, il ha un area in Brasilia ubi vive le ricos del urbe, con un numero multissimo plus grande de immunde quartieros insalubre pro su population povre dispersate in multe altere partes del urbe, e multes ex illos non es in le areas residential originalmente planificate per Niemeyer e su collaboratores!
Visitantes a Brasilia anque se plange del grande stratas del citate, del congestion de su traffico, e de lor hostilitate generalisate contra pedones (in isto Brasilia es anque multo simile a multe partes de Los Angeles, California). E le area occupate per le governamento federal del Brasil, secundo multes, es un ingente deserto characterisate per un numero assatis limitate de edificios ministerial separate per enormissime gazones.
Ben que le evolution de Brasilia ha multe aspectos triste, Curitiba, in le sud del Brasil, ha essite assatis felice in su planification e administration public, que include, inter alia, multe belle parcos municipal; un systema de transportation public multo economic e efficace; un rete de scholas con programmas pragmatic, economic, e utile pro omne le residentes del citate; e altere programmas social, includente un projecto pro promover le recyclamento in le qual le povres del citate porta materiales recyclabile a diverse centros in le citate a cambio de fructos e legumines, que meliora considerabilemente lor dietas. Multes de illes mesmo recipe salarios pro lor travalio in iste centrales. E generalmente le curitibanos ama lor citate!
The capital of Brazil is also (a capital for new religions)/(the capital of new religions)
Since its establishment almost fifty years ago, the capital of Brazil, Brasilia, built at a great cost in the interior of the country by the Brazilian president Juscelino Kubitschek, has been a magnet, like Los Angeles, California, for new religions of many unusual types. The members of these religions believe that Brasilia is a source of spiritual inspiration and even, some say, the cradle of a new race of spiritually superior beings, despite the political and economic problems of Brazil.
According to Alex Shoumatoff, the author of a book on the history of Brasilia, this part of Brazil is as powerful as Sedona, Arizona, a small town in the United States famous for its "vortices of spiritual power."
Many have come to Brasilia because they believe that soon a new era of spiritual enlightenment is going to be born in that city. Among them are academics and fans of speculative novels based on science and technology that imagine possible future societies.
Such people believe that Brasilia has special relations with the Egypt of the pharaohs or with the city of Atlantis, which, according to many, existed between Europe and the Americas and which even had developed an enlightened society with very advanced spiritual, scientific, and technological knowledge, which disappeared after this civilization sank into the Atlantic.
(Evidence for the gradual movement of the continents of the world that produced the Atlantic Ocean--a process that is [continuing]/[going on] even now!--is well known, and it establishes that it is very unlikely that such a city existed on an island or a small continent in the Atlantic Ocean.)
The dreams of these mystics are inspired by the modern architecture of Brasilia, created principally by the Brazilian architect Oscar Niemeyer. Among his interesting creations are the two buildings housing the Brazilian national congress, which resemble two soup plates (or spaceships from an advanced civilization), one of them [inverted]/[upside down]). Between these buildings the sun rises on the twenty-first of April, the inauguration day for the new Brazilian capital.
The geography of Brasilia is extraordinary. In every direction from the city it is possible to see a symphony of color characterized by red earth and green trees with a blue sky, which extend, it seems, (completely without limits)/(without any limits at all).
And according to many, Brasilia even represents the fulfillment of an important prophecy. In 1883 (eighteen eighty-three) an Italian priest, Dom Bosco, had a strange and wonderful dream of a stretch of earth abundant in precious metals and in petroleum that would be discovered between the fifteenth and the twentieth parallels. "There a great civilization will arise, a promised land covered with milk and honey," he wrote. "Such things will appear in the third generation."
Many believe that Brasilia, which is between the fifteenth and the sixteenth parallels, is the city that Dom Bosco envisioned, and it seems that president Juscelino Kubitschek also believed in this prophecy.
The construction of Brasilia started/began in 1956 during the third generation after the Dom Bosco's death, according to Kubitschek's calculations. "The mysterious forces that reign over the earth," he wrote in his memoirs, "have acted to create an opportunity to convert the old dream into (a) reality."
The idea of moving the capital of Brazil to the interior of the country, and even the name of the capital, was proposed in the nineteenth century, principally to encourage the economic development of Brazil's interior. The Brazilian constitution of 1891 even dedicted an area of 14,250 (fourteen thousand two hundred fifty) square kilometers to this project.
The land/terrain selected for Brasilia in the interior of Brazil was at a distance of 120 (one hundred twenty) kilometers from the nearest road, and Kubitschek had to use helicopters to transport the first laborers, machines, and construction materials to the site. No one wanted to leave Rio de Janeiro to live in Brazil's interior, and Kubitschek had to double the salaries of his workers to interest them in the work. The construction costs were enormous, and many Brazilians believed that Kubitschek was crazy.
There was an ideological component in the construction of Brasilia that Oscar Niemeyer and his collaborators--Lucio Costa and Robert Burle Marx--tried to symbolize in the aviform/birdlike design of the city. The wings of the bird were the residential areas. And the body of the bird contained different ministerial buildings, the presidential palace, and buildings for the congress and supreme court in a "monumental axis."
Immediately after the day of its dedication, a large number of mystics went to Brasilia. A rather reduced number of them established there (as in Sedona, Arizona, and Los Angeles, California) new religions that have attracted a considerable number of adherents. Peace and universal harmony and the identification of Brasilia with the capital of the Egypt of the Pharaohs are frequent themes in these religions.
Some of the inhabitants of Brasilia believe that Kubitschek is a direct incarnation of the Pharaoh Akhnaton, who tried to convert Egypt to monotheism about 3,000 (three thousand) years ago. They even believe that Brasilia is destined to become the capital of the Third Millennium.
But the contemporary reality of Brasilia is different from the optimism of these predictions. Instead of universal prosperity, there is an area in Brasilia for its wealthy people, with a much larger number of dirty, unhealthy neighborhoods for its impoverished population scattered in many other parts of the city, and many of them are not in the residential areas originally planned by Niemeyer and his collaborators!
Visitors to Brasilia also complain about the big streets of the city, its traffic congestion, and a generalized hostility against pedestrians (in this Brasilia is also very similar to many parts of Los Angeles, California). And the land occupied by the federal government of Brazil, according to many, is a gigantic desert characterized by a rather limited number of ministerial buildings separated by enormous lawns.
Though the evolution of Brasilia has many sad aspects, Curitiba, in the south of Brazil, has been rather happy in its planning and public administration, which include, among other things, many beautiful municipal parks; a very cheap and efficient public-transportation system; a network of schools with cheap, pragmatic, and useful programs for all the residents of the city; and other social programs, including a project to promote recycling in which the poor of the city bring recyclable materials to various centers in the city in exchange for fruits and vegetables, which considerably improve their diets. Many of them even receive salaries for their work at these centers. And generally the people of Curitiba love their city!
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